Shortest Distance between Crafting and TP

Shortest Distance between Crafting and TP

in Crafting

Posted by: Demigod.1467


So I’m in Lions Arch, and of course the Tailoring station is MILES away from the trading post. I was wondering which city has the shortest distance between the crafting areas and the trading post.

I feel like maybe Divinity’s reach is closer.


Shortest Distance between Crafting and TP

in Crafting

Posted by: Nukum.4502


The Grove. It’s all right together, bank TP, crafters

Shortest Distance between Crafting and TP

in Crafting

Posted by: gimmethegepgun.1284


The TP and crafting stations are very close together in Ebonhawke. They’re in a line of stalls right next to the TP.

Shortest Distance between Crafting and TP

in Crafting

Posted by: SiNoS.2147


I personally find the grove to the the closest but with the dr waypoints i can port back and forth very fast so i tend to use dr most of the time given im human and spend more time there.

Shortest Distance between Crafting and TP

in Crafting

Posted by: above mars.4586

above mars.4586

I haven’t used the grove or ebonhawke so the posters above me may be correct, but i know Rata Sum is like a 10 second run. and there is a waypoint right to the trading post/bank/guild bank, so you only have to run to the crafting stations.

Shortest Distance between Crafting and TP

in Crafting

Posted by: Demigod.1467


Awesome, Thanks for the replies!

Shortest Distance between Crafting and TP

in Crafting

Posted by: echofoxtrot.4239


id rather use the central location of the city of lions arch and run a little to the TP than have to spend extra money always porting to the grove way down in the SW of the worlds map. DR might be comparable in regards to central location, but the grove is just too far out of the way from the high level zones I’m in.

Shortest Distance between Crafting and TP

in Crafting

Posted by: urzen.7096


But you can port to LA, then take free portal to DR, then free waypoint around DR. Hopefully the Devs will eventually just let us pickup items from TP interface and not have to actually go to the TP. Or better yet, when you click BUY, it teleports into your inventory.

Sanctum of Rall

Shortest Distance between Crafting and TP

in Crafting

Posted by: Devilsmack.5736


Divinity’s Reach also has them kind of together. You can go from one waypoint to the other I recall one being called Commons Waypoint and I think the other was Crafters Waytpoint or such. Justa lil’ bit of loading involved.

Alanna Grisel (M) / Devilsmack (N)
Kildemort (W) / Killer Claws (G)
Deadly God (En) – Fort Aspenwood