Tailoring Exotic sets: some questions!!
1- you can buy recipes from the vendor standing right next to the station who sold every other thing. it will b called gossamer intricated something like that.
2. Exlated armor = light set armor
and thr are only three types of armor you can craft one for heavy and medium too which can b crafted by other crafting professions Armorsmith and leatherworker.
now you can choose the attributes while buying the insignia recipe from the vendor they have berserker, carrion, cleric, rampager, valkyrie, Knight.
Crafting Exotics:
- You purchase the recipe for the “insignia”, for Karma from your crafting vendor.
- Make the insignia (it’ll cost 5 ectos + other mats) and use it with your top tier ‘parts’ (in your case, gossamer pieces) to discover the final recipe just like any other tier of items.
- The appearance/skin will work just like all the other tiers of crafted armor.
Just a little clearer answer to #2:
There is only 1 skin of exotic crafted armor at this time. Called “Exalted” as Samandar mentioned. The skin does not change depending on what stats you use/race you are.
ok, it’s all clear! thank you all!!!
Community Coordinator
Perfect, we are glad to hear that.
Thank you all for your contribution. As the questions have been answered, we proceed to close the thread.