Stop Precursor Elitism

Stop Precursor Elitism

in Crafting

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

(@At Nozdrm.2894 This is not true. They stated that there will be grind for items that are as good as any other item but look better. Dont have the sic right now. Maybe someone can help me out here.)

The “no grind” comment from what I could find seems to refer to COMBAT only. People take the no grind to refer to the game as a whole. But if you read his statement, that’s not what he said.'s_MMO_Manifesto_trailer

Colin Johanson: “When you look at the art in our game, you say ‘Wow, that’s visually stunning. I’ve never seen anything like that before,’ and then when you play the combat in our game, you say ‘Wow, that’s incredible. I’ve never seen anything like that.’ In most games, you go out, and you have really fun tasks, occasionally, that you get to do, and the rest of the game is this boring grind to get to the fun stuff. ‘I swung a sword. I swung a sword again. Hey! I swung it again.’ That’s great. We just don’t want players to grind in Guild Wars 2. No one enjoys that. No one finds it fun. We want to change the way that people view combat.”

The key phrase here, right after saying that they don’t want people to grind is “We want to change the way that people view combat”.

(edited by Astral Projections.7320)

Stop Precursor Elitism

in Crafting

Posted by: Nozdrum.2894


However, I think there’s a legitimate reason for whining about <whatever>

Everyone thinks the thing he is whining about is legitmate.

a legendary that’s based on luck rather than based on skill.

I got my legendary not by luck but by efficient farming and being good at it. If you believe it is luckbased then you are not doing it in a way that is luckbased. I bought my precursor from the tp no luck involved there.

I do however, think that defending this current busted system is unreasonable, especially if you yourself claim to want better.

Like I said before, I am able to adapt.

The rest of your comment is just eristic dialectic and I wont bother commenting those.

Stop Precursor Elitism

in Crafting

Posted by: PoisonTaco.4025


I got my Dusk about a week ago, you guys should stop crying and just play the game.*

In all seriousness if I didn’t have my precursor I’d be feeling let down just as much as the rest of you. I put 500 rare greatswords into the mystic forge. Not only did that cost a lot of gold but crafting that many swords takes forever and it’s a pain in the kitten After putting in all my greatswords I was left with 35 exotics and was let down. I was torn between throwing in the exotics or selling them to get my losses back. After I threw in my second set of exotics, the toilet pooped out Dusk. I wasn’t excited as much as I was relieved that it wasn’t all a waste.

The question is what do you do about precursors to make them unique and acquiring them a challenge? Do you craft one? We already have the Gift of [Legendary Name] which is the crafted gift. Do you rely on RNG? Gift of Fortune relies on a lot of RNG because of the clovers. Do you go for playing the game? That’s what the Gift of Mastery is for. If I was to use a system for precursors I would do something with achievements and achievement points.

Giving a bit of background to my idea, I’m drawing a bit from Star Wars Galaxies and one of the ways SOE had you become a Jedi. When they introduced the village, before you could even access the content that let you grind your way to being a Jedi you had to get a certain amount of badges in order to “feel a connection to the force.” Once you had enough, an NPC approached you and sent you on your way to the village (it was inaccessible if you didn’t do this).

So here’s my suggestion for acquiring your precursor. You need to get x amount of achievement points AND complete the following achievements:
- Defeat a starter zone boss (Shadow Behemoth, Maw, Fire Elemental, etc.)
- Defeat the Shatterer
- Defeat Tequatl the Sunless
- Defeat the Claw of Jormag
- Defeat Zhaitan.

Very specific achievements related to the story and world in GW2. Once you have all those conditions met, you’re sent on the scavenger hunt for the pieces you need for each precursor piece. Each of these pieces are hidden randomly and are different for each individual person. Don’t give exact locations, but give clues in the form of riddles.

Do this once per account as achievements are account bound. Everyone would be able to get one precursor weapon and would fill Anet’s design idea of having your legendary start from the precursor. Want a second legendary? A third? You’re going to have to buy one or go use the mystic toilet.

Stop Precursor Elitism

in Crafting

Posted by: Kain Nosgoth.4218

Kain Nosgoth.4218

Did not test it myself but I would guess something between one and three days. Which would kick everyone who got his precursor by hard farming in the gut and devalue the precursor by a lot. There would be even bots for this.

What about my gut? Or the gut of the guy that used up 750g and got nothing? And to what? Protect the VERY FEW* that CHOSE WILLINGLY to farm 600g for Dusk when they knew they Anet is working on SH and said they knew we feel precursors are becoming an unreachable goal?

  • very few because everyone I have ever asked got their precursors from “my brother gave it to, got in 2nd MF try”, “karka event”, “bought it after kara event when it was 190g”, “l2playnoob go do arah”, “oh look at me I had 605h played and got 2 precursors from TA and CoF chests and already have Sunrise and ppl mailed me their core after doing CoE”. (not that there is anything wrong with any of this in itself)

Go to any random number generator online and ASSUME Dusk/Dawn are nr 1 and 2 out of 24 (exotics that can drop from MF) and that Anet didn’t lower the chances. Now generate numbers for a 2h and make an average. Sure it happens in 2-3 attempts sometimes, and maybe the average is 45 (which would explain why Dusk is 650g in TP atm) but how is it ok that some ppl get it in 2 and others have to go up to 80 (for 10g/try).

