Soros Assassin weapons?

Soros Assassin weapons?

in Crafting

Posted by: Meadfreek.6789



What profession and weapon would benefit the most from Precision (primary)/Power (Secondary)/Crit Dmg (Secondary) stats?

I thought power was THE offensive stat I would want to stack the most of on a dps toon. Precision is crit chance. But without lots of power behind it isn’t slightly meh?

Tol Acharn [PHNX]
Fort Aspenwood

Soros Assassin weapons?

in Crafting

Posted by: Retsuko.2035


Power IS the offensive stat. Precision gets more interesting, the more crit dmg you have. If you run PTV gear, you’ll have no use for precision. But if you run cavalier gear, the crit dmg on that gear is sort of wasted without precision.

Retsu ~ Inner Monkey [IM] ~ Piken Square

Soros Assassin weapons?

in Crafting

Posted by: Korsbaek.9803


anything useing on crit stuff with no internal cooldown or low internal cooldown.
and ofc crit damage.

power is a base damage modifier and crit damage is a sencondary modifier if i remember right and that will say that crit damage scales with power but power dont scale with crit damage. so a normal hit is not effected by crit but a crit hit is effected by power

Commander Korsbaek lvl 80 Guardian
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele

(edited by Korsbaek.9803)