Quick question

Quick question

in Crafting

Posted by: Hex Kor.4089

Hex Kor.4089

Simple Question:

Is the Recipe for [The Crossing] still available in the Mystic Forge?

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Quick question

in Crafting

Posted by: Direwulff.2396


Nearly fifty views, no responses.

So no one knows, then? Shame.

i am having that issue with my sigil/runes questions. though it was a dumb question but guess it is not that readily avail.

Quick question

in Crafting

Posted by: Berkut.2837


I think that there aren’t as many people looking to craft these things now that the event is over. That would mean very few people could confirm whether the recipe is still functional or not (especially considering that some of the supplies are now a limited quantity).

You could try putting in just a couple of items for the recipe and see if it still acknowledges it (not the right quantities, but all 4 items). If it acknowledges it, that might suggest the recipe is still valid.

You might want to consider just outright buying the item too. Some (such as Arachnophobia) are much cheaper on the Trading Post than it’s components are (it is around 44g or so right now I think).

Auri Nimayil: Lvl 80 Thief (Kaineng)