Some misconceptions I see about legendaries

Some misconceptions I see about legendaries

in Crafting

Posted by: Deathjester.9841



1) They will be “best in slot”. This does not mean they will be better then anything else as far as stats. This simply means that they will always SHARE the top stats with other gear that is obtainable in the game elsewhere. They are the “best” in the sense that they are the rarest and usually the hardest weapons to get. They have unique animations that other weapons will never have.

2) Another huge misconception. The only place to get ascended gear that will compete with legendaries will be instances (current form).

Directly from the Studio Design Director.

“It is absolutely not intended that Ascended will make a discernible difference in WvW. However it is the certainly the perception. Again however we would have much preferred to have released Ascended Gear across the whole of the game than in one area.
Players in WvW will be able to acquire Ascended items within that area of the game soon.”

3) I need a legendary to compete in WvW.
Legendaries were never meant to be a gear advantage. They are not even a time saving advantage (you will most likely get a full ascended set in a fraction of the time it would take you to get a legendary). Guildwars was designed to be about SKILL and not GEAR. This is called a horizontal gear grind. You are acquiring a very rare (due to the time invested) weapon skin when you get a legendary, that will always be upgraded to be equal with the gear people can get from instances and WvW. Nothing more, nothing less.

This should clear up some of the complaining about legendaries and “best in slot” discussions.

You are not hurt in any way as far as pve progression or PvP stats, if you don’t have a legendary. If you want a legendary? The only person holding you back is you. It is going to take lots and lots of time and luck. If you are in a rush to get it, and are frustrated by how daunting a task it is? You are doing it wrong. Just because some people play 16 hours a day, doesn’t mean that you won’t eventually get a legendary as well. Asking it to be easier to obtain only hurts the game by ticking off the hardcore crowd, and making the legendary worth less (due to rarity) in the players mind.

Myself? I will hold off a long time upgrading my Hunter to the Predator. It was a heck of a grind getting that and Visions of the Mist. Maybe I will never finish the Legendary grind, but I am not going to covet my neighbor’s possessions in a game…. They either earned it, or they spent RL money on it, due to time constraints. They had to earn that money in RL, so it wasn’t “free”.

Chill out and either farm it or don’t. Break up the grind with some spvp or WvW, or an alt.

Some misconceptions I see about legendaries

in Crafting

Posted by: Sauzo.6821


Points 2 and 3 i agree on. Point 1, i don’t. From what i read and interpreted from ANet is that legendaries will be the best in slot. It will go exotics<ascended<legendary. Which it should. The amount of time needed to make a legendary definitely warrants them not being outdated. Now yes, the may not have the specific stat you want like berserker stats or condition dmg but as far as base dmg and the amount of points each stat it does have should be the highest. And of course in the end, it’s all pretty moot since if you are not a keyboard smashing mouthbreather who can’t dodge, then you can run dungeons in blue gear and do just fine.

And i agree, i wouldn’t kill myself to make a legendary. I made a kudzu and it took me like 1200 hours. Just play the game and enjoy it and the legendary will come. Having one or not having one won’t affect your play either way.

Crafted: Meteorlogicus, Incinerator, Juggernaut, Sunrise, Bifrost, The Dreamer, Kudzu
Am I legendary yet!?

Some misconceptions I see about legendaries

in Crafting

Posted by: SteepledHat.1345


Most common misconception:
A legendary is supposed to be the capstone of guild wars 2. A player with a legendary is supposed to have demonstrated experience in WvW and PvE by completing the entire world map, diving into one of the games dungeons, and fighting it out in WvW for 500 badges of honor.

^None of the above is true now. So glad that you can just up and buy one.

“Failure to remain calm is the sign of a weak mind.”

Some misconceptions I see about legendaries

in Crafting

Posted by: Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Points 2 and 3 i agree on. Point 1, i don’t. From what i read and interpreted from ANet is that legendaries will be the best in slot. It will go exotics<ascended<legendary. Which it should. The amount of time needed to make a legendary definitely warrants them not being outdated. Now yes, the may not have the specific stat you want like berserker stats or condition dmg but as far as base dmg and the amount of points each stat it does have should be the highest. And of course in the end, it’s all pretty moot since if you are not a keyboard smashing mouthbreather who can’t dodge, then you can run dungeons in blue gear and do just fine.

And i agree, i wouldn’t kill myself to make a legendary. I made a kudzu and it took me like 1200 hours. Just play the game and enjoy it and the legendary will come. Having one or not having one won’t affect your play either way.

You disagree with a fact? ANet has explicitly stated that Legendaries are currently equal to Exotic in stats and when Ascended weapons come out that they will be equal to Ascended.

So it will never be Exotics<Ascended<Legendary. It will be Exotic<Ascended=Legendary or Exotic<Ascended<???=Legendary.

