Simple Legendary Precursor Idea

Simple Legendary Precursor Idea

in Crafting

Posted by: Surinen.9684


Make them soulbound rewards from hallooweeee event: even low level players would obtain them and only one per character ( that we would choose just like after finishing a story quest, just a little bit longer list ) for completing whatever gonna await us

Simple Legendary Precursor Idea

in Crafting

Posted by: Aphix.9846



Simple Legendary Precursor Idea

in Crafting

Posted by: Surinen.9684


and because ? theres much to do except precursor, legendary isnt just one item and I dont really see a reason that would make it a bad idea – unless you are one of those sellers who sell swords 400g/piece.

Simple Legendary Precursor Idea

in Crafting

Posted by: Aphix.9846


ye thats me, actually i got 67 dusks in my bags and waiting for that 500g mark.

Precursor is the hardest part of the legendary, everything else is easy.
No way an event going to hand out precursors, just think about it….that’s basically handing out legendaries tbh, which would just make them a halloween event reward.

Simple Legendary Precursor Idea

in Crafting

Posted by: Surinen.9684


it is not the hardest part and it is not difficult – it is chance based and has nothing to do with skill or dedication of a player in playing game not trade post. I have no problem with handling them and thousand of people running with legendaries, everybody equally should enjoy their skin, simply to appreciate work of graphic that made it, whats the point if “few special” gonna wield it. No need for difficulty when it comes to other requirements for legendary, they take time, 500 dungeon badges, 500 honor badges, 100% world completion itself take a lot of effort and then 100g and karma, its a lot itself

Simple Legendary Precursor Idea

in Crafting

Posted by: Lucubration.8361


No… I don’t and have never owned a precursor, but that’s a terrible idea. The precursor lottery currently serves a very important role in the economy: it prevents an overabundance of 75+ rare and exotic weapons from overflowing the TP.

Simple Legendary Precursor Idea

in Crafting

Posted by: Aphix.9846


It’s alot more than 100g lol.
What’s the point of the legendary skin when 1/3 people are standing around with Twilight in LA? Just makes it another random little weapon.
500 tokens, badges, karma and gold are pretty easy. Farm karma with MF gear get loads of gold, do 1 dungeon run per day and wvw jumping puzzles every day (like 50+ badges a day with alts). So yeah that’s pretty easy, about 60% of the map should be done by level 80 anyway, another 10% from wvw which is easy late nights/server transfer and the rest 30% – clear 1 area per day like I did.
Simple and easy, a bit time consuming as a legendary should be, not a halloween event reward lol.

Precursor is the hardest part because it is RNG based OR 300-400gold from TP. The rest of the recipe is ~300-400g worth of mats depending on which legendary.

I’m on getting legendary – by farming 1mil karma I’m planning on getting enough gold and mats to buy everything besides the precursor. After I got the 3 gifts and need the base weapon I actually have no idea what I’ll do. Either hope for the best in MF or grind ANOTHER 300gold, lol.
It is the hardest part unless you get really lucky and Anet should change the way of getting one, but definitely not a halloween event prize.

(edited by Aphix.9846)

Simple Legendary Precursor Idea

in Crafting

Posted by: Surinen.9684


legendary skin is for your enjoyment not rarity of it, there are dozens of people with CoF greatswords who simply like their swords, and I would like my own even if million people have it. most people who get to lvl 80 get 40% of map, if you follow level up zones it is 40%. and gold making is a grinding unless you manipulate economy.

Simple Legendary Precursor Idea

in Crafting

Posted by: Cloud.7613


Just because you want it, doesn’t mean you can get it for free. Legendary chain and everything in it is for people who WANT the challenge. Besides, It serves a purpose at the moment.

Simple Legendary Precursor Idea

in Crafting

Posted by: Surinen.9684


Didnt see anywhere information that it is FOR people WHO want A challENGE. Sticking to logic: it is on my character screen achievement list, considering that other achievements are not groundbreaking I assume that this one “Legendary” one is meant to be in line with others – as one of those that you “should” complete. I guess that maina chievement that is located on the right down side is not rare and for few special chosen one by rng. It does not serve any purpose except burning people spirit out – no good comes from rng in this case.

Simple Legendary Precursor Idea

in Crafting

Posted by: DJSkittles.7196


Why is this post still up? Its just taking up space in which useful discussions could actually be…well…discussed.

Simple Legendary Precursor Idea

in Crafting

Posted by: kKagari.6804


Make people roll a die for it. Like a 1 million sided die, and only once a day.

“We just don’t want players to grind in GW2” – C. Johanson
“it doesn’t make you spend hours preparing to have fun, rather than having fun”
Guild missions say otherwise.