Recipe Bugged, Lost 70g+ in mats, A-Net says oh well, sorry? Lindsey Help!!!

Recipe Bugged, Lost 70g+ in mats, A-Net says oh well, sorry? Lindsey Help!!!

in Crafting

Posted by: Darkaeon.1485



So I put in a report already, hadn’t seen any other posts ever confirming this recipe to be bugged, so I wanted to warn everyone else before they tried it! Last night I tried to craft the “Abyssal Scepter” using the recipe of 1 Eidritch Scroll, 100 Mystic Coins, 250 Ectoplasm, and 250 Ancient Scepter Rods. This is the recipe that seemed to be most obvious since all the other recipe’s of similar weapons/items with the Mesmer Effect have been made off of Ecto based recipe’s as well. I tried with Core and Rod, the Rod was the only thing that fit with the Ecto’s.

Well, after several days of farming and finally getting all the mats together, and even buying some gems out of pocket so that I could be the first to confirm this awesome Scepter’s Recipe, I received a “Mystic Wand” as my output from the recipe I used!!! Seriously? “Mystic Wand” already has it’s recipe and it’s a heck of a lot less mats/gold than what I put in hoping for Abyssal Scepter! I mean I understand the recipe wasn’t confirmed, but it seemed fairly obvious, and at the least I would have expected some named/unique item for the cost of the mats I dropped in the forge!

I know it’s not a legendary or anything, but this was my legendary. This item is 100x cooler looking than the legendary scepter IMO, and I was really exited to finally have it completed, only to be crushed by this bug! I already had a “Mystic Wand” and if I wanted another I could spend 2-3g and get it, not drop over 70g worth of mats to get completely ripped off! I mean come on now, I know A-Net is one of the few companies that usually cares about their customers, so I want to put this out for everyone to see, so that they have to make it right!

I submitted a report for this bug, and asked for the returning of my mats, or them to fix the bug and replace the Mystic Wand in my bags with the Abyssal Scepter that it should be! Kinda disappointing and ruins the excitement of getting that discovery, but after the kick down south I felt when I saw I got the Mystic Wand, I just want this fixed now. There response to my report is included below:

“Hi there;

We are very sorry to hear you ran into this issue. I’m afraid though that we don’t actually have a way to restore an item or items on a character once that item has been deleted or lost during a transmute. We would love to be able to assist with these matters, but we just don’t have the systems in place currently to allow for this sort of restoration. We understand this may be rather frustrating, so we apologies for any distress this causes you. We are working with the development team though to try and figure out a way to offer such services. In the meantime though we can simply not offer any compensation.

That said I would suggest keeping an eye on our main site , our Twitter #!/guildwars2, and our Facebook Once we do have some information about possibly being able to make such restorations, we should post on those sites to let everyone know. For now you will have to keep things the way they are, but we thank you for your understanding and we hope you still have a blast playing the game.

Guild Wars Support Team"

Seriously? You can design a game of this magnitude yet have no way to replace or fix my issue?!!! I’m detecting a computer generated “we really don’t care” response here, and I expected better from A-Net! I love this game, and have had a blast thus far, but how can you tell your customer base “oh well, sorry you got screwed, nothing we can do!” That’s just a terrible approach, and terrible support, and I feel that we deserve better than that!

So in my response I basically stated that if the items could not be refunded because they “don’t have the capability” then at the very least they should reimburse me with gems equalling the total value of the items that I lost, so that I could convert that into gold and at the very least put it towards another item. My time and effort and even money spent should not be in vein and given an “oh well”… that’s just not right! Even the horrible horrible customer service of that evil “Hello Panda” corporation known as blizzard is able to make things right for their customers when they are at fault due to a game bug or design!

I know there has to be something more that can be done here, A-Net has consistently proven that they are one of the few companies that does care about their player base, so I’m hoping they will make this right, as well as respond on here to let everyone know they intend to do so. Here you go A-Net, balls in your court. Please fix this, and make it right!


Recipe Bugged, Lost 70g+ in mats, A-Net says oh well, sorry? Lindsey Help!!!

in Crafting

Posted by: Darkaeon.1485


Wanted to included another SS with the “Mystic Wand” shown in my bags, and you can tell from the chat box that I clearly got let down!


Recipe Bugged, Lost 70g+ in mats, A-Net says oh well, sorry? Lindsey Help!!!

in Crafting

Posted by: Sorry.6741


That really sucks!
I can recall someone experiencing the same thing, but with a staff – the one with giant eyes. They also got a mystic staff instead. That recipe has since been fixed to reward Melandrus staff.
The response she got was the same as yours. They cant return the items, and they have no way to track that you did infact use those ingrediants and got the mystic staff, although Im sure they can reproduce it and confirm the bug is there.

I know it is disheartening, and it is very unfortunate that there are these bugs still.

Recipe Bugged, Lost 70g+ in mats, A-Net says oh well, sorry? Lindsey Help!!!

in Crafting

Posted by: arcqe.6734


while it’s nice you’re warning people, I don’t see how raging on the forums fixes anything.

usually somewhere

Recipe Bugged, Lost 70g+ in mats, A-Net says oh well, sorry? Lindsey Help!!!

in Crafting

Posted by: penatbater.4710


There should really be a way for us to check if the recipe is bugged or not. If they can’t track it, if I took a vid is that proof enough? :| Next time I try an unknown recipe, I’ll post a thread or even send a support ticket just to verify that the recipe does work. This totally sucks man. I wish you can get reimbursed somehow.

Don’t disturb me, I have a cat in me at the moment.

Recipe Bugged, Lost 70g+ in mats, A-Net says oh well, sorry? Lindsey Help!!!

in Crafting

Posted by: Dragonsbane.1562


I don’t see how they cannot reimburse the mats…they are part of the game aren’t they, and they can send the mats via in-game mail imo. Great game other than that poor customer response.

Recipe Bugged, Lost 70g+ in mats, A-Net says oh well, sorry? Lindsey Help!!!

in Crafting

Posted by: Darkaeon.1485


while it’s nice you’re warning people, I don’t see how raging on the forums fixes anything.

Pretty sure I’m not raging on the forums. I’m entitled to express my displeasure towards the way they handled my situation thus far. Raging would be if I came on typing in all caps cursing out the devs and telling them this game sucks… which it doesn’t, and I wouldn’t do that. I brought up my situation, and the companies current response to the problem, because I feel that it should be made known to everyone. Nothing wrong with that. Pretty sure I’ve earned my right to free speech!

Recipe Bugged, Lost 70g+ in mats, A-Net says oh well, sorry? Lindsey Help!!!

in Crafting

Posted by: datus.4187


while it’s nice you’re warning people, I don’t see how raging on the forums fixes anything.

Because trolling fixes things.