Someone is getting kicked in the guy anyway (if we choose to ignore how the ppl that farmed 600g will have had their Twilight for months when we get SH finished), how about we make sure it’s the few (or fewER anyway) guys that chose to do something willingly and knowingly instead of everyone else who started with the gifts thinking Anet meant it when they said they are “looking at it”, “working on it” or that didn’t think it will rise to 600g etc.

Besides finishing personal story and leveling to 80 and geting 100% world (added up) takes under 80h. So add this on top of 50 more hours (<-opinion, anything over 100h is a slap to the face for everyone that was saving up gold for Dusk before it jumped to 650g) of work for the other parts of SH it’s enough for 1/4 legendary.

Just beacuase.
AFL – Away From Life. // I admit to being a bad person.
Character specific key binds…yesterday if possible. Thank you.

(edited by Kain Nosgoth.4218)

Stop Precursor Elitism

in Crafting

Posted by: Nozdrum.2894


I am confused. What is your point.

edit1: Oh btw. at the 500 gs -rares guy. 500 gs-rares are about 200gold. Thats a nice price for dusk.

Stop Precursor Elitism

in Crafting

Posted by: evo.8640


I’ve completed four legendaries now. The current method of obtaining precursors is garbage. I would not be angry in the slightest if and when they are made more widely available to players seeking them.

Took me much longer to obtain the karma and other corresponding parts to each one I made than it took me to log in, feed a few of my items into the market everyday. Of course not everyone can control a rare and profitable item on the TP. It has nothing about being smart or crafty in relation to markets but everything to do with when such a person bought out an entire item stock in the games timeline. No one will ever dethrone me from my item unless I quit playing the game. The bigger TP barons wouldn’t waste time kicking me off what I peddle. So newer players will simply never have the ability to have the gold income that I or people who make much more than I do to ever afford the current going rates for precursors when it comes to using the market as income.

If .dat file swapping were possible in this game, I would have done that to see legendary skins on my characters long before I would have worked to actually make one. Let alone four. And all because of the precursor.

(edited by evo.8640)

Stop Precursor Elitism

in Crafting

Posted by: Gregorius.1024


However, I think there’s a legitimate reason for whining about <whatever>

Everyone thinks the thing he is whining about is legitmate.

a legendary that’s based on luck rather than based on skill.

I got my legendary not by luck but by efficient farming and being good at it. If you believe it is luckbased then you are not doing it in a way that is luckbased. I bought my precursor from the tp no luck involved there.

I do however, think that defending this current busted system is unreasonable, especially if you yourself claim to want better.

Like I said before, I am able to adapt.

The rest of your comment is just eristic dialectic and I wont bother commenting those.

I guess you haven’t read my first post. Does no one read the OP anymore? This isn’t about adapting. This isn’t real life, its a game. A game about an epic story, etc, etc. Your method of acquiring a precursor is not epic as was stated in my OP and part of a flawed system that ANet claimed to try to do away with. Yes I think my argument is reasonable, others seem to as well, even those who already have legendaries. But people like you keep telling me to buy the kitten thing, when I’m telling you precursors aren’t accessible to the player.

So what if everyone coughs up 600g all at once? Most players won’t be able to get that weapon because there are so few. And why are we still arguing that buying a “legendary” precursor is a legitimate way to acquire this legendary artifact? Stop defending an archaic system, when there’s so many holes shot into it.

Stop Precursor Elitism

in Crafting

Posted by: Wurz.7849


Ok so i have been thinking about what i would like to see in obtaining a precursor.

Slay Every dragon and elite boss for the gift of courage, Complete the story line for gift of friendship. Slay 1500 (more or less i don’t wvw so i don’t know if its much) For gift of Might Then Eldrich scroll, 250 vials of powerful blood, 250 globs of ectolasm and 250 obsidian for the Gift of Determination then combine these for Gift of unity.
Then Obtain:
1 gift of Ascencion
1 gift of Ascalon
1 gift of Battle
1 gift on unity
And that’s your precursor.
Some people will say that’s to much some will just disagree, but for me this gets you around the world and you get to experience alot more of Gw2s content Such as WvW, all the amazing boss battles they have added And last of all this give the feel that your actually working towards something Not just farming CoF p1 or Gathering mats to waste on the MF.

Edit: Also they will be account bound if you obtain them this way!

(edited by Wurz.7849)

Stop Precursor Elitism

in Crafting

Posted by: Nozdrum.2894


I guess you haven’t read my first post. Does no one read the OP anymore? This isn’t about adapting. This isn’t real life, its a game. A game about an epic story, etc, etc.

This is your opinion. For example I never bothered about the story in any mmo it is just too bad narrating and everytime you are not in an cutscene you lose your immersion, killing the whole experience. If I want a story-driven game I would play something else ( like Dreamfall, Mass Effect, Deus Ex, Persona 3/4, Beyond Good & Evil – these are games with an epic and well told story ).

Your method of acquiring a precursor is not epic as was stated in my OP

I never said that it was epic and you are, just like other people here, under the assumpton that it should be epic ( heroic was used before ), which still has to be proven.

But people like you keep telling me to buy the kitten thing, when I’m telling you precursors aren’t accessible to the player.

So what if everyone coughs up 600g all at once? Most players won’t be able to get that weapon because there are so few. And why are we still arguing that buying a “legendary” precursor is a legitimate way to acquire this legendary artifact? Stop defending an archaic system, when there’s so many holes shot into it.

We are going in circles I guess. Back to my first post, which was an answer to your op.

If you have so much money:
1. Buy lvl 80 rares from tp ( or craft them ) until your inventory is full
2. Go to the MF
3. Throw your rares in there until your inventory is full
4. Was there a precursor? No: Goto Step 1. Yes: End.
It is that simple.

