Returning player, going for Twilight.
I would say that you shouldn’t put your hopes on a legendary if you are seeking encouragement and support. While you may have a lot of the needed materials, if you do not have a precursor, then you are looking to be paying 2000 gold or even double that…I`ve lost track of their ludicrous price at the moment.
I would say that your large stock of tier 6 materials is probably going to make you a lot more happiness if you sell it and spend the gold on other things. I did this a while ago when I realised I would never get a precursor, so instead I got myself many nice gemstore skins, bank slots, a full set of asuran cultural heavy armour and goodness knows how many other things.
I`d also suggest looking into getting a decent, social guild. Even when you aren’t playing, their forum chatter can be a valuable and welcome thing that can be accessed online without needing to boot up the game at all.
I don’t think the precurser prices will rise as dramatically as it has in the last few months. It was after the skin feature where it unlocked on all character that made it the price it is today. I remember thinking the price of precurser was outrageous at 800g; leave for few months to come back to the price it is now. Don’t give up hope. It may take you a year or more but really, after the legendary… What other long term goal is there to do?
Try flipping with the limited time you do have or craft some profitable items if your level is high enough in addition to farming. The laurels give you t6 mat which you can sell to get more gold. Even tho it is a time gated item, you can always get the ascended items later after you get your precurser. The good news is that there are other profitable ways to make gold now besides running dungeon. Try to be creative in finding it.
The dusk is not 2000 g. It is more 1300-1400 gold. Also, the price it is listed at currently is not necessarily the price it sells for…
I understand that precursor prices are getting a little out of hand, but I’m still hopeful. I know that some people do manage to make enough gold to buy them and others still pull precursors out of the MF. I figure that I’ll just throw other sets in there as well and sell any other precursor that I manage to get, then put that money towards Dusk. I’m patient enough to work towards it. This, at least, will be a constant in my life. And you know, I remember when I first started thinking that 56g for Dusk was a fortune, but now you can make that in a few days of just casual dungeon runs. Times sure have changed.
And as for crafting disciplines, I maxed them all out at 400 before I left, which was before the Ascended crafting where they went to 500. Leveling them is more expensive than I’d like it to be, so I’d rather just save that gold unless I’m positive that I can make a profit off of it. Unfortunately for me, I was never good at playing and sort of AH or TP to turn profits beyond small-scale things. I’ll just stick to things that I can control better.
And I’ll take a look around for a decent guild, but I’m afraid that many of the guilds I see are off-server and many are mega-guilds where nobody would even know my name.
Weekends are mostly free for me, which is a fortunate thing about my schedule, it’s just that I have little time on weekdays.
You can try running dungeons and throwing in the exotic weapons that you get with the tokens instead of spending the gold. Using the stone as the 4th slot seems to give a better chance, this is what I gather from browsing the forum. There are threads about it if you plan on using the MF.
Also try the dry top and get the clay pot recipe. If you have artifice 400 you can craft those and make a nice profit. Make sure to join lfg with tier 4 and above.. do the events around the area.. the ls will get you some more geodes. You can probably do this whenever you are online using the lfg. I would say to play the game again.. do map completion if you haven’t finished, the temple events, have fun and who knows, maybe the precurser will drop as luck. But save in the meantime.
I recently received a very kind whisper in-game from someone who had read this thread, so I figured I’d give an update on my current situation.
Things have improved considerably since when I made this thread. I took your advice and found a group of people I can chat with, and they also happen to run dungeons and fractals and had no problems with catching me back up to speed. I’m closing in on the Gift of Fortune and then all there is to get is the precursor. Also, the job situation has improved considerably. I don’t have much more free-time than I did previously, but it’s less stressful now than it was before.
Spirits are still high, Twilight shall be mine. Thanks for the support, guys.
drink in hand
Good luck, man
Informer.5213 glad to hear its getting better for you. If you want you can also add me and we can do some stuff together, tho I dont know much of legendaries yet ( havent took time and I play since beta lol :P ). Oh and I play on gandara.
Informer, I really admire your goal, and I wish you all the best in achieving it! One thing I think is good to keep in mind, even while you have that goal, is that there’s no timer ticking, and you can take your time, enjoy the game, and get that awesome legendary, too.
