Scavanging rares/exotics since patch

Scavanging rares/exotics since patch

in Crafting

Posted by: paleeshi.1924


Since the january patch I’ve used up almost a full black lion salvage kit on rares and one exotic piece lvl 76+ and I haven’t gotten a single glob of ectoplasm. I’ve never ever had this “bad luck”, seriously it’s starting to kitten me off. Sure it’s 50% chance but now it’s more like 100% fail….

Scavanging rares/exotics since patch

in Crafting

Posted by: Firegoth.6427


Last exotic piece I got the rune + 3 globs.
Not sure what you on about.

Rares suck to salvage, use BL kit on exotics only with worthwhile runes. To minimize no-glob losses.

1+1 = potato

Scavanging rares/exotics since patch

in Crafting

Posted by: Vol.5241


1.) Just bad luck
2.) Don’t waste BL kits on rares. Only use them on exotics with very valuable runes that can be sold a lot more alone than when infused with the gear.

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Scavanging rares/exotics since patch

in Crafting

Posted by: Vayra.3290


As the others have said, just use Master kits on rares. I only use the BL kit on exotics that have runes/sigils that sell for more than the item itself (or close to the value of the item).

And yeah, you just had some bad luck. Think the worst streak I’ve had is 10 rares with nothing.

The Unnamed[ThUn] – Desolation
Vayra – Elementalist
Forkrul Assail – Mesmer

Scavanging rares/exotics since patch

in Crafting

Posted by: Mad.1932


i have noticed an odd pattern of dropped rares usually dropping no ectos even with black lion kits, and when they do always only 1. Crafted rares i get the full range 0-3, in the end its almost worth just selling rares

Scavanging rares/exotics since patch

in Crafting

Posted by: Syberius.2301


Better kits give you only chance for getting better tier of crafting material and rune/sigil.
It doesn’t matter what salvage kit you use if you want just glob of ectoplasm

Scavanging rares/exotics since patch

in Crafting

Posted by: darkace.8925


It doesn’t matter what salvage kit you use if you want just glob of ectoplasm

Is this confirmed to be true?

Scavanging rares/exotics since patch

in Crafting

Posted by: azazil.9541


It doesn’t matter what salvage kit you use if you want just glob of ectoplasm

Is this confirmed to be true?

I like to know that too but i don’t think so.

Scavanging rares/exotics since patch

in Crafting

Posted by: Awesome.6120


It has been confirmed not to be true. The guy who did the original “study” went back and confirmed his methodology was flawed.

[SFD] – Maguuma

Scavanging rares/exotics since patch

in Crafting

Posted by: Direwulff.2396


interesting point about crafted rares… I have had pretty bad luck on dropped rares maybe .7-.8 per rare. Last night I crafted 6 rares to complete my 400 tailor skill I got multiple 3 ecto salvages and ended up with an average of 2 ectos per rare on the 6 i salvaged. Would be interesting to hear if anyone else notices a difference in dropped vs salvaged or if i finally just got the upswing on luck after all the 0 drops.

Scavanging rares/exotics since patch

in Crafting

Posted by: Darxio.5672


There’s like a couple % difference between master and Black lion kits for ectos. Honestly, I use masters for Ectos, but only if I don’t have a Black Lion on hand(I do like that extra few % chance, it does help in the long long LONG run).

But for short term salvaging, there’s practically no difference between master or black lion.

I will say that after some patch a while back, both master and black lion produced less ectos overall. So bad luck became more common for me, so your case could happen.

But in the end, luck is luck. All you can do is push the odds in your favor.

Brigade of the Black Twilight [BBT]
Darxio – Thief Commander