Of course if you give everyone 600 gold the rares ( and everything else ) will skyrocket, but the principle remains the same.

I said that precursors are obtainable and you are making it look like they are not.
You can complain as much about as you like that there is luck involved and say you don’t like it, it is still a way of getting a precursor. In the end you are statistically favored to get a precursor if you repeat it often enough.

To be honest I am getting tired of this. I am answering by quoting myself. It seems like that everyone is working under a set of random assumptions that you have to get out of them before you can start discussing anything relevant.

But I would like to argue from your side for a moment.
You are saying that precursors and therefor I guess legendaries should involve doing something epic to aquire it.
I for myself – and I am not saying that it should be any way like this – would then remove nearly 99% of the legendaries ingredients.

For me, there is nothing epic about the Gift of Fortune. It is farming.
For me, there is nothing epic acquiring Icy Runestones, Bloodstone Shard, Obsidian Shard, <whatever you need for your weapon>. It is farming.
For me, there is nothing epic about getting 500 badges. I don’t like killing people. I hate wvwvw and got most of my badges with the jps and sometimes defending myself in the jp. For me wvwvw is just a giant bloodbath nothing epic about that, rather miserable.
The only thing I really liked about the whole process was world-completion since it was fun for me and I saw a lot of different things and I really like exploration.
(And in no universe I would count the personal story to it.)
But I didn’t go on the forums and said “omg guys, this legendary is kitten. make it only exploration since I think everything else is kitten”. I farmed my stuff with some people in skype and had fun doing it and eventually got my legendary and was happy.

But I am getting off track. Your problem is that people should drop their elitism ( whatever that should be in this context )about the precursors and should be happy about the scavanger hunt. I have never seen anyone not being happy about the scavanger hunt, but I think it will be much harder than people expect and will cause a lot of rage on the forums =)

Oh and

Stop defending an archaic system, when there’s so many holes shot into it.

WoW seems to be living quite well with all these holes, heck even embracing them, for how long now? Eight years? kitten they should really do something about it or their game will go down.

Stop Precursor Elitism

in Crafting

Posted by: Gregorius.1024


^ I bought GW2 not WoW. I want a game with both story and gameplay, why is it wrong to have both. There’s no need to tell someone else to play another game just because one aspect of this one doesn’t sit well with them.

It’s a legendary weapon, it sort of warrants a better way of acquiring it just by its name. Its the principle of the matter. In GW1 you can acquire a boss’s weapon from its loot. These weapon go beyond that.

You quoting yourself makes no difference, there’s still a problem in that I might throw away all my money and not get anything.

I didn’t come to the forums and say “make the legendary only X”. I’m arguing restrictly for the precursor, because for such a critical piece, the means to acquire it do not show your mastery of the game. 500 dungeon tokens show you can beat dungeons. 500 badges of honor show you’re competent at WvW or at least jumping puzzles. Gift of Exploration shows that your character explored the map from the Rata Sum to Fireheart Rise. All of these show some accomplishment. Precursor? That you’re a lucky gambler or mayor moneybags? Do you see my point.

Just because WoW does something and survives for 8 years doesn’t mean I need Guild Wars to do the same thing. Guild Wars had a lot of things in common with other MMOs that I did not mind, but it had enough differences that made the game right for me. Guild Wars 2 is not the first game and I like it better. But as a fan of this game, I criticize it only because I want the game to be the best it can be. Not voicing your opinion only does ANet a disservice because they trust and operate on a lot of fan feedback.

Stop Precursor Elitism

in Crafting

Posted by: Lucas of the Desert.2165

Lucas of the Desert.2165

@Gregorius What you seem to miss is that Arenanet has a lot of other things they are working on currently. Hundreds of things even. They won’t change the way to acquire precursors. Since they are passively working on the Scavenger Hunt the first changes you will see will mostlikely come in a few months, whinig on the forum isn’t gonna help you sorry.

Changing the probably most wanted weapon in the game can have huge influences and it must be thought through. If it get’s any easier, for example by making all dungeons or getting wvw badges very dedicated hardcore gamers will have the ability to just mindlessly farm them over and over and you’d see it dropping to 10g or something within weeks (even if you make it once per charakter) which will force many player who worked their kitten off here on the forums or out of the game.

We all know there are many bad things about random drops (pls stop using the word rng…) but there are good ones aswell! Rich and or hardcore gamers or completely equalized with all the others. The lucky one gets it, someone who has gold isn’t more likely to get it than others (having in mind they dump the same amount) and even extremly skilled players who could easily farm a skill challenge once a week to get them don’t have an advantage.
Many people consider this being “unfair” but it is in fact pretty fair if you see it objectively

Stop Precursor Elitism

in Crafting

Posted by: Gregorius.1024


@Lucas of the Desert, yea I’m not rushing ANet, the thread is aimed at these elitist who think money makes Tyria go round. It’ll bring some repercussions, but certainly not 10g precursors. if anything it would bring them down to 300g or 200g. This is not bad! And it puts more precursor on the market for people to buy. Is the economy that fragile it cant sustain a price drop in something that accounts for probably 1% of in-game trade? I’m just asking people to stop defending precursors because “oh there should be only 2 in the game, because they’re so rare and mind wont feel legendary if other people had one.” I’m also just asking for people to stop defending this system. The economy is not that weak and ANet can still make a scavenger hunt that’s extremely challenging that not everyone’s going to complete on their first ten tries.

