Spinal Blade Backpiece time limit

Spinal Blade Backpiece time limit

in Crafting

Posted by: MasterKitty.8205



So let’s say I have the exotic blade backpiece, I get the 500 blade shards (250 for crafting Gift of Blades and another 250 to craft the Final Blade Backpiece in MF), but I still don’t have enough ascended spools (which I can craft 1 each day), and the event ends, something new comes in the living story and so forth. So before it ended, I still had anything that I actually ‘needed’ from it to craft it, and the only thing I still need is a few more spools.

So, will MF reject the pieces when I craft the gift of blades after the event is over, or do I still have time to make it, giving that I still have the ingrediants I need that were only accessable through the event. Or is there simply no time limit, and I can just make it whenever I want, with the exception of course that, well, I need the ingrediants that are required.

That would be the first question, for those who understand it (sorry, english isn’t really my native language).

The second question is, if I take the exotic blade backpiece and wear it and apply stats to it, will I still be able to use it in the MF when I get what I need for the final one (ascended one).

Thanks in advance.

Spinal Blade Backpiece time limit

in Crafting

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682



You’ll be able to craft the item, but after the evens ends the mats won’t drop anymore.

The forge will still be able to craft the item after that though. Just make sure you buy any necessary recipes before the event end, cause I believe those can’t be traded.

And according to the wiki, the item can’t be used in the forge after it’s been transmuted . So selecting stats should be save.

(edited by SandraSolace.7682)

Spinal Blade Backpiece time limit

in Crafting

Posted by: Kupper.8074


I’m taking my time to craft it. I used goods on hand to create the exotic one and just doing my daily craft to eventually make it. I have plenty of leather to create it, so in a few weeks I will get it. Not reason to buy the ascended good. Heck I sold all of my ascended ingots and iron (that I didn’t need) while this craze is going on. Iron is so easy to farm, I would rather sell now while it is high and refarm as needed.

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Spinal Blade Backpiece time limit

in Crafting

Posted by: MasterKitty.8205


Thanks for the answers!

Yeah, I thought I wouldn’t be able to get the blade shards after the event, since they are account bound, so I farmed 500 of those that I’ll need. However I really don’t have a time limit on making the Gift of Blade, since it uses materials that can be farmed any time (with the exception of watchwork scrap, that although CAN be bought in TP, I still think is very limited as to how it can be gained atm, and of course blade shards, which again, I farmed).

I was just worried that, say, one day I DO get the mats I need and I put them in MF and it just says ‘uh-uh, you missed your chance!’

And about the answer to the second question from SandraSolace, thanks again

I just didn’t want to risk it, put the backpiece on and regret it later. Now I know I should take my time and equip it when I actually complete it.

But yea, on the other hand, I agree with Ken DeBoer, the backpiece shouldn’t be rushed neither. It’s all about taking your time and playing smart.

Thanks to ya both!

Spinal Blade Backpiece time limit

in Crafting

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


I edited my earlier post, I missed the word transmuted.

So if you were to put a new skin on the item (transmuting it) then it will not be usable in the MF anymore. (cause it will not be the same item)

Spinal Blade Backpiece time limit

in Crafting

Posted by: Minos.5168


I would imagine that we’ll still be getting more blade shards throughout the remainder of the Living Story.

They tend to have releases in pairs. (See how the marionette and wurm stayed during the EotM release?)

Moreover, they still haven’t introduced the Gifts of Wine required to change the color.

That’ll probably be in the final release.

And once they put recipes in the game, they don’t generally take them out. (Unless people are able to use said recipe generate loads of materials and ectoplasm… Then the exploiters get banninated.)