Runic Sword & Gladius
Bit of an update for those who may be interested.
I have found a bit more information on the Runic Blade, it appears that the skin does exist PVE side as “Infinite Light” ([&AgFceQAA]). I have found no-one who has created it or found a recipe for it. So if anyone has any information on this I’d appreciate it, it also does not appear under the TP.
for the gladius it shares the same skin as the firebringer without the flame particle,
Honor of Humanity shares the same skin. Here’s a pic, for some reason the 3d model from the website is wrong.
Heavens Rage
still really interested in how to make Infinite Light, looks like there might be some thoughts of using Gift of light, anyone with one want to check if it fits with ori sword parts?
@Harbinger: How did you get it? Does it have a recipe?
Ahhhh silly me! Yes you’re right I just bought Honor of Humanity and it does share the gladius skin! Excellent work mate.
As for Infinite Light, there’s been a trend started recently with people chucking in gifts into the mystic forge, atleast that’s how Foefire’s Essence was forged.
I wouldn’t be surprised if it involved the gift of light, some coins, loadstones & an Eldricht Scroll.
@Harbinger: How did you get it? Does it have a recipe?
I wish I knew. Got it from a drop in Orr.
Heavens Rage