[Suggestion] Craftable precursors

[Suggestion] Craftable precursors

in Crafting

Posted by: General Erofcharrs.9835

General Erofcharrs.9835

Why aren’t precursors able to be crafted like the rest of what goes into a legendary? The 3 ways to get a precursors at this point are to throw money into the mystic toilet, the estimated 0.79% out of 3000ish chests, and to buy on the trading post for a ridiculous amount of money. For those players who want to ply the actual game instead of grinding for money to buy a precursors, or those players who have over 3000 hours on their accounts and have never had one drop, it would be much simpler for us to be able to craft the precursors like the rest of the gifts for a legendary. In short, why not hard craft a precursor instead of keeping it an impossible find?

[Suggestion] Craftable precursors

in Crafting

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


Go to one of the few players that have precursors fall in their lap every month and make them your friend. Free precursor.

[Suggestion] Craftable precursors

in Crafting

Posted by: Kurrilino.2706


Dear OP,

have you ever thought about why it’s called a legendary weapon ??
Right, because it shouldn’t be available for everyone without luck.

BTW absolutely every precursor is available at the trade post.
Just go there and buy it.
And yes there is a lot gold involved but again, these are the most desired weapons in GW2.

[Suggestion] Craftable precursors

in Crafting

Posted by: Aegis.9724


have you ever thought about why it’s called a legendary weapon ??
Because it shouldn’t be available for everyone without luck.


Every precursor is available at the trade post.
Just go there and buy it.

Missing something here….unless the luck you refer to is for mystic clovers, which are pointless because… really no one who is trying to craft a legendary complains about karma

[Suggestion] Craftable precursors

in Crafting

Posted by: Tringsh.2380


This has been a hot topic for a long long time. Anet know something needs to be done about it, or rather something should be done about it. Some bits and pieces have even been data mined indicating an alternate method of acquisition.

They announced an alternate method due for release in 2013… we are now half way through 2014 and it’s still unconfirmed. It would be nice to at least get some kind of update. Fingers crossed for LS2.

[Suggestion] Craftable precursors

in Crafting

Posted by: Tringsh.2380


Dear OP,

have you ever thought about why it’s called a legendary weapon ??
Right, because it shouldn’t be available for everyone without luck.

BTW absolutely every precursor is available at the trade post.
Just go there and buy it.
And yes there is a lot gold involved but again, these are the most desired weapons in GW2.

What a terrible response. Potentially someone could logon for a weekend trial and get a precursor. There is nothing legendary about that. It should be earned through a series of drawn out challenges and quests so you are rewarded for time played not luck. It works for living story meta, why not precursor acquisition? I would rather my jaw drop because someone has spent the time and effort to do loads of hard challenges rather than flush rares or ectos into the mystic toilet or just have one drop.

[Suggestion] Craftable precursors

in Crafting

Posted by: Mystic.5934


I guarantee you that if there were a crafting way to make one of these precursors, the cost of crafting it would be more than 5 times the current cost the buy that precursor on the TP. Something like 250 deldrimor ingots + 250 spiritwood planks + precursor’s precursor (a craftable exotic) + gift of fortune. there is zero chance they would add a craftable way to get them that is cheaper than the current ways. remember the watchwork portal device and sharpening stone station + other stations (all were easily 10 times as expensive as any player’s idea for what they are worth)

or it’ll include something insanely time-intensive. like an item that has a very rare drop rate and can only come from chests at the end of jumping puzzles, but each chance is daily for each puzzle. So you’d have to run on average 500 jumping puzzles – could be the same JP over 500 days or 10 JP over 50 days.

(edited by Mystic.5934)

[Suggestion] Craftable precursors

in Crafting

Posted by: pdavis.8031


Yeah, crafting wouldn’t be a very feasible idea. However having an alternate method of gaining a precurser would be fantastic. I would not mind going on a 3 week long time gated quest spanning every zone, dungeon, and BL to get a precurser. That would be awesome! But crafting….not so much.

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It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”