Show me the hammers!

Show me the hammers!

in Crafting

Posted by: Tayledras.1604


Hello all :-)

So I play a Warrior, Hammer/Rifle ever since I finished opening up all the slot skills for each other weapon. Knew coming in those would be my weapons of choice.

But I am now getting to that point where I can stop worrying about character upgrading and start thinking about how I want to look aesthetically. In terms of armor I expect to be in full T3 Human Cultural at some point, minus the helm, but as the topic title suggests I am bumping into trouble with a weapon. I want something a bit more ornate than a big spiked ball on a stick.

Now the reason I post this here is because reading the threads you guys working with the forge and whatnot have a good handle on the types of weapons that may be out there. So, I beseech your aid. Show me what’s out there in the wonderful world of giant clubs of doom.

To help narrow it down, I have seen (I think) all of the karma/gold/dungeon token hammers. Some of them I like but they just don’t scream “This is my beat-stick”. Juggernaut is a fading dream what with my lack of desire to gamble with precursors and mystic clovers. Never have liked gambling. I would even consider doing it though if I really liked the weapon…and the hammer itself…love it. But the splashing of quicksilver and the coating on my character are what turn me off to it. Just not my personal taste…not to mention the nerd in me is screaming “OMG That’s mercury covering me, if it got on me like that I’d be dead! How does this make sense!? /facedesk”. Yes…that…despite that I teleport around and fight walking dead and dragons made of big purple crystals.

Moving on…so the Foefire one (think thats what it is, spectral…has a chain…think guardians summon it) doesn’t do much for me either. Destroyer hammer…meh. Corrupted hammer…bleh. Ugly stick? Just that. Briny Deep? Can’t see me being all heroic smashing faces with barnacles.

Yeah I know…picky. But as we all know there is nothing more important than the pixels your pixels swing at other pixels in your journey across the pixels.

So again…help me out here. Help me find the weapon I will use to gain +5 Awesome.

If you want peace, prepare for war.

Show me the hammers!

in Crafting

Posted by: Snow.5269


Orrian hammer is currently best looking hammer in the game “Imo”. was really disappointed with the appearance of The Juggernaut. Was expecting something like 10x the size & something meaner looking. Not a giant dumbbell.

Orrian hammers can be picked up on AH for a few gold I think. I’ve had 2 drop for me in Orr.

Show me the hammers!

in Crafting

Posted by: Banewrath.5107


The kodan hammer can be bought with dungeon tokens. I think that, the seperatist hammer, and the hammer the sons of svanir use are my favorite hammer skins so far. Saw a guy once with the gw ball hammer but he didn`t know much about it since it was given to him. Wish I knew how to make that one.

Show me the hammers!

in Crafting

Posted by: Lix.1784


There is always the Lightning Hammer. The recipe was recently discovered (or close). Just ask an ele to summon one for you and you can see what it looks like.

Show me the hammers!

in Crafting

Posted by: Tayledras.1604


That Lightning Hammer is a possibility…need to get an elementalist to see how that looks. Got a feeling I am going to be going for Juggernaut as a “best fit”. Just reluctant to do all that work for a weapon I am not thoroughly sold on.

If you want peace, prepare for war.

Show me the hammers!

in Crafting

Posted by: akamon.2769


would definitely keep an eye on Lightning Hammer : )))

i’m working towards the juggernaut myself right now. and i know it’ll be a looong process. so try to see it as a bonus? i haven’t actively started farming for mats / karma / gold yet, but i’ve been slowly, but surely amassing the stuff i need! and in the mean time, i’ve found these lovely skins to mess around with:

1) glyphic maul – all the glyphic weapons look pretty darn cool to me. sported this for a long time, and the ends light up when drawnD
2) lionsguard hammer – got the tier 1 and then transmutated the skin. LOVE this hammer right now and probs won’t be switching until i can get my hands on the legendary
3) a few quite like the magmaton – used it for a while but did not SUPER appeal to me so it’s sitting in my bank for now lol
4) Norn hammer – i forget the exact namne but i quite like the look of this one
5) orrian hammer – as someone else already mentioned!
6) Pact hammer! go check it out at the PvP (Heart of mists) locker. love this look and hopefully by the time i finish my story, they’ll be available for exchange.

so for me, it’s either lionguard, pact hammer, or juggernaut now : ))) MAY go back to glyphic haha cause it’s that awesome. would love the dark asuran one (red over blue for me) but we’ll see if i want to go through all thoese dungeon runs haha

i am a Guardian and avid hammer user. glad you’ve chosen it as your weapon of choice as well!

and don’t mean to create a wall of text, but foudn this on reddit a while back and it’s awesomeD crosscheck the names in PvP locker, guildhead or gw2db, wiki, etc etc

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

Show me the hammers!

in Crafting

Posted by: akamon.2769


and OH, to add, what orders are you in?

the Priory hammer is pretty neat if you’re into that kind of thing. the previews don’t work properly for these types of weapons so here’s a pic:

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

Show me the hammers!

in Crafting

Posted by: Day.4501


do anyone of you know of hammers with particle effects, ive been searching for one.

