T6 mats vs precursor

T6 mats vs precursor

in Crafting

Posted by: Sauzo.6821


Ok, my dilemma is ive got about 140 powerful bloods. Question is at this stage should i sell the bloods while the price is still kinda high and use the cash to pick up my precursor(storm)? Im thinking this cause i figure T6 mats will become more common and cheaper faster than a precursor will. What do you all think? Should i liquidate some mats to lock in a precursor now or just keep farming mats and get a precursor last?

Crafted: Meteorlogicus, Incinerator, Juggernaut, Sunrise, Bifrost, The Dreamer, Kudzu
Am I legendary yet!?

T6 mats vs precursor

in Crafting

Posted by: Ksielvin.1587


You’re about to take financial advice from total strangers who will never see you again and need to present no credentials. How do you know they’re not incompetent, unlucky, trolls or precursor/mats owners?

T6 mats vs precursor

in Crafting

Posted by: Sauzo.6821


You have a very good point but this is just a game, not a life changing financial decision and i would be taking all responses with a grain of salt. Im more looking for what people have noticed the past couple days as far as T6 mat drops. ive noticed in the new zone, ive gotten like 4 or 5 powerful bloods in about 30 mins. Thats why im wondering if it would be wise to do what im asking. Also ive noticed bloods seem to have dropped about 6s each from 30s to around 22-24s. Im thinking the rush for Rodgorts jacked the price on bloods and now that the hype is over, they will drop again.

Crafted: Meteorlogicus, Incinerator, Juggernaut, Sunrise, Bifrost, The Dreamer, Kudzu
Am I legendary yet!?

T6 mats vs precursor

in Crafting

Posted by: Dee Jay.2460

Dee Jay.2460

Well after yesterday’s event I’d say it’s pretty safe to assume that Precursors now are cheaper and more abundant than they are going to be for a while.

So it would make sense to purchase one now.

T6 Mats on the other hand are a little speculative. The price might go up because a lot more people will now start completing their Legendaries or it might go down because Blood drops in the Fractals and Lost Shores more frequently than it did in Orr.

Anyway, my advice would be to sell your T6 Mats and buy the Precursor now.

T6 mats vs precursor

in Crafting

Posted by: penatbater.4710


I would do the same as well. But try to sell other stuff first before yous ell your t6 mats. make it your “last resort” since it’ll be the other biggest barrier to get your legendary (gift of fortune)

Don’t disturb me, I have a cat in me at the moment.

T6 mats vs precursor

in Crafting

Posted by: hydeaut.1758


Better take a look on the new ascended items and how much they take to craft before deciding what to do with T6-mats – or before deciding to better quit this game .

T6 mats vs precursor

in Crafting

Posted by: Recently.1043


I’d say you have about a ~2 day window to buy precursors before they begin to rise again. I actually think the next 12-24 hours will be the lowest point, as the people who listed it early and got undercut will panic, and relist and undercut even more (at which point, the price will stabilize again due to the supply still being somewhat limited).

Thats my personal opinion though. If your looking to purchase a precursor for USE, i’d say go for it now. If its for re-sale purposes…. well i’d be very careful about that

Call me when this game gets fixed…. if it ever does….

T6 mats vs precursor

in Crafting

Posted by: Paragon.6280


Ive been thinking about this as well.

I was keeping an eye on the precursor prices, and have decided to get the pre-cursor last. ANet seems to be wanting to push the price down of precursors, and im hoping they’ll introduce the scavenger hunt relatively soon as well.

Im still getting everything else together. You need a ccertain amount of gold and karma…non-negotiable. There are other ways of getting the precursor though other than buying it with gold

T6 mats vs precursor

in Crafting

Posted by: penatbater.4710


I think you’d better buy your precursor when you can. It’s easier to regret over wasting a few more gold than cursing yourself for wasting the opportunity to be able to buy it. (in case it goes back up, which it likely will)

Don’t disturb me, I have a cat in me at the moment.

T6 mats vs precursor

in Crafting

Posted by: Florgknight.1589


Karka are going to cause the blood supply to go up considering they drop blood.


T6 mats vs precursor

in Crafting

Posted by: Nirvash.3018


Blood demand will likely to rise there will be little people doing lost shores since theres nothing offered after event fractals dont give enuf the new items require around 250 blood

T6 mats vs precursor

in Crafting

Posted by: florence.1674


The squeeze now will be the T6 mats and ectos. With the precursors that dropped from the event, the legendary goal is suddenly attainable by many who long gave up the goal before due to the prices of the precursors.

WvW law #1: nobody in WvW can count.

T6 mats vs precursor

in Crafting

Posted by: Sauzo.6821


Yeah i broke down and sold the bloods and bought my precursor. Figured it will be easy enough to refarm blood at my own leisure vs trying to chase the ever low price of a precursor. Buying a few bloods here and there for a gold or 2 is much easier to do imo than dropping 50g for scepter precursor plus now i got my precursor out of the way

Crafted: Meteorlogicus, Incinerator, Juggernaut, Sunrise, Bifrost, The Dreamer, Kudzu
Am I legendary yet!?

T6 mats vs precursor

in Crafting

Posted by: Azelroth.6801


I’ve noticed a big increase in powerful blood drops (as well as other T6 mats) since the Lost Shores update. So I think you have made the right decision.

Azelroth [MoM] – Methods Of Mayhem
Commander @ Tarnished Coast

T6 mats vs precursor

in Crafting

Posted by: penatbater.4710


Yeah i broke down and sold the bloods and bought my precursor. Figured it will be easy enough to refarm blood at my own leisure vs trying to chase the ever low price of a precursor. Buying a few bloods here and there for a gold or 2 is much easier to do imo than dropping 50g for scepter precursor plus now i got my precursor out of the way

I agree. Which is why despite losing out on saving 1-3g, I went ahead and bought my pistol. Everything else is broken into part by part (or has along of segments) wherein the largest single-transaction of items required for legendary is the recipe (10g), the rest can be accumulated slowly and one at a time. Kinda funny though, how it’s easier (or seems to be easier) to buy up 100 icy runestones if you do it 2-3 at every jormag event than a flat-out 100g drop on a precursor.

Don’t disturb me, I have a cat in me at the moment.