Question about Charged Lodestones and the Mystic Forge.

Question about Charged Lodestones and the Mystic Forge.

in Crafting

Posted by: Tayledras.1604


So I am on the wiki site looking at the weapons that can be made in the mystic forge and I am seeing a lot of “50 molten lodestone” here and “50 destroyer lodestone” there. Has anyone come up with a way to make weapons with Charged Lodestones other than the legendaries?

I would love to see something like 50 Charged + X + X + X = Exotic lightning effect weapon.

They shall call me Thor…

If you want peace, prepare for war.

Question about Charged Lodestones and the Mystic Forge.

in Crafting

Posted by: Crake.5827


I was actually looking through the item ID range that spans mystic forge weapons and you’ll be happy to know that there is infact a hammer made entirely of lightning particle effects

Paste that into chat to view it, its item ID is 31079

I have no idea what you need to do to make it, but I’m guessing it involves charged lodestones

Question about Charged Lodestones and the Mystic Forge.

in Crafting

Posted by: Tayledras.1604


I’ll go try that out…thanks Crake!

If you want peace, prepare for war.