Stop Precursor Elitism

in Crafting

Posted by: Nozdrum.2894


There are these assumption and putting words into my mouth again. Really this annoys me.

^ I bought GW2 not WoW. I want a game with both story and gameplay, why is it wrong to have both. There’s no need to tell someone else to play another game just because one aspect of this one doesn’t sit well with them.

I never said you shouldn’t have both.
I never said there is something wrong with having both.
I never told you to buy another game.
All I said was that in my opinion mmos have bad told, thus bad, stories.

It’s a legendary weapon, it sort of warrants a better way of acquiring it just by its name. Its the principle of the matter. In GW1 you can acquire a boss’s weapon from its loot. These weapon go beyond that.

Your opinion. And what is it with these GW1 comparissions all the time. I played GW1 just for the first year and it seems like they changed the game radicly after this. In GW1 the most prestige armor was the obsidian armor ( I am talking about the first expansion! no addons ) and it required only farm. You had to have ectoplasmn and obsidian shards if I remember correctly and you farmed those, not have some epic quest. I am not saying that there is only farm, I am saying that GW1 also had his farm for its good looking item.

I’m arguing restrictly for the precursor, because for such a critical piece, the means to acquire it do not show your mastery of the game. 500 dungeon tokens show you can beat dungeons. 500 badges of honor show you’re competent at WvW or at least jumping puzzles. Gift of Exploration shows that your character explored the map from the Rata Sum to Fireheart Rise. All of these show some accomplishment. Precursor? That you’re a lucky gambler or mayor moneybags? Do you see my point.

You seem to miss my point. All you are saying is highly subjectiv.
You believe those things you stated. I already stated what I believe.
No one of us is correct about what it is. These are just our opinions. It is the same with the story. You may believe that this game has some epic story, I dont believe it has. You believe the whole legendary-process should be epic, I don’t really care. You are not a representation of the whole community, neither am I.

Which is my whole point: Only because you believe that acquiring precursors should be different or at least not the way it is now doesn’t mean it is right, it is your opinion not more and not less. If you want some kind of general consensus you would need to ask thousands of players.

Not voicing your opinion only does ANet a disservice because they trust and operate on a lot of fan feedback.

You didn’t gave feedback in your first post. All you did was rage about that it is stupid how you have to aquire precursors and were attacking people who like the current way. You did not list your points in some manner that is not highly emotional. For example it could have been something like this:

From my understanding legendaries should take something epic to get it and I dont fell that precursor fit this theme right now. There are two ways to obtain a precursor right now.

  • 1. Gambling in the mystic forge. Altough this way has something mystic about it, in the end every level 1 character could do it and it requires no skill in doing so. The only thing you need here is gold with is a rather mundane thing and does not imply something epic. The gold aspect seems to be already covered with the Icy-Rune-Thing.
  • 2. A random drop from enemies in high level areas. This approach has some requirement to it, but trough the fact that the drop-rate is so low and therefor the amount of monsters you have to slay is frustrating, it does not feel epic, more like a giant dull slaughter.

That being said I am looking forward to the scavanger hunt.

Or something that ( I dont want to wrap you whole thing and try to make my brain work like yours – I think it would hurt me ) was not as aggressive as yours.
Now you will say something like “I write the way I want and I will keep doing so and you have no right to stop me” – or something like that. To which I will only say: What goes around, comes around.

Stop Precursor Elitism

in Crafting

Posted by: Gregorius.1024


^Of course you would think that, but I’m not that predictable a guy.

I know you didn’t say I couldn’t have a blend of good story and gameplay. But the way you presented your opinion read like you believe they were mutually exclusive and that was just a fact we should all live by. That’s fine if you turn to other games for different reasons. I unlike you want every game I play to be as enjoyable on all aspects as possible. In an MMO, the devs have the ability to make this happen even after I bought their game. I’m not putting those words in your mouth, if you’re getting annoyed then you’re taking this way too personal.

The GW1 comparisons were there because as I said, the boss’s weapons (uniques) had a chance to drop upon defeating their corresponding boss. Yes it is only a chance drop and along with farming to get Obsidian armor, they were aspects of traditional MMOs. My reason for comparison is because those unique weapons had a certain resonance to them BECAUSE they only belonged to that boss, they felt a bit legendary in their own right.

I know what I’m saying is subjective, I know its an opinion, and I know its not de facto 100% correct. But I’m not just basing it on my opinion, I’m basing it on interpretation of the things that ANet says they want to deliver vs. what’s in the game. It’s only correct so much as long as it can point out whether or not Anet is delivering upon their statements. They stated that legendaries represent a mastery of the game. They stated in their manifesto that they don’t want to make a boring grind. They stated that GW2 will not be about vertical gear progression. They stated that the legendaries represented the end of an epic adventure in Guild Wars 2. My interpretation of these statements based on the reality of the game is that they are false and I think we can agree that they are. And I’m arguing this because I want them to be true. I’m grateful for the product I bought and I love this game, but I want it to be the best it can be.

The purpose of this thread was not to provide feedback to ANet. They could look at it and take what they want away from it, but its primary purpose was directed toward people like you, who don’t care, to stop telling me to buy a precursor because that in itself is not adding anything constructive to the precursor situation. I gave my reasons why and the elitism is frustrating. It only comes off aggressive because its not aimed at the devs, but aimed at the precursor elitists and if you want to take it more personal than need be, fine, you don’t clearly know why the thread is here. I’m not one of those people who say “I write how I want”, I’ll write with a purpose or just leave, but if that’s where you want to go, go ahead. The only reason I’m still arguing with you is that you’re making terrible assumptions about my reasoning.