I have to say, I love the swoosh!
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
I will echo what Gaile states. It is extremely important to remember there is no timer ticking. Take your time. Enjoy the game for what it is. Remember Just like life and other long term goals they contain many baby steps.
Get the precursor first
I would encourage anyone going for a legendary to buy the precursor first. Don’t bother with the other materials until you have the precursor.The precursor is largest moving target in the game currently. Often times I see players get frustrated with the game due to they get all the relevant materials for the legendary then hit the gridlock of the pre-cursor. Then due to the moving target and the length of time required to save up that much gold they get extremely frustrated.
When you get the pre-cursor first you can sell everything to speed up the process of obtaining the gold for it. Then slowly get the materials you need. You can then after getting the precursor see visible progress on your goal and it is easier to stay motivated.
I would love a legendary however I will not get one unless one of three things happen
- One just manages to drop for me. So I can sell the one I don’t want then buy the one I do.
- Pre-cursor crafting is implemented.
- I save up enough gold to buy one. But I will not sacrifice other wants to buy one so that is not likely.
Good luck.
Good advice, anzenketh. That’s really helpful and I’m sure Informer will give that a good look.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
Good advice, anzenketh. That’s really helpful and I’m sure Informer will give that a good look.
Just disregard the precursor crafting bit, because that’s not happening any time remotely soon.
When aiming to buy a precursor, I strongly recommending putting money down, like a lay-away program. For example, it seems daunting to aim for The Legend, which retails for 12-1300 gold. So start by putting in buy order for 25g (or whatever you can afford today). Any time you have 10 or 25g more to spare, take down that original offer and put in a new bid. It’s amazing how quickly your offer adds up, when you don’t have it in your wallet to spend on impulse purchases.
Overall, this does a couple of things for you. They are mostly psychological, but since “fun” is all in the mind, that’s a good thing towards improving the experience for you.
- Since prices go up and down throughout the day/week/month, you might end up getting lucky and being the top offer sooner than you think.
- As noted, “hiding” the money means you spend less on impulse purchases.
- You’ll spend less time “obsessing” about the price, since you only need to check when you are upping your offer.
- Your progress will always be upward, since you are always adding to your offer.
- You are less likely to have buyer’s regret, since you only add when you have coin to spare.
Good luck and have fun with the journey (as well as reaching the end).
Sadly getting money in this game is luck based. I have 3.000 hours of played time with my warrior in more than 1 year and I never ever won anything worth. Then last week i did get 2 precursors, 1 in Tequatl (short bow) and 1 in the mystic forge with 4 random yellows (rifle).
So… take it easy if seems unfair, luck works this way :\
Aens / Ellantriel / Nao To Mori / Saelyth. Commander
Guias de Raids en español / Spanish raiding guides
Sadly getting money in this game is luck based. I have 3.000 hours of played time with my warrior in more than 1 year and I never ever won anything worth. Then last week i did get 2 precursors, 1 in Tequatl (short bow) and 1 in the mystic forge with 4 random yellows (rifle).
So… take it easy if seems unfair, luck works this way :\
Gaining money is far from luck based. I try to do fractals from lvl 20 to 50 and some dungeons and I end up getting well over 30 gold each day from the daily rewards, mob loot drops and salvaged materials. And at that pace it took me 3-4 weeks to get the rest of the gold I needed for my Incinerator. (700-1200g)
I would love a legendary however I will not get one unless one of three things happen
- One just manages to drop for me. So I can sell the one I don’t want then buy the one I do.
- Pre-cursor crafting is implemented.
- I [accidently] save up enough gold to buy one. But I will not sacrifice other wants to buy one so that is not likely.
Good luck.
Im just going to echo this with one minor word addition
Gaining money is far from luck based. I try to do fractals from lvl 20 to 50 and some dungeons and I end up getting well over 30 gold each day from the daily rewards, mob loot drops and salvaged materials.(700-1200g)
There still is a luck component, more so, earning rewards in game is biased towards Dungeons. As a WvW player, earning 30g takes far more time and effort than running a Dungeon.