Really getting frustrated with vanilla/butter/chocolate drop rates

Really getting frustrated with vanilla/butter/chocolate drop rates

in Crafting

Posted by: Heatsink.5794


I need vanilla, and I scour metrica to only get 5 beans? And Caledon forest is no better.

I need butter/chocolate now, which used to drop like crazy. And then the drop rates get nerfed, right when I need butter & chocolate. Butter is used in all kinds of recipes. There is no reason to limit it that I can think of. On a related note, do bandits have a patent on butter? Are churns exotic and mystical technology the general populace can’t seem to figure out?

Really getting frustrated with vanilla/butter/chocolate drop rates

in Crafting

Posted by: Prophet.6954


Buy it off the trading post? I got personally sick of fighting pirates for 30 minutes during a chain of events, and literally half my loot was butter. I’m glad its been corrected. You can have mine and give me some hides! =P