(edited by Gregorius.1024)

Stop Precursor Elitism

in Crafting

Posted by: Nozdrum.2894


I will stop arguing with you. You change the topic of what this thread is about with every post, say that I say things that I did not say and keep working under assumptions that are just not there.

1. You say your problem is that they are not obtainable.

The Precursor situation is not moving forward because it has a lot of defenders, their common argument being to save your money and buy it. It’s legendary, you have to work harder for it. Making it easier to obtain will make the weapons feel less legendary.

Precursors ARE a problem. For those of you telling others to save up money for a precursor: WHAT IF THERE ARE NONE LEFT?

2. Then you say the problem with precursors is that they are luckbased and therefor dont feel legendary.

My original point for this thread was threefold: that acquiring the precursor is A) based on a disproportionate amount of luck, and that telling others to buy one instead is stupid because the market is dry, and C) both methods above are not “legendary” and people’s argument that legendaries should be this rare is incredibly flawed.

3. Now it is about people like me.

They could look at it and take what they want away from it, but its primary purpose was directed toward people like you, who don’t care, to stop telling me to buy a precursor because that in itself is not adding anything constructive to the precursor situation.

If you may one day realize, that you have to see words in context you may come to the realization that what you think you read is not what stands there.

(@At Nozdrm.2894 This is not true. They stated that there will be grind for items that are as good as any other item but look better. Dont have the sic right now. Maybe someone can help me out here.)

The “no grind” comment from what I could find seems to refer to COMBAT only. People take the no grind to refer to the game as a whole. But if you read his statement, that’s not what he said.'s_MMO_Manifesto_trailer

Colin Johanson: “When you look at the art in our game, you say ‘Wow, that’s visually stunning. I’ve never seen anything like that before,’ and then when you play the combat in our game, you say ‘Wow, that’s incredible. I’ve never seen anything like that.’ In most games, you go out, and you have really fun tasks, occasionally, that you get to do, and the rest of the game is this boring grind to get to the fun stuff. ‘I swung a sword. I swung a sword again. Hey! I swung it again.’ That’s great. We just don’t want players to grind in Guild Wars 2. No one enjoys that. No one finds it fun. We want to change the way that people view combat.”

The key phrase here, right after saying that they don’t want people to grind is “We want to change the way that people view combat”.

Stop Precursor Elitism

in Crafting

Posted by: Gregorius.1024


Except the thread was always about precursor elitists, which you yourself just quoted me on. Like, in the very first sentence. The rest of my OP covered points 1 and 2. The first quote covered your points 1 and 3 by itself. Your argument is no longer an argument, it’s half of my own quotes that you clearly don’t understand.

Fine I’ll concede the grind quote from the Manifesto, but you need to take a look at context yourself.

Stop Precursor Elitism

in Crafting

Posted by: Osi.3504


this game will ALWAYS have “supply and demand”, the only precursors that are expensive are the ones that are in high demand, like staff, dagger, greatswords, others are far cheaper, so if you play a class that uses those weapons a lot because the class is highly favored or because the weapon set on that character is good, you need to compete with others. Yes precursors are rare, but there are many ways to obtain them. level 80 mobs, dungeon chest and so on, yeah maybe 1 in 1000 people get a precursor a day, that is what keeps them unique and rare so you need to get luckily or save up the save way and buy it. There will ALWAYS be precursors on the TP, they wont ever go extinct. It’s all the casual or lazy people that cry about wanting an easy legendary because they played 1000 hours and so on yet they dont save, choose what they really want. I played 4 months casually before getting mine and I got my spark from the forge after a few tries otherwise it would have taken months longer and I still want another, but I don’t want it handed to me, would make the game boring. Anyways easy precursors would be the death of this game for any non-casual player. Anyone can earn a precursor, its just a matter of time and tactics.

As far as the comments about people hoarding, it’s not true, few days ago 3 sparks were listed, then today it was like 7… you would literally need 100,000 gold to control the market, you would have to buy up every drop and relist it for more. A lot of people don’t know how manipulation works and I can assure you that’s not the case with precursors, they are that price because of supply and demand… if there wasn’t any… there would be tons listed and none sold. Sure a few people may hold them and wait for them to go up before selling… that’s typical with anything, but that dosn’t effect it’s price much.

(edited by Osi.3504)

Stop Precursor Elitism

in Crafting

Posted by: Gregorius.1024


To what detriment would this have on the non-casual gamer?

Its not casual and lazy people who want a different system. There are those who’ve done what you’ve done in the forge or more and still haven’t come up with anything. It’s people who have precursors but don’t feel especially accomplished in the methods of obtaining them. You’re representing the very essence of this elitism. This has no detriment to the non-casual gamer, which I think you’re confusing with those gamers that live in front of their computer. They’re past “hardcore”, and they represent a small minority of the player-base.

Stop Precursor Elitism

in Crafting

Posted by: Firegoth.6427


What’s the complain about?
I’m going to buy a precursor for it’s current price because that’s how it is.

If you can’t make enough gold, don’t blame anyone else but yourself.

No time to play? can’t dedicate yourself enough?
Don’t get the legendary then, it is not for you.

