Scavenger Hunt?
I would say the silence from any dev or pretty much anyone in a position to know speaks volumes alone. As in I wouldn’t hold my breath for it.
Am I legendary yet!?
John Smith said there will be no news about precursors, because that would affect the market. I don’t have a link, but that’s ANet’s stance on the matter. So don’t expect news at any time until it is implemented.
If it’s ever going toe be implemented… My guess is that there will not be a scavenger hunt for the current legendaries. It would simply cause too much whining from those who already have one.
With a future expansion, new legendaries will be introduced. Those might have a different system for the precursors that relies less on RNG. Because the system involves different legendaries, owners of a legendary might tolerate such a system.
Meanwhile the demand for current legendaries might drop when alternatives are introduced, lowering the price of these items. In addition, ANet might slightly increase drop chances for precursors as they did with the daily chests from world bosses.
Those are just my 2 cents by the way…
Honestly, from the way they’ve been doing things. Whatever they’re going to do with precursors will inevitably increase the prices. Unless it’s gonna be some great giveaway. Which I dream off, but highly doubt. Prices for precursors are bonkers as it is already, I can’t see how they’re going to “dramatically” alter the prices unless they just straight out ban the kitteners that purposely increase the price of precursor weapons. Those imho, are the true scumbags in the game.
I can’t see how they’re going to “dramatically” alter the prices unless they just straight out ban the kitteners that purposely increase the price of precursor weapons. Those imho, are the true scumbags in the game.
You mean the players that really really want a precursor and are willing to pay top dollar for it? Ban the rich (or at least the folks with more gold than I have)! Where’s my pitchfork and torch? (yeah, I’m rolling my eyes right now).
You can post a precursor for any price you want if you can afford the listing fee – that doesn’t mean that someone will buy it. Certain precursors are really expensive because they are rare and lots of folks want them more than they want 700G or whatever they’re going for. What you don’t see on the TP is the buy orders that are getting filled – you only see the sell order that sits there for a while because it’s priced to high to sell right away.
The “prices are high because of manipulators” conspiracy theory has been beaten to death in the Black Lion Trading Co forum. I think Prices of Ectos being controlled? thread is probably the most comprehensive. The “Dawn Price” thread got interesting after John’s first post.
He might start thinking he knows what’s right for you.
—Paul Williams
I can’t see how they’re going to “dramatically” alter the prices unless they just straight out ban the kitteners that purposely increase the price of precursor weapons. Those imho, are the true scumbags in the game.
You mean the players that really really want a precursor and are willing to pay top dollar for it? Ban the rich (or at least the folks with more gold than I have)! Where’s my pitchfork and torch? (yeah, I’m rolling my eyes right now).
You can post a precursor for any price you want if you can afford the listing fee – that doesn’t mean that someone will buy it. Certain precursors are really expensive because they are rare and lots of folks want them more than they want 700G or whatever they’re going for. What you don’t see on the TP is the buy orders that are getting filled – you only see the sell order that sits there for a while because it’s priced to high to sell right away.
The “prices are high because of manipulators” conspiracy theory has been beaten to death in the Black Lion Trading Co forum. I think Prices of Ectos being controlled? thread is probably the most comprehensive. The “Dawn Price” thread got interesting after John’s first post.
which is a problem becuase the amount of money the rich can earn versus the normal player is only continuing to rise. Which essentially means, the longer the game goes on, the more out of reach desired legendaries will become for new players. Really the honest truth is the game should design content in a way that doesnt overlly reward one playstyle over others. Currently playstyle that emphasizes earning money is the most effective for achieving most high level goals.
The precursors on the TP are generally not the “real” price. Sure people buy those ones I guess but most will put in buy orders which are lower than those and get filled.
At the risk of sounding like an kitten do casual people really feel that playing a couple hours a day entitles them to having something that was/is meant to take months to finish? It’s not like legendaries give any kind of edge over exotics. If you really want one, then you will need to work your kitten off. It’s like saying “I work everyday making 15 dollars an hour, I should get a Porsche just like that millionaire next to me” Life doesn’t work that way and either do most MMOs. You want the “endgame” or “top shelf” gear, then you need to pretty much quit real life and dedicate to MMO life at least til you get those items. If you aren’t willing to do that, then don’t expect to get those items for a very long time til they become “welfare” endgame when the newest and hottest items come out in an expansion.