Dragonbrand |Drarnor Kunoram: Charr Necro
I’m a Geeleiver

Some misconceptions I see about legendaries

in Crafting

Posted by: Zapan.7460


I disagree with 1 also. I think (imho), one fine sunny day, Ascended Gear and weapons will be released. Then one fine sunny day after that, Legendary armor will be released. On the day Ascended gear and weapons are available, Legendary weapons will have their stats upgraded to match Ascended weapons. On the day Legendary armor is released, Legendary weapons will have their stats increased.
_Ascended and Legendary gear and weapons will be downgraded to Exotic quality for WvWvW because…. well, why not? It’ll drive the few players that have all Ascended or Legendary stuff nuts to have it happen to them and the players that never PvE will be happy. That should be a interestingly funny thread to read on that day they announce it.
_Now I’ll go out on a limb to make a prediction utilizing a mud cube given to me by Bizarro…. peers into the mud cube and waving my hand over it slowly….. Ascended gear and weapons will be released in 8 months or less, and Legendary armor, will be released early 2014. ;P

Some misconceptions I see about legendaries

in Crafting

Posted by: Deathjester.9841


Most common misconception:
A legendary is supposed to be the capstone of guild wars 2. A player with a legendary is supposed to have demonstrated experience in WvW and PvE by completing the entire world map, diving into one of the games dungeons, and fighting it out in WvW for 500 badges of honor.

^None of the above is true now. So glad that you can just up and buy one.

And? How is this different then any other MMO? Accounts are sold, arena ratings are sold, and on and on and on.

You seem to be under the impression that someone who works 60 hours a week and spends money that they EARNED, is somehow working less for a item then you did. You also seem to be under the impression that everyone who used the gem store to help them get the legendary in less time (whether it be salvage kits or whatever) is a “rich kid”, or well off. Perhaps they work a crappy job or two, and they like to play a hour or so on this game a night, but they know they can never get a legendary without a little assistance.

Am I buying a legendary? Nope. Do I have a problem with people who do? Not at all.

If they have the money to buy a legendary, they most likely don’t have the time to sport it on their character 24/7 in Lion’s Arch or WvW, like some of the more hardcore players who are on this game ALL DAY.

In addition to that. Gem purchases keep this game having no monthly fee while still maintaining high bandwidth.

Guess what? I think it is silly that commander tags weren’t purchasable with WvW badges. But…I do understand why they did it. Server costs. Does it wreck my gameplay? Only if I follow one of the commanders whom I know has no clue. It isn’t like it is hard to see where the battles are going in WvW. I don’t need a blue dot leading me around.

Also the idea the legendary weapon is the be all, end all of GW2 is opinion. For others it might be earning a tpvp championship/ranking. For others a WvW ranking. For still others, it might be a non legendary weapon skin like Mjolnir.

If anything I have to give mad props to Arena Net’s Design Team. I never would have thought people would obsess this much over a weapon skin. I was wrong.

Accounts and items have been sold against the terms of service since Ultima Online. Deal with it. At least in this game those items don’t have superior stats, and add to that, the game has no monthly fee because of it.

Some misconceptions I see about legendaries

in Crafting

Posted by: SteepledHat.1345


Lmao, you make a lot of assumptions. I’m saying they aren’t what Anet said they would be. Your real world situation should have now bearing on in game achievements. This game isn’t buy to win and getting a legendary is part of winning.

“Failure to remain calm is the sign of a weak mind.”

Some misconceptions I see about legendaries

in Crafting

Posted by: Lucas Ashrock.8675

Lucas Ashrock.8675

Yup, i cannot get what part of a legendary weapon on a fantasy game where money is allowed to make things faster/ easier is exactly “legendary” lol. Legendary grind+wallet+a bit of lazyness, or what (p.s. the ‘those items don’t have superior stats’ song is soon gonna finish ) The obsession is created by the ubergrind, and how is turning to be a longer harder task today, too. Nothing else nor Anet special design skills at all (much less this part lol).

Dungeon Master ME Fractal Guild Promoter

(edited by Lucas Ashrock.8675)

Some misconceptions I see about legendaries

in Crafting

Posted by: I Fuzion I.2546

I Fuzion I.2546

Agree with most of it apart from:

“Guildwars was designed to be about SKILL and not GEAR.”

Guildwars 2 requires half the skill that Guildwars 1 required to be succesfull in HA, GVG, and PVE. In my opinion it should read

Guildwars was designed to be about fun for all and not GEAR or SKILL

Some misconceptions I see about legendaries

in Crafting

Posted by: Lucas Ashrock.8675

Lucas Ashrock.8675

Erm, “skills” as “player’s performance”. Not the 1-0 skillbar.. and ye, gear matters..
i miss too the old gold days of gw1 where have a lv20 armor and weapon was everything, rest was just on your hands

Dungeon Master ME Fractal Guild Promoter

(edited by Lucas Ashrock.8675)

Some misconceptions I see about legendaries

in Crafting

Posted by: I Fuzion I.2546

I Fuzion I.2546

Ive started playing guildwars 1 again, its suprising how many people still play the game still.