1+1 = potato

Stop Precursor Elitism

in Crafting

Posted by: Osi.3504


Gregorius.1024, I played WoW for years and I watched the game evolve, they lost millions of players over their super casual updates, like dungeon finder, raid finder, get full gear in a week just to gain “new/casual” players and pretty sure that backfired on them. If you start handing out precursors like candy, all “hardcore” “dedicated” and “loyal” players will become bored of this game unless they desire to have every character maxed and 100% and after then it’s just a matter of time. I know how video games work and I know how markets on video games work, I’ve done MMO gaming for over 10 years. My point was, casual players can earn their legendaries by being smart and saving their money over the course of a few months. Yes… it’s going to take a casual player longer to get their legendary… and that’s because they play way less. Yes, precursors are luck based but if you buy one with actual money it’s not… they have to be luck based or it’s way too easy to get them and therefore the legendary feeling is gone.

1 Fractal run usually yields 1-4 yellow/exotics, 50s+ in trash items, and maybe a few core/lodestones, over two months if you did it once a day that’s a good 120g. Farming bags in cursed shores is amazing on t5 and t6 mats or money in general, plus you can always flip items on the trading post for 5-100g+ a day depending on how many you do and which items everyday while doing other things, it adds up fast.

Stop Precursor Elitism

in Crafting

Posted by: Firegoth.6427


Never understood why casuals think they deserve high end items.

And hardcores that still can’t get them, are doing it wrong.

1+1 = potato

Stop Precursor Elitism

in Crafting

Posted by: Osi.3504


Firegoth, I agree mostly, I think everyone deserves high end items, if they put the time into getting them, it may take way longer if you play way less… but thats common sense. I use to be a hardcore gamer but in my opinion im pretty casual, I play a few hours a day only and sometimes not at all. Between work and my family most of everyday is consumed, everyones situation is different. I still got mine after months and I could have gotten it sooner via buying if I didnt buy and collect every holiday item out there.

Stop Precursor Elitism

in Crafting

Posted by: Gregorius.1024


@Osi and Firegoth, I don’t believe in handouts and I’m not asking for them. If you must know, I want ANet to give us the toughest content in the book, with the precursor as a prize. I’m talking about levels, puzzles, and a super-dungeon that will push players to their limits, not this boring grindfest as it is now. That’s the problem with you elitists, you assume we want handouts, when really we want content that befits the reward. Grinding 600g does not befit a precursor weapon. I’m not asking for a free legendary, I’m asking for something to do, a challenge, that requires skill not grind. I’m already grinding 250 of each ingot and each T6 mat and 100g for icy runestones and I’m ok with that. But switch it up a little. I don’t care if I fail a hundred times, I want to muscle my way to the back of the cave and claim my prize.

There’s no need to show me the money specs. I know them, I’ve seen them, I opened the thread because talking money has never moved this issue forward. I’ve played video games for over fifteen years and GW 1 for six years. I know how that economy works. I know how to save up for a legendary because I’ve been slowly at it for months. It’s not about money, it’s about content. If you give gamers a challenge, they will rise to the challenge. There will be more precursors out, they will be less expensive, but people will be buying, and the ones that don’t can get theirs through a difficult task that casual, hardcore, or any gamer in between can do if they put that effort. I’m sure even hardcore gamers appreciate a challenge far more than grind. And those loyal and dedicated fans that left WoW didn’t leave because they couldn’t grind, they left because they didn’t have incentive to play. Fractals of the Mists is great incentive to keep playing. Yes its repetitive, but it increases in difficulty each time and people appreciate that more than grind. Why can’t we have that kind of caliber of content be the quest for a precursor? Something harder than fractals, heck it could be a solo only thing if it has to. That’s what I’m asking for, a challenge to befit the reward, I’m not asking for freebies.

(edited by Gregorius.1024)

Stop Precursor Elitism

in Crafting

Posted by: Firegoth.6427


@Osi and Firegoth, I don’t believe in handouts and I’m not asking for them. If you must know, I want ANet to give us the toughest content in the book, with the precursor as a prize. I’m talking about levels, puzzles, and a super-dungeon that will push players to their limits, not this boring grindfest as it is now. That’s the problem with you elitists, you assume we want handouts, when really we want content that befits the reward. Grinding 600g does not befit a precursor weapon. I’m not asking for a free legendary, I’m asking for something to do, a challenge, that requires skill not grind. I don’t care if I fail a hundred times, I want to muscle my way to the back of the cave and claim my prize.

There’s no need to show me the money specs. I know them, I’ve seen them, I opened the thread because talking money has never moved this issue forward. I’ve played video games for over fifteen years and GW 1 for six years. I know how that economy works. I know how to save up for a legendary because I’ve been slowly at it for months. It’s not about money, it’s about content. If you give gamers a challenge, they will rise to the challenge. There will be more precursors out, they will be less expensive, but people will be buying, and the ones that don’t can get theirs through a difficult task that casual, hardcore, or any gamer in between can do if they put that effort.

The only difficulty that can separate worthy to unworthy people is at the level of Super meat boy or Prinny: Can I really be the hero? (hardmode)

Too bad we can’t implement those two in GW2, so other than that, what the hell can require such skill from anyone in an MMO?
Spoiler: Nothing.

1+1 = potato

Stop Precursor Elitism

in Crafting

Posted by: iHungeri.4096


I’ve completed four legendaries now. The current method of obtaining precursors is garbage. I would not be angry in the slightest if and when they are made more widely available to players seeking them.

