(edited by Kate Soulguard.7132)
Silk weaving thread needs 100 bolts?
It was done for 1 reason only, because there were large stockpiles of silk. Of course this was short term thinking, and makes it extremely hard for those who didn’t have the required amount stored.
The recipe should have been similar to other ascended recipes and they do something about the rate at which it drops.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
It was done for 1 reason only, because there were large stockpiles of silk. Of course this was short term thinking, and makes it extremely hard for those who didn’t have the required amount stored.
The recipe should have been similar to other ascended recipes and they do something about the rate at which it drops.
it was short term thinking of all the monks that promoted all their silk to gossamer prior to patch, thinking they make a bargain on their skill points.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
Hi everyone. Thanks for your responses.
While I hope for an official response to this, I don’t really expect to get one. Realizing that they have people who watch the markets, and they know what has happened over the past month, ArenaNet must be okay with what’s going on. There have been no resource nodes for cloth since the beginning of the game. They had to know that this would be a bottleneck… it has to be intended.
I dislike this intensely. I hope this is remedied, because my gosh, it currently costs over 7gp to buy the materials for a spool of silk weaving thread. To me, that’s insane.
It was done for 1 reason only, because there were large stockpiles of silk. Of course this was short term thinking, and makes it extremely hard for those who didn’t have the required amount stored.
The recipe should have been similar to other ascended recipes and they do something about the rate at which it drops.
it was short term thinking of all the monks that promoted all their silk to gossamer prior to patch, thinking they make a bargain on their skill points.
True to some degree.
If anet saw what was happening they should have adjusted on the fly if that much silk was really being eaten up by promotion and/or introduced a demotion recipe to ease the price rise.
It was done for 1 reason only, because there were large stockpiles of silk. Of course this was short term thinking, and makes it extremely hard for those who didn’t have the required amount stored.
The recipe should have been similar to other ascended recipes and they do something about the rate at which it drops.
it was short term thinking of all the monks that promoted all their silk to gossamer prior to patch, thinking they make a bargain on their skill points.
True to some degree.
If anet saw what was happening they should have adjusted on the fly if that much silk was really being eaten up by promotion and/or introduced a demotion recipe to ease the price rise.
At that point it becomes the player bases´ fault and its not a design failure anymore. I am pretty sure that the recipe for Bolt of Damask was well balanced at its time of approval (which is a couple of weeks before the patch) according to the droprate of cloth. Linen just spiked because people didnt know how to farm it or get it cheaply, as it had several safety nets with lootbags and salvagable items, so there was a buffer. People are just not accustomed to farm t2, 3 4 mats, thats why the supply went short for a while. I made a killing on linen, not because i bought it months before but i knew what lootbags to buy at the right time.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
It was done for 1 reason only, because there were large stockpiles of silk. Of course this was short term thinking, and makes it extremely hard for those who didn’t have the required amount stored.
The recipe should have been similar to other ascended recipes and they do something about the rate at which it drops.
it was short term thinking of all the monks that promoted all their silk to gossamer prior to patch, thinking they make a bargain on their skill points.
True to some degree.
If anet saw what was happening they should have adjusted on the fly if that much silk was really being eaten up by promotion and/or introduced a demotion recipe to ease the price rise.
At that point it becomes the player bases´ fault and its not a design failure anymore. I am pretty sure that the recipe for Bolt of Damask was well balanced at its time of approval (which is a couple of weeks before the patch) according to the droprate of cloth. Linen just spiked because people didnt know how to farm it or get it cheaply, as it had several safety nets with lootbags and salvagable items, so there was a buffer. People are just not accustomed to farm t2, 3 4 mats, thats why the supply went short for a while. I made a killing on linen, not because i bought it months before but i knew what lootbags to buy at the right time.
How is it the player’s fault? No one knew the requirement was going to double, only anet knew that. Sure, the promotion sucked a large amount of silk from the economy, but that was going on a lot longer than the day before the patch.
Also, just because it was approved weeks before, does not mean it can’t be changed in the week leading up to the patch. The reason they hired an economist was to keep an eye on the economy and make sure it stays well balanced.
At that point it becomes the player bases´ fault and its not a design failure anymore. I am pretty sure that the recipe for Bolt of Damask was well balanced at its time of approval (which is a couple of weeks before the patch) according to the droprate of cloth.
But what we’re saying is that the silk portion at least wasn’t balanced on drop rate but on how much was stockpiled.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
It’s there to make you play more to get Ascended gear. The more you play, the more chance you spend money at the gemstore (and the more regularly you play, the better — hence the timegating).