Show me the hammers!

in Crafting

Posted by: ereinosch.9826


Could you tell me where to find a list of those recipes including the lightning hammer? (I only know the gw-wiki one and could not find the recipe on there). Thanks

Show me the hammers!

in Crafting

Posted by: Tayledras.1604


I am a warrior so to me there was no question…Vigil all the way. Their hammer I kinda dig, just wish I could dye the thing because it doesn’t match my targeted armor color scheme. Lionsguard hammer I came within a hair of going for since my guys last name is “Lionheart” but I backed out. I wish the head were…rounder? More aggressive looking? Its a solid and pretty close to home…just couldn’t sell on it. Also liked the Ebonhawke hammer…that was another contender.

Found an Elementalist to give me a Lightning Hammer…gotta say this might be the winner here. Now to just figure out how bad I am going to be beaten down by the material list. If its to insane I may still go Juggernaut since things like the World Completion and Badges of Honor I will probably do anyway just because.

If you want peace, prepare for war.

Show me the hammers!

in Crafting

Posted by: Tayledras.1604


To quote someone else from a neighboring thread…apparently this might be the recipe for the Lightning Hammer:

“Gift of Lightning+ 70-100 Mystic Coin+ Eldritch Scroll+ 250 Charged Lodestone”

That’s a lot of bloody charged lodestones if that’s the case…350 between the Gift and the full stack requirement. And the price as of this posting is a gold each and climbing. Oh well…on the bright side I have already gathered a few and know of some mobs that can drop more. Would need 100 anyway for the legendary hammer if I remember correctly.

If you want peace, prepare for war.

Show me the hammers!

in Crafting

Posted by: akamon.2769


the legendary hammer if i am correct (i hope so! since’ i’m going for that lol) would be molten lodestones for the vial of quicksilver. which have shot up in price too, due to the discovery of the Volcanus GS recipe. last time i checked they went from 40s to hovering around ~65-70. can’t be sure of where it’s at now.

charged lodestones are defintiely pricier now as well as you need a lot more. at the same time, the legendary costs more in general (but like you said, i think it’ll be fun to do those things anyways, so by the time we’re done with those, we just might need to farm, but not for everything specifically). though one thing to note is the gamble using the mystic forge for the pre-cursor (i would save until last), and the clovers (around 28-33% success rate observed by people).

i too wish we could dye weapon sets! then there’s another channel for those who want to look and feel different. and or simply to match their armor. though if we could do this, i may really just spend all my time dyeing armor and weapons lol. i can see what you’re saying on the Lionguard Hammer. it could be a tad bigger, more fierce but i’m loving it so far.

and OOH Ebonhawke is a good one too!

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

Show me the hammers!

in Crafting

Posted by: Tayledras.1604


Knew it was something. Think I got a Molten somewhere in Malchor’s Leap or Cursed Shore…will have to track that down.

And this is just me but I would do the precursor first. Reason being its one of the two most difficult (IMO) components to acquire. While I was out farming/exploring/doing events I would be saving every dime I could past a certain point to buy that thing. Then once you’ve got that it serves as a swift kick in the very much lower back region to get the rest of it done. Plus by the time you save that much money you probably will have a healthy stockpile of T6 crafting items and karma, depending on how you play it.

Not to mention you can strut around with it on your back.

“That’s right ladies and gentlemen. Soon…”.

If you want peace, prepare for war.

Show me the hammers!

in Crafting

Posted by: Noviere.7309


I figured the Priory weapons didn’t preview properly! I had seen that hammer on Priory NPCs and wondered what it was… I love it.

Show me the hammers!

in Crafting

Posted by: Virpio.7054


How do you get “Icebreaker” or “Frozen Hammer”? I mean it would look pretty nice to a norn guardian Then, you can combine it with the t3 culture (heavy)gear from the norn and rush in WvW like a baws!

Show me the hammers!

in Crafting

Posted by: Serra.8069


Icebreaker is a skin from the Hall of Monuments (25pts), and is one of the best looking hammers in game… in my opinion, of course

Show me the hammers!

in Crafting

Posted by: MajorKong.8095


Droknar’s Forgehammer looks very awesome.

Human Elementalist -The Iron Triangle [IRON]
My WvW review

Show me the hammers!

in Crafting

Posted by: Lumines.3916


This is the corrupted sledgehammer. Made from 30x Corrupted Lodestones and the Shaman’s Etched Sledgehammer or something.

It only has particle effects when drawn, I stowed it and took kitten quickly while the effects still persisted on ze hammer. If your shader is at least on med, the ice is semi transparent and looks even better in game than it does on this SS.