And @phys.7689, not necessarily on the spread of gold. The longer this game is around the easier it is to make gold and karma and getting obsidian shards. Karma and shards are stupidly easy now. The ratio of gold earned vs precursor price is a bigger spread than when the game released but it really still is within each other. I mean 25g for precursors at the beginning of game was a huge amount since not many had gold and it was harder to make since no one really had any to spend except the grinders. I mean 700g is still a huge chunk but if you make 10g a day, you could get a precursor in 2 months easy and that’s assuming you don’t get anything good exotics or a precursor in those 2 months.
Really the price set by these people are close to what people are willing to pay. I mean look at all the bid orders on a certain precursor.
Am I legendary yet!?
(edited by Sauzo.6821)
At the risk of sounding like an kitten do casual people really feel that playing a couple hours a day entitles them to having something that was/is meant to take months to finish?
COmpletely false
I play since day one…
I play a lot actually and i like dungeons and challenging content…
I still have to see enough money to get a precursor….if i saved all my money except for needed equip i would net little more than half the price of a precursor.
Farming cof/TP is not PLAYING.
Also yes since legendary became a tier should be accessible to anyone…
I never wanted a legendary but anet decided on 15 november thant legendary should be the best tier around…
I still find most of them ugly as hell but thank to anet i NEED them now……(and yes need as you need ascended rings and stuff….in order to play on the same level then other players..).
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
Just do your job players, be the mechanism by which rares and exotics retain their value. Your endgame progress is an afterthought.
At the risk of sounding like an kitten do casual people really feel that playing a couple hours a day entitles them to having something that was/is meant to take months to finish?
COmpletely false
I play since day one…
I play a lot actually and i like dungeons and challenging content…I still have to see enough money to get a precursor….if i saved all my money except for needed equip i would net little more than half the price of a precursor.
Farming cof/TP is not PLAYING.
Also yes since legendary became a tier should be accessible to anyone…
I never wanted a legendary but anet decided on 15 november thant legendary should be the best tier around…I still find most of them ugly as hell but thank to anet i NEED them now……(and yes need as you need ascended rings and stuff….in order to play on the same level then other players..).
You don’t NEED a legendary, it’s base stats is the same with an exotic weapon and every legendary weapon comes with soldier’s stats which means power toughness vitality. It’s purely for comestic purposes. It’s more you WANT it more than you NEED it.
My game time totalled to 1K hours over 6 months, I’ve worked at my sunrise, i’ve dumped more than 300g into the Mtoilet and decided RNG isn’t going to be kind to me and I’ve farmed the gold for most of ingredients. I didn’t NEED sunrise, I WANTED it.
It’s like life, if you want something bad enough, work on it…or unless you are struck with dumb luck with the lottery
FYI, legendarys are guaranteed to be BIS and will be upgraded to ascended stats once ascended weapons are released. Plus they’re pretty much the only PvE endgame goal beyond dungeons.
So, I would love to hear some news about that. I’m getting tired of the silence treatment we have concerning the legendaries situation.
Can you blame them? Whatever they say, people are going to lose their minds.
ArenaNet, “The scavenger hunt won’t be implemented any time this year.”
Forums, “What’s taking so long!? We want our precursors!!! You’re just trying to force us to buy gems to convert to gold!!!!!”
ArenaNet, “The scavenger hunt will be implemented tomorrow.”
Forums, “That’s bullcrap!!! I just paid 750 gold for a precursor!!! I think I should get a refund!!!!!”
ArenaNet, “We’re not going to get the scavenger hunt up and running as soon as we promised.”
Forums, “You lied!!! You don’t care about your customers!!!!!”
The way the people on these forums go nuts over the tiniest things, I wouldn’t say a word about the scavenger hunt until the 59th minute of the 11th hour.
Yes it will be BiS aka the same as the current endgame item of that xpac. This means that when it is bumped up to ascended level when ascended weapons come out, you can grind an ascended weapon and have the equivalent of a legendary weapon statpointwise.
And @LordByron, if you only have half the cash for a precursor since day one and as you said you play a lot, then you have done something wrong cause assuming you do play a lot like you said, then making even 5g a day for 4 months(not counting the first month since you had to get level 80) would yield you around 600g or so and that’s not counting in exotic drops or selling mats. Even farming Ori nodes only on 3 toons will make you around 4-5g a day and take a whole 1 hour if you putz around. So while yes, you will not get a precursor in a day or a month unless you dedicate the time to it and grind your kitten off, it is still doable in a couple months or so which is what legendaries were meant to take. I mean I made 473g in like 1.5 months to buy my dawn but I also just put the nose to the grindstone and ran CoF, HoTW, TA, SE til my eyes bled and farmed Ori till I hated it. Yes I hated the game during that time haha but like others have said, if you want something, you need to work for it and now that i’m done, I can casually play and do what I want. It boils down to how bad you really want something.