Took me much longer to obtain the karma and other corresponding parts to each one I made than it took me to log in, feed a few of my items into the market everyday. Of course not everyone can control a rare and profitable item on the TP. It has nothing about being smart or crafty in relation to markets but everything to do with when such a person bought out an entire item stock in the games timeline. No one will ever dethrone me from my item unless I quit playing the game. The bigger TP barons wouldn’t waste time kicking me off what I peddle. So newer players will simply never have the ability to have the gold income that I or people who make much more than I do to ever afford the current going rates for precursors when it comes to using the market as income.

If .dat file swapping were possible in this game, I would have done that to see legendary skins on my characters long before I would have worked to actually make one. Let alone four. And all because of the precursor.

off-topic, but here we have someone admitting to “controlling” an item on the TP and being able to afford 4 legendaries. the wonders never cease.

will pay for a dolly rocket booster

Stop Precursor Elitism

in Crafting

Posted by: Gregorius.1024


I fail to see how they couldn’t be implemented.

In the case of jumping puzzle for example, Mad King’s Clock Tower wasn’t something everyone could do. Not everyone can stand up to Experiment Alpha pre-dungeon patch. It’s not difficult to at least think of a multi-faceted stage to test a person’s skill, reaction time, etc.

Stop Precursor Elitism

in Crafting

Posted by: Firegoth.6427


I’ve completed four legendaries now. The current method of obtaining precursors is garbage. I would not be angry in the slightest if and when they are made more widely available to players seeking them.

Took me much longer to obtain the karma and other corresponding parts to each one I made than it took me to log in, feed a few of my items into the market everyday. Of course not everyone can control a rare and profitable item on the TP. It has nothing about being smart or crafty in relation to markets but everything to do with when such a person bought out an entire item stock in the games timeline. No one will ever dethrone me from my item unless I quit playing the game. The bigger TP barons wouldn’t waste time kicking me off what I peddle. So newer players will simply never have the ability to have the gold income that I or people who make much more than I do to ever afford the current going rates for precursors when it comes to using the market as income.

If .dat file swapping were possible in this game, I would have done that to see legendary skins on my characters long before I would have worked to actually make one. Let alone four. And all because of the precursor.

off-topic, but here we have someone admitting to “controlling” an item on the TP and being able to afford 4 legendaries. the wonders never cease.

I’m able to afford 4.
Can farm karma, SP and world completion faster than that fella (or most players).
I doubt he managed to get his 3rd leg at the same timeline as I did (974 hours).

Everything is possible, he’s a crafty merchant, while I got to learn the game inside out and not waste my time on the endless gift of mastery like many traders did.

1+1 = potato

Stop Precursor Elitism

in Crafting

Posted by: Zappix.7928


In every thread about precursors the complaint is the same. A player comes out with new ideas that would make acquiring a precursor tougher and show that you’ve played the game instead of abused the TP. The same counter argument is “lol noob l2play”. Precursors rely on RNG which if you’re constantly on the wrong end of it it doesn’t matter how long you play because there is a chance you’ll constantly get unlucky… Yeah you can buy them from TP if you’ve saved up enough but the problem is if you look at other threads, drop rates are scarce, DR is a problem for some, the gold sinks etc.. If you can’t come out with something other than “lol l2play” please refrain from commenting because it’s not productive. Besides don’t any of you want a better way to obtain them rather than the reliance on luck? Wouldn’t you like some new content that will take time and skill and at the end of it get a nice juicy precursor to show off that you’ve actually played the game instead of sitting at the TP all day power trading amongst other power traders? I understand some of you with legendaries may have a mild case of “Special Snowflake Syndrome”. But honestly don’t shoot down new ideas because of fears you’ll be removed from your pedal stall. No one is whining or wanting it to be given to them for nothing… People want less RNG and more pew pew I r content beater and get rewardskittenherp…

Stop Precursor Elitism

in Crafting

Posted by: Anwar.2018


sounds like way too much gold in the game, they took too long to fix it, now casuals who took to long to take adsvantage of easy gold and new folks have no reason to play the game, they will never accumuate enough gold to get the good stuff.

New game will show up and hopefully noobs get enough good play in to be worth the $60 bucks, move on and learn their lesson and never start one of these late again.

Stop Precursor Elitism

in Crafting

Posted by: Ibbuli.4027


Make each precursor cost like 400 laurels, you’ll get it eventually after couple of months of dailies and monthlies.

Stop Precursor Elitism

in Crafting

Posted by: Zumy.6318


I saw three precursors drop this weekend to mates. Working as intended.

Thief | Zumy [Buka]
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer

Stop Precursor Elitism

in Crafting

Posted by: Beherit.9710


Autor of this topic was right: The legend [precurosor of bifrost] costs 765 gold right now. and there is ONE Legend on tp. and much much more ’place your offer’ 660+g. Now what? :> You ppl have plenty of good ideas, in this thread, and in the others, but it seems that absolutly noone from anet gives a sh.. about considering or at least reading and say something. 750 t6 dusk is absurd. BUT it can be farmed/bought 1 at time. its doable. takes a LOT of time. but its sure you eventually get your 750 dusk.but runing around and kill dragons gives me nothing aside of guaranteed rare from chest :> RNG never is sure. idk if i need to put 800 g in mistyc toilet or maybe just 40g.