I wish anet would have done with it, and bring a monk back, also i cannot explain how much Hero’s Ascent is missed Lets hope they do something in the pvp update coming out in the next month or two..

Some misconceptions I see about legendaries

in Crafting

Posted by: Vaash.8956


Points 2 and 3 i agree on. Point 1, i don’t. From what i read and interpreted from ANet is that legendaries will be the best in slot. It will go exotics<ascended<legendary. Which it should. The amount of time needed to make a legendary definitely warrants them not being outdated. Now yes, the may not have the specific stat you want like berserker stats or condition dmg but as far as base dmg and the amount of points each stat it does have should be the highest. And of course in the end, it’s all pretty moot since if you are not a keyboard smashing mouthbreather who can’t dodge, then you can run dungeons in blue gear and do just fine.

And i agree, i wouldn’t kill myself to make a legendary. I made a kudzu and it took me like 1200 hours. Just play the game and enjoy it and the legendary will come. Having one or not having one won’t affect your play either way.

not true… Legendaries will be equal with ascended

Vaash – Legendary Peasant Eater
Alliance of the Forgotten Seas [AFS]
Sanctum of Rall

Some misconceptions I see about legendaries

in Crafting

Posted by: Sauzo.6821


Ok, in that case, i guess i read the devs post wrong. If that’s true, then no way i’d buy it since you wil prolly be able to run fractals or whatever and get an ascended weapon drop in prolly 1/4 the time it takes to make a legendary. Grats ANet on completely making something that is “supposed” to be the pinnacle of the game into nothing more than a glorified skin that takes way to long to make and 3/4 of em look like crap. Just wait for ascended weapons then and save yourself 600+ gold and grind fractals or whatever drops the ascended weapons……

Crafted: Meteorlogicus, Incinerator, Juggernaut, Sunrise, Bifrost, The Dreamer, Kudzu
Am I legendary yet!?

Some misconceptions I see about legendaries

in Crafting

Posted by: Polluxor.5970


Legendaries were never for the stats, but for the skins…. It’s stunning how many people, don’t understand that.
I guess that’s why Anet went the power creep route.

Some misconceptions I see about legendaries

in Crafting

Posted by: Brutal Arts.6307

Brutal Arts.6307

The problem is over half the legendaries are just plain ugly or worse than exotic skins and they’re taking their sweet time updating them.

You have gotten what you paid for, all that remains is biweekly gemshop pushing.

Some misconceptions I see about legendaries

in Crafting

Posted by: Sithaco.4673


Grats ANet on completely making something that is “supposed” to be the pinnacle of the game into nothing more than a glorified skin that takes way to long to make and 3/4 of em look like crap.

This game is about having fun, looking cool and killing people with unicorn rainbows thank you very much!

Legendaries were never for the stats, but for the skins…. It’s stunning how many people, don’t understand that.

Oh, I found someone who understands!

Some misconceptions I see about legendaries

in Crafting

Posted by: Sauzo.6821


But like Brutal Arts said, over half the legendaries are ugly or worse than exotic skins yet take hundreds of gold and hours to make. Perfect example is Meteorlogicus. That thing has nothing to it and if it’s on an asura, i bet 90% of the people wouldn’t even notice it.

I bet the ascended weapons will have much better skins after all the complaining about legendaries as well as being free. Now i see why there are so many legnedaries for sale haha.

Crafted: Meteorlogicus, Incinerator, Juggernaut, Sunrise, Bifrost, The Dreamer, Kudzu
Am I legendary yet!?

Some misconceptions I see about legendaries

in Crafting

Posted by: Sauzo.6821


Legendaries were never for the stats, but for the skins…. It’s stunning how many people, don’t understand that.

Then maybe ANet should have made the legendaries other than Twilight, Sunrise, Bifrost look “legendary” to reflect the time, effort and gold you need to sink into 1 to just get a “skin”.

Crafted: Meteorlogicus, Incinerator, Juggernaut, Sunrise, Bifrost, The Dreamer, Kudzu
Am I legendary yet!?

Some misconceptions I see about legendaries

in Crafting

Posted by: RollingBob.8502


It is a skin.

Nothing more at the moment. This is one game where, finally, one can go the crafting route, the token route or the luck route and theoretically end up with
the same thing, aside from the skin.

Official statements indicate legendaries will match ascendeds outside of the agony slots. Now here’s where I think people get off base; assuming legendaries get a couple of points extra stats, and assuming over a few years a full set (armor weapons and jewelry) are made available, does anyone really believe there will also be the plethora of choices in stats that exotics enjoy?

Seriously, go back to the first statement and stick with that for a few years. It is just a skin.

Some misconceptions I see about legendaries

in Crafting

Posted by: Sadiki.7942


The biggest misconception about legendaries is that they even remotely deserve to be called legendary.