Of course, the alternate way to make you play more is to create fun and compelling content. But Anet has chosen the easier path.
The silk was dysfunctional since the beginning of the game. It was not even profitable to put it on the TP and we were better off selling it to a vendor NPC. Too much silk and way too limited use of it. They changed the situation drastically. It was necessary but is it a good thing in the long run?
-The mithril ore sell for about 50-60 Copper each and its use for part of the Heavy Ascended Armor.
- The Thick Leather Section sell for about 9 Cooper each and its use for part of the Medium Armor.
- Silk crap sell for about 250 Copper each and its use for part of Heavy, part of Medium and all of Light Armor.
So the silk is now 4 to 25 more expensive that the other two and you need it 4 times more across the three type of Armor. What would be the best solution? Maybe its the other 2 that are way too low on price? The leather certainly is. Maybe the perfect balance should be that each of the three were around 1 silver each. That would certainly help if the number of these material needed for each armor would be more balance. For exemple if you need 1 Damask, 1 Elonian Leather and 1 Deldrimar to craft 1 Insignia.
Here are today’s prices for relevant t5 materials
- Elder wood plank: 1.2sp
- Mithril Ingot: 1.02sp
- Cured Thick Leather Square: 0.31sp
- Bolt of Silk: 7.8sp
In mid-December, a bolt of silk was about 28 copper.
Silk at 28 copper was a huge problem. It has been fixed.
Now they need to fix leather.
The silk was dysfunctional since the beginning of the game. It was not even profitable to put it on the TP and we were better off selling it to a vendor NPC. Too much silk and way too limited use of it. They changed the situation drastically. It was necessary but is it a good thing in the long run?
But was it really that much different to mithril or thick leather?
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
The silk was dysfunctional since the beginning of the game. It was not even profitable to put it on the TP and we were better off selling it to a vendor NPC. Too much silk and way too limited use of it. They changed the situation drastically. It was necessary but is it a good thing in the long run?
But was it really that much different to mithril or thick leather?
Yes it was, along with cinnamon one of the few items in the game which was cheaper to sell to a vendor than in TP.
Having an item which is so cheap it does not make sense to trade it with other players is a situation that requires fixing, I would think this is a logical thing when you give it some consideration, after all, everything that we get except for “junk” items – which are already labeled that way and are easily sellable to vendors – should have real value in the game.
ArenaNet is trying to fix that and they have succeeded in certain instances and need to work more in other instances like cinnamon and leather.
So the conversation has morphed into a discussion of Silk as a broken commodity on the market. Exciting! I should have expected the conversation to meander from the original post, as my initial question can only be answered authoritatively by ArenaNet anyway. I love it when a thread turns into group therapy!
Okay so first, I will make no argument in defense of Silk on the TP prior to the December update. It was lousy. Way too depressed.
Second, I cannot argue against Thaddeus’ contention that ArenaNet might consider adjustments to bring up the price of other t5 commodities.
Third, I likewise cannot argue against Murven’s claim that Silk was “broken” and has been “fixed,” though I would contend that this ignores the elephant in the middle of the room.
All that said, I contend that the current Silk requirements for ascended armor crafting represent a substantial overcorrection for that commodity’s former price in the market.
I’m inclined to agree that Silk was overcorrected. Keeping it at 50 Bolts for Damask would probably have been sufficient to sustain long-term demand for it.
That said, I don’t think ANet is going to reduce the requirements now. It’s more likely they will up (double?) the amount of cloth scraps we get from salvaging so it also addresses the scarcity problems we see with Linen and (to a lesser extent) Cotton.
I’m inclined to agree that Silk was overcorrected. Keeping it at 50 Bolts for Damask would probably have been sufficient to sustain long-term demand for it.
That said, I don’t think ANet is going to reduce the requirements now. It’s more likely they will up (double?) the amount of cloth scraps we get from salvaging so it also addresses the scarcity problems we see with Linen and (to a lesser extent) Cotton.
If they haven’t changed the amount of silk being generated by now, it ain’t happening.
All that said, I contend that the current Silk requirements for ascended armor crafting represent a substantial overcorrection for that commodity’s former price in the market.
Of course it’s become clear that arenanets modus operandi in anything (whether its the TP or class balance) is to overcorrect. I dunno why they haven’t realised this, or maybe its deliberate. Although the phrase “Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence.” springs to mind.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
(edited by morrolan.9608)
They obviously did this just so the amounts of silk stored would drop, but it looks like they overcompensated some.