I too started this game at release and I didn’t even know what legendaries were til a month or after I played the game. I have high play times and managed to make Sunrise and Kudzu yet I have never played the TP or gotten lucky with the MF or drops for a precursor. I got all my cash from just grinding/harvesting and selling everything that dropped and had value.
Am I legendary yet!?
(edited by Sauzo.6821)
At the risk of sounding like an kitten do casual people really feel that playing a couple hours a day entitles them to having something that was/is meant to take months to finish?
COmpletely false
I play since day one…
I play a lot actually and i like dungeons and challenging content…I still have to see enough money to get a precursor….if i saved all my money except for needed equip i would net little more than half the price of a precursor.
Farming cof/TP is not PLAYING.
Also yes since legendary became a tier should be accessible to anyone…
I never wanted a legendary but anet decided on 15 november thant legendary should be the best tier around…I still find most of them ugly as hell but thank to anet i NEED them now……(and yes need as you need ascended rings and stuff….in order to play on the same level then other players..).
You don’t NEED a legendary, it’s base stats is the same with an exotic weapon and every legendary weapon comes with soldier’s stats which means power toughness vitality. It’s purely for comestic purposes. It’s more you WANT it more than you NEED it.
My game time totalled to 1K hours over 6 months, I’ve worked at my sunrise, i’ve dumped more than 300g into the Mtoilet and decided RNG isn’t going to be kind to me and I’ve farmed the gold for most of ingredients. I didn’t NEED sunrise, I WANTED it.
It’s like life, if you want something bad enough, work on it…or unless you are struck with dumb luck with the lottery
lies again….
It has same stats for now,….
And AS ALREADY HAPPENED (were upped to ascended for mistake time ago) it will be upped to ascended soon and then possibly to lvl 100.
So enjoy investing in exotics that will Worth 0 in no time….
Legendary was a skin before 15 november 2012, after that date it became a TIER.
Legendary > ascended > exotic…….
This is official.
Also when ascended and other tiers will be released, enojoy your unfair advantage while people will be farming for month for their ascended…..(taking in consideration current ascended earrings and necklaces for ex).
As i said if they were only ugly skin as they are i wouldn t care.
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
(edited by LordByron.8369)
At the risk of sounding like an kitten do casual people really feel that playing a couple hours a day entitles them to having something that was/is meant to take months to finish?
COmpletely false
I play since day one…
I play a lot actually and i like dungeons and challenging content…I still have to see enough money to get a precursor….if i saved all my money except for needed equip i would net little more than half the price of a precursor.
Farming cof/TP is not PLAYING.
Also yes since legendary became a tier should be accessible to anyone…
I never wanted a legendary but anet decided on 15 november thant legendary should be the best tier around…I still find most of them ugly as hell but thank to anet i NEED them now……(and yes need as you need ascended rings and stuff….in order to play on the same level then other players..).
You don’t NEED a legendary, it’s base stats is the same with an exotic weapon and every legendary weapon comes with soldier’s stats which means power toughness vitality. It’s purely for comestic purposes. It’s more you WANT it more than you NEED it.
My game time totalled to 1K hours over 6 months, I’ve worked at my sunrise, i’ve dumped more than 300g into the Mtoilet and decided RNG isn’t going to be kind to me and I’ve farmed the gold for most of ingredients. I didn’t NEED sunrise, I WANTED it.
It’s like life, if you want something bad enough, work on it…or unless you are struck with dumb luck with the lottery
lies again….
It has same stats for now,….And AS ALREADY HAPPENED (were upped to ascended for mistake time ago) it will be upped to ascended soon and then possibly to lvl 100.
So enjoy investing in exotics that will Worth 0 in no time….
Legendary was a skin before 15 november 2012, after that date it became a TIER.
Legendary > ascended > exotic…….
This is official.
Also when ascended and other tiers will be released, enojoy your unfair advantage while people will be farming for month for their ascended…..(taking in consideration current ascended earrings and necklaces for ex).
As i said if they were only ugly skin as they are i wouldn t care.
What you have not taken in consideration is that when the current legendaries are bumped to ascended stats, Anet will be releasing ascended tiered weapons and armors.
I fail to see what lies have i spewed.
Ask yourself trully, is the legendary that you working for, something you NEED or something you want.