Q: Most Lucrative Crafting Profession?
lol… I would say none are very lucrative. I have 400 in the Tailoring, Weaponsmithing, and Jewelry crafts. You might be able to make 10-20 silver crafting a popular high-demand exotic, but generally speaking you typically would make more money by just doing dynamic events, gathering materials, or even just farming mobs. You really have to check the market and see for yourself, what items you might be able to make a few silver off that day. The market changes almost every day.
Please dont give away trade secrets.
I’d like to know the answer to this too, but I suspect the previous poster is correct. I’m only level 25 or so, but I’ve been keeping an eye on the market since I’ve been planning on starting up a profession, but so far I have not found anything that I could produce that would make me more money than just selling the ingredients separately.
There are some that can make you a “profit”, as far as putting in X gold and getting more than X gold out, even after 15% tax.
But in return, you have to consume a resource that is currently non-tradeable.
If you want straight profit, just for having 400 in a profession, you might be out of luck. Maxed crafters are way too common. Even if there was a slight market edge you find, I feel like it would be minor at best.
Even now, you can still make a profit on crafting level 80 rare weaponry because the Mystic Forge is still driving a huge demand for them.
The edge is pretty slight as a percentage, but they’re traded in large quantities.
Some exotics can give you 10-15s profit after taxes if you aren’t impatient.
Making the wrong one can set you back 50-60s so be careful, or don’t play in that sandbox.
The only profit i see from crafting is not paying high prices for decent gear. And all can be profitable if you farm your own materials, but if you plan on buying items on tp and crafting and reselling a finished product your not going to make much money.
It’s easy to make a profit once you know what to make and what to price it at. In my experience I can’t tell you what to craft and what items bc then it’s just more economical competition but just know its there for anyone that cracks that money making matrix
Level 400 – Jewler – Huntsman – Leatherworker
Turning a 2 gold production into a 5 gold profit FTW baby!
the best way to make a profit is to find your own mats, buying mats from TP will only yield as mentioned 10-20 silver …and even then there is always someone making them in bulk to outbid you. Other than that you can watch for trends – like what happened with mystic coins, and act on them as fast as you can before everyone else does it.
1 crafting is a terrible way to try and make money.
2 The only time it is worth the bother isif you notice a niche which no one else is doing at the time.
3 if even 1 more person were to compete in a given niche it would no longer be profitable – so anyone would be a fool to help you.
This is what happens when you combine faceroll-easy difficulty with a deluge of high tier equipment.
Even consumables are near-worthless in this game, which is a feat in and of itself, considering how lucrative crafting consumables is in most MMOs.
Answer: none of them.
cooking can be pretty good. There are certain cooking items which make me a fair amount of money. I won’t give away which ones but they are always going for double the price of the mats for whatever reason
GW2’s crafting model isn’t set up to make crafting lucrative. If you want a game where you can make money crafting stuff this is not the game for you.
I made some decent money a few weeks ago(30-40s per item, while buying all the mats from the TP). Sadly, others picked up on it quickly and the market has fallen so low that you only break even(aka a waste of time).
Crafting in general won’t net you a lot of money in itself. In fact in many cases you’ll make more money buy selling the raw materials.
That is…unless you can find a specific market niche. Sometimes people sell of specific components for less than their raw materials are worth so there’s a profit margin to be had.
But during all that time you also have to consider the opportunity costs. All the time you spend crafting and scanning the TP could also spent farming Events like a Bot (I mean like a Boss). Not only would that net you a lot of loot but also a lot of Karma.
Over the last 3 days I made 3 gold doing nothing but crafting with two level 30-ish alts who went from 220ish to 350 in four crafts. A big part of the fun was figuring out what would be profitable and sell, and what would not. The money is there to be made.
As one person said, specific components are sometimes available at a substantial discount from market. This is especially true of things that people make in bulk to level up. It sometimes takes patience, too – I almost never buy from the TP at the asked price, and instead put in a bid. Sometimes, my bid doesn’t get filled, so I rebid, or just make the component from raw materials.
As Dee Jay said, there’s an opportunity cost. You have to enjoy the process of figuring out where the profit is, and if you don’t enjoy it you’re better off playing in another part of the game.
Crafting was much more lucrative back in the days… before everyone started hitting 400 master level – now, because there is so much competition the margins are getting a lot tighter so you need to think in more creative ways, how to become most profitable.
Find where the demand is and create for that particular market. But work out your production cost + margin and factor in risk and you should be doing alright.
Commander @ Tarnished Coast
Best crafting profession around: Salvaging
’nuff said.
Okey, I decided not to be complete jerk. I do have master crafter and I do all crafts for profits (not cooking, since guildie does that and I don’t want to step on his toes). The small little things to remember are
- Find cheap materials. Just collecting them yourself (farming) doesn’t often bring enough bread to table. Sure you can do that too, but farming ain’t crafting.
- Find out what sells.
- Don’t be too greedy. Just because some item could have 50 silver profit margin for 2g investment, it doesn’t mean that’s an autowin stituation. Huge profits bring in huge competition. Fair price gives less competition and sells more in long run.
- Patience – you might need to wait some items to sell over weekend even if you craft them wednesday.
- ..which leads to gold and capita. You need some gold to buy enough materials (in bulk) when they’re cheap and you need to have enough money so you can spread out instead of selling just 1 item.
- Homework. Find out what sells, for what price, when it sells, how much it costs to make and how much cheaper you could make it. Find out where’s competition and where you can compete yourself.
See, I gave plenty of tips. Now I’ll end up broke cause increased competition. Why oh why did I do that? Maybe I’m misleading you, and hoarded all materials, and wait their price to rise! Evil genius!
Outsource rng → profit.
(edited by Articluna.4509)