"Rabid equipment": Rabid jewel, does it exist?

"Rabid equipment": Rabid jewel, does it exist?

in Crafting

Posted by: Cancer.9065




I want to craft equipment for a conditions necro so I need +Cond and +toughness. As I understand this would be “rabid equipment”. I saw on a skill calculator something called a “rabid jewel” (for rings and amulets) but I have no idea if its something craftable or not. What about armor? Can armor be “rabid” ?

Anyone has some insight on rabid equipment? is it discoverable? mats? or were to buy the recipe?

Seriosuly any information at all, thanks!

Cancer is also a Zodiac sign.

"Rabid equipment": Rabid jewel, does it exist?

in Crafting

Posted by: chuiu.4985



There are no exotic jewelry in the game with rabid stats, trust me I’ve searched for them!

ANET, we could really use these. They are in pvp so we would love to see them in pve so they can be used for dungeons and WvW.

This isn’t the only set missing, either. I heard shamans isn’t there. It would be nice if we could craft both these sets from our armor making professions and jewelry. I’ve suggested this before but it would be easy to make some new recipes by combining different trophies together.

Bones + Venom = Rabid stats
Bones + Totems = Shaman

It also helps give more use to the massive market of unused bones. For jewelry:

Coral + Chrysocola = Rabid stats
Chrysocola + Sapphire = Shaman

I don’t know what other sets are missing pve equivalents, but I’m sure they would be easy to make item combinations for.

"Rabid equipment": Rabid jewel, does it exist?

in Crafting

Posted by: Hellpunk.1978


As far I have seen nothing of it exists on the trading post.
As a ranger I’m also going for condition damage and there are no attainable rabid trinkets in PvE.
There are also several other important combinations missing besides rabid.

I hope they add the missing stat combinations later on.

"Rabid equipment": Rabid jewel, does it exist?

in Crafting

Posted by: Tricsun.9682


I think what you’re looking for is Medallion of the Rabid.

"Rabid equipment": Rabid jewel, does it exist?

in Crafting

Posted by: Cancer.9065


Hopefully… atm being a conditions necro is good up unitl leevl 70 then is downhill… while playable its just less fun…

Guess Ill try an alt for now unitl there is more info on +cond gear.

Cancer is also a Zodiac sign.

"Rabid equipment": Rabid jewel, does it exist?

in Crafting

Posted by: Jest.9276


It may be a bit early to say for sure that they aren’t on PvE side. Could be available through discovery or a possible MF combination for the recipe.

"Rabid equipment": Rabid jewel, does it exist?

in Crafting

Posted by: They are hashes.4523

They are hashes.4523

Magic find + Condition damage on Rings, Accesories and Amulets is also missing.

"Rabid equipment": Rabid jewel, does it exist?

in Crafting

Posted by: Belzebu.3912


To craft rabid stats there isn’t, but I found that the Order of Whispers armor have the rabid status “Cond. Damage, Toughness and Precision”.
Jewels I have no idea, MAYBE some karma vendor may offer jewels with rabid status.
I agree that rabid, shaman, celestial, and other status, should be available in the PvE and not only in sPvP.

Charter Vanguard [CV] – HoD
Bardy Belzebuson – Ranger Sir Belzebu – Herald
(and the other 8 elite specs maxed too)

"Rabid equipment": Rabid jewel, does it exist?

in Crafting

Posted by: lotusedge.6743


Bumping this because I am looking for exotic tier rabid gear but I cant seem to find any. As belzebu said there are rare tier 80 rabid gear in the order of whispers and it is decently priced. But as I said before there doesnt seem to be an exotic tier of rabid gear in the world or craft-able that I could see and I could really use it for my thief to add a bit more staying power in WvW and dungeons.

"Rabid equipment": Rabid jewel, does it exist?

in Crafting

Posted by: Xandrus.9807


TA has a Cond. Dmg, Precision, Toughness set.

"Rabid equipment": Rabid jewel, does it exist?

in Crafting

Posted by: urtv.8791


i find it stupid how every crafted jewel has power