The First Pimp Cup in GW2

The First Pimp Cup in GW2

in Crafting

Posted by: Puddin Cheeks.8539

Puddin Cheeks.8539

So, I have looked everywhere to see about this item i made in the forge and couldn’t find one instance of it.

It’s called Ambrosia, an exotic Focus

- Puddin Cheeks [W]
- [EA] Elephant Ambush
- DragonBrand since 8/25/12

The First Pimp Cup in GW2

in Crafting

Posted by: Prophet.6954


Hah, very awesome. Can be the drunken (insert light armor class) there…

The First Pimp Cup in GW2

in Crafting

Posted by: Drunken Mad King.8193

Drunken Mad King.8193

Dear Puddin Cheeks,

Please see my name…. you see that I require this exotic Focus….

I will give you spoonfuls of puddin for your cheeks to store…. if you shall let my name be fed what it too desires.


But congrats none the less.