Quick question on Gift of Mastery

Quick question on Gift of Mastery

in Crafting

Posted by: akamon.2769


i’m starting my legendary track for Rodgort since i’ve been playing with torch a lot more.. i really only main my Guardian and i’ve spent most of my skillpoints on Juggernaut a few months back.. and haven’t been actively collecting mats, etc or saving karma lol sicne i didn’t think i’d go for another legendary, but this will be another proejct on the side. : ))

so main question is.. i have about 50 odd skillpoints now but i’ll need something around 350 total if i’m lucky. i assume Gift of Mastery is account bound? so i was thinking would it be better to level up one of my alts and map complete for the skillpoints, craft the gift using them and then later on when i have all other things, have my Guardian craft the weapon?

i dont’ feel leveling up is slow at all in this game, but i feel if i’m getting SP’s only through leveling, it could take a lot longer. and i guess i can finally map complete and level up my alts too. XDD

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

Quick question on Gift of Mastery

in Crafting

Posted by: lcpdragonslayer.7895


I think the only part of the legendary that is soulbound is the bloodstone shard.

But once you chuck that into the Mystic Toilet for the Gift of Mastery, the gift is accountbound. You can do the obsidian shards, 100% map complete and WvW components on other characters if you like, but it makes sense to do at least the 100% map complete and bloodstone shard using the same character.

Quick question on Gift of Mastery

in Crafting

Posted by: akamon.2769


sweet, thanks for the reply and confirmation.

yea i was planning to use one of my alts for the bloodstone shard and gift of mastery. i have one gift of explroation (the one you get for 100% map) left over as well so i can use that. but might as well map complete again ; )) it was fun the last time i did it!

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall