Still no achievement for Twilight/Sunrise?

Still no achievement for Twilight/Sunrise?

in Crafting

Posted by: Shadowfist.2708


Hi there. I just got back from a ~4 month break from this game only to immediately notice upon signing in that there was still no award for my twilight on my character select screen.

I remember 6 months ago being told that a fix for my twilight’s no character screen legendary medal was to be coming shortly, but here we are, still waiting. I browsed back quite a few pages on the crafting forums and don’t see any mention of it.

Does anyone recollect what the last statement made about this issue was? No need to go digging for a link, just seeing if anyone remembers off the top of their head since I know there’s quite a few people irked about how long this has been going on for (since release).

Still no achievement for Twilight/Sunrise?

in Crafting

Posted by: Grappler.2389


they fixed it i got the achievement and medal for equipping sunrise

Still no achievement for Twilight/Sunrise?

in Crafting

Posted by: Shadowfist.2708


That’s bizarre then. I signed in last night and it was missing. I even unequipped/reequipped twilight and logged out to see if I needed to equip it again. I guess I’ll put a ticket in.

Still no achievement for Twilight/Sunrise?

in Crafting

Posted by: Sebulon.7683


Yeah they fixed it somewhere around march if I remember correctly. Made me really happy, like happy-happy. I popped a bottle of champagne and spilled it everywhere like rally drivers. Then I ate sour cream & onion chips with garlic dip.

Still no achievement for Twilight/Sunrise?

in Crafting

Posted by: SSalp.6423


Yeah they fixed it somewhere around march if I remember correctly. Made me really happy, like happy-happy. I popped a bottle of champagne and spilled it everywhere like rally drivers. Then I ate sour cream & onion chips with garlic dip.

hahahaha wat.

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