So, you want us to play in low level areas?
What “force” they just want people to have fun in those areas again. You know, what games are supposed to be, fun, and not just staring sadly at the screen because you didn’t get the loot drops you want.
you know it would just drive t1-t5 mats to an insane level?
already most of them are quite expensive.
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
Where would you get lower tier crafting mats then?
Leave the crafting mats lvl specific- if you want higher tier mats go to higher level maps.
It is great that you can get gear for your level on lower lvl maps though- I actually get better drops on my 80 in lower lvls than in Orr- in Orr I get porous bones :P
The OP is correct. T6 crafting materials and cores, lodestones instead of fragments and shards are what everybody wants.
But what about when people have their legendary weapons? Then what? It’s a carrot on a stick that most people are never supposed to get.
(edited by Svarty.8019)
It wouldn’t hurt for them to just have an additional rare chance to drop when you’re level 80, while otherwise preserving the normal loot table.
So people could goof around in plains of ashford and get the usual lowbie mats, same as they do now, but maybe every once in a while “Hey look I got a t6 totem”.
Wouldn’t have to be at a high rate, where people aggressively farm lev 1-15 zones, just something to throw people a bone on once in a while.
Should also revert the change they did nerfing coin/karma rewards on low level DEs for 80s too. Much the same deal here, they weren’t profitable to do, but it was a little something. Instead they cut the coin/karma virtually in half which I thought was a very strange change. It’s not like an 80 getting 1s 20c from low level DEs was going to ruin the economy. Now you barely get more than you do for killing a dolyak in WvW.