Stop Precursor Elitism

in Crafting

Posted by: Korsbaek.9803


In every thread about precursors the complaint is the same. A player comes out with new ideas that would make acquiring a precursor tougher and show that you’ve played the game instead of abused the TP. The same counter argument is “lol noob l2play”. Precursors rely on RNG which if you’re constantly on the wrong end of it it doesn’t matter how long you play because there is a chance you’ll constantly get unlucky… Yeah you can buy them from TP if you’ve saved up enough but the problem is if you look at other threads, drop rates are scarce, DR is a problem for some, the gold sinks etc.. If you can’t come out with something other than “lol l2play” please refrain from commenting because it’s not productive. Besides don’t any of you want a better way to obtain them rather than the reliance on luck? Wouldn’t you like some new content that will take time and skill and at the end of it get a nice juicy precursor to show off that you’ve actually played the game instead of sitting at the TP all day power trading amongst other power traders? I understand some of you with legendaries may have a mild case of “Special Snowflake Syndrome”. But honestly don’t shoot down new ideas because of fears you’ll be removed from your pedal stall. No one is whining or wanting it to be given to them for nothing… People want less RNG and more pew pew I r content beater and get rewardskittenherp…

you cant be on the bad end of RNG always and if the illusion of being there is pressent then its because you have not used it enough for what you want simple as that.
lets say there is 0,0001% chance for a precurser from a MF combind then try do it 1billion times and see if you dont get one. if anything the chance to gain one can be to low but thats a totaly diffrent mather.

if you want harder content then you should go spvp or wvw as that is proberly the best place to gain the hard content, as the enemy players there are humans meaning it takes alot more to predict them and they change to. as any pve boss is just a farm/grind call it what you want but it is not hard as there attack patheren is predicateble and there for you can counter it way before its done and if you fail on a pve boss then you need to learn hes skills and usesage bether.

tho i agree the precurser is very hard to get and could be made easyer to get but not by some challange(pve and/or pvp)

Commander Korsbaek lvl 80 Guardian
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele

Stop Precursor Elitism

in Crafting

Posted by: blackgoat.5172


The major problem I see is the people gouging for them on the TP. the prices have just gotten ridiculous at this point. I simply refuse to take part in it which means I may never get my Legendary and so be it. IF I somehow got lucky on a random drop and got one (that I don’t need) I would rather give it away to someone that would actually use and appreciate it rather than participate in the festival of greed that precursors currently are.

One last thing: Please make Legendarys account bound on acquire/equip, unsellable and remove them from the TP. The whole debacle in it’s current state is very UN Legendary.

Káge – 80 Thief / Asháman – 80 Elementalist
Project Mayhem A multigaming, PVx social guild on Dragonbrand
Dragonbrand Community Forums

Stop Precursor Elitism

in Crafting

Posted by: Witzard.6829


My question is why make legendaries so rare that only 1 in 300 people get em? I mean all they are is a skin. Who cares if someone else has one. I mean look at everything else in the game, everyone can get it and it’s an MMO where no one is actually a unique snowflake.

Haha, Guild Wars has always been about the skins only, and nothing more

Ghosts of Liberty [GHO]
Vizunah Square

(edited by Witzard.6829)

Stop Precursor Elitism

in Crafting

Posted by: Chasind.3128


I was recently saving for an underwater weapon legendary- I had my eye on the precursor which several weeks ago was only 30 gold roughly & several were listed- not long after I had 30+ gold saved up & saw that it’s now 400+ gold

So apparently some Jerk bought out all of the pre’s to that legendary
& re-listed them for way higher.

I dare someone tell me there is NOT a problem.

Stop Precursor Elitism

in Crafting

Posted by: BigSteez.3152


I wish people would stop wasting their time on the forums kittening about legendaries, when they could be playing the game working on them. I played the game for four or five months slowly piecing together the gifts, and when i decided I wanted to make a legendary I grinded for two months. As for the mf, people forget that its intended to be a gold sink…. I saved and bought dawn straight up. Watch the prices, most of the high demand precs don’t actually fluctuate that much. Anet shouldnt change anything, or give people shortcuts, kitten /p>

Lill Steez, Norn War w/ Sunrise
Champion Legionnaire
Ehmry Bay

Stop Precursor Elitism

in Crafting

Posted by: Nachtz.4930


I was recently saving for an underwater weapon legendary- I had my eye on the precursor which several weeks ago was only 30 gold roughly & several were listed- not long after I had 30+ gold saved up & saw that it’s now 400+ gold

So apparently some Jerk bought out all of the pre’s to that legendary
& re-listed them for way higher.

I dare someone tell me there is NOT a problem.

Poison cost about 26 gold yesterday evening, and the other one (don’t know the name sorry) was about 50 gold, yesterday evening too.

Stop Precursor Elitism

in Crafting

Posted by: Vajra.3914


I just randomly dropped “The Bard” from the campion that u have to kill in order to take controll of the tower/keep (WvW); Realy didn’t see that comming, even if I wanted a different percussor but, oh well it’s still worth of 40 gold[No magic find in there :P].

At any rate, the only thing broken in the process of obtaining the percussors is that somebody apparently exploited them while he could (I remember player getting banned for exploit low karma cultural weapon back then), and as well as some freaking bots that u can spot everywhere (yes, even in WvW) grinding without exitation (and those item will totaly get in the trading post, or in the case of percussor, sold directly for Real money).

Just my 2 cents.

Stop Precursor Elitism

in Crafting

Posted by: eric.8203


i keep reading ppl talking about vanilla wow and comparing it to this game guess what THIS IS NOT WOW now shut up about wow. anet you said that there was going to be absouletly no grind then you said there’s rng. Rng is a grind remember gw1….. now stop protecting the god skull exploiters, karma exploiters, and bots if you want to protect them then why don’t you change tos so we can bot or exploit the game then.