Silk was way too cheap once, now it is way too expensive. One of the adjustments (3 instead of 2 Silk Scraps per Bolt of Silk; 100 instead of 50 Bolts of Silk per Spool of Silk Weaving Thread) was to much. 150 Silk Scraps for one Spool should suffice.
I also tried to put up a detailed analysis of how many T5 materials you need to gear up a character in ascended gear: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/archive/suggestions/Adjust-Spool-of-Silk-Weaving-Thread-Recipe/first#post3421622
(edited by Ignavia.7420)
The price of silk would have still gone up when ascended armor went live, which would have fixed the price of silk not being a tradable resource. Especially since it is required in all armor crafting, unlike the leather/mithril. There was no reason for them to increase the cost of refining it or make the cost of silk thread double that of the medium/heavy armor ascended pieces. They did it to add another timegate/gold sink to get you to buy gold from them and it has nothing to do with the anything else.
quick edit to clarify, the devs are smart people, they knew the price would go up with ascended armor and they specifically made it one the most expensive pieces. They didn’t over compensate, they did it on purpose. Just like silver doubloons, they can fix those at any time with a transmogrify recipe but they don’t want to because they want it that way.
(edited by Lobo Dela Noche.5127)
quick edit to clarify, the devs are smart people, they knew the price would go up with ascended armor and they specifically made it one the most expensive pieces. They didn’t over compensate, they did it on purpose.
Nah I don’t think they realised the extent of what would happen. Like I said they ALWAYS overcompensate on everything, ALWAYS.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
“I doubt I’m alone when I say that I’m hoping for a remedy. Here were my ideas:
•Put in harvesting nodes that allow us to craft various cloths…
•Lower the Silk requirement…
•Let us downgrade materials in the Mystic Forge…
Or maybe I’m just making up a problem that doesn’t really exist. Is this an issue for other players?"
No you are definitely not alone…and all 3 of those seem like reasonable suggestions.
As far as all the other comments are concerned…. I could care less what silk cost pre-patch, I could care less about the whole “economy” discussion. To me what it boils down to is, in order to craft a full set of ascended leather I would need 7200 silk scraps 0.0…
I hate farming, I hate grinding, and I hate “playing the trade post” game…I play for fun, sadly this means I don’t make a lot of gold but Im normally ok with that.
The bottom line being if I want the armor, Im either forced to buy it from TP at over exaggerated prices, or farm bags and drops for it…
I spent an hour the other day farming rit bags, and had a decent drop rate on cloth items, and rags as well… after an hour I maybe if lucky had about 100 silk scraps….lol. Needless to say I decided I didn’t want the armor bad enough to farm 71 more hours.
Long story short, I hope to see an “official” response to this concern as well, but I wont hold my breath waiting.
ANET don’t want a remedy for the silk issue. They already have the perfect remedy… players have to buy gems, convert to gold, then buy their silk for their armor…
Then, as in the next patch spoke of in the live stream, they nerf the stats on your armor, so you have to buy more gems to convert to gold to buy more silk so you can make more armor….until next time.
Working exacty as intended…
ANET don’t want a remedy for the silk issue. They already have the perfect remedy… players have to buy gems, convert to gold, then buy their silk for their armor…
Then, as in the next patch spoke of in the live stream, they nerf the stats on your armor, so you have to buy more gems to convert to gold to buy more silk so you can make more armor….until next time.
Working exacty as intended…
That is the reason why GW2 is my first and last Free2Play game. GW2 is following D3 into the Abyss.
(edited by Maximka.4128)
I’m not wealthy, but I do ok. Crafting my weapons was expensive, but ok. This thing about silk is insane. Silk went from 2 scraps per bolt to 3. AND you need 100 bolts. I prepared for some expensive crafting, but this is insane. The silk alone is driving costs way too high. None of the mats for light armor crafting can be harvested. I know this has been said, but it NEEDS FIXING.
The unfortunate thing about it is, even if they fix the problem, I’ve already spend the money and used up my reserves of silk. Anets, “hands off” policy should only apply when they don’t MORE THAN DOUBLE the silk requirement for a bolt of damask.
I’m mad
PVT Elementalist/Warrior/ Guardian
I think ANet set the requirement to 100silks per piece because people were making ascended weapons faster than devs anticipated.
I believe that the whole process was intended to give players a long time goal to keep them in game. OTOH the ascended stuff have stats like legendary so it should be hard to get it…
OTOH the ascended stuff have stats like legendary so it should be hard to get it…
Not quite right. Legendaries always have the same stats as the current non-legendary best in slot gear. Before they introduced ascended weapons, legendaries had the same stats as exotics. So it’s rather legendaries have the same stats as ascended, not the other way around.