I’ve been reading a lot about Legendaries. I think many have.
So, I’ve sort of put together a little mash up of ArenaNet’s information regarding Legendaries (from videos and blog posts and whatnot) and compared it to some logic and reality. Are they worth crafting? Are they really what ArenaNet has described them to be? Let’s find out by examining some key issues people are current having with crafting Legendaries. (Note: Most players aren’t lugging around hundreds of gold. This examination implies the player is crafting a legendary by acquiring most/everything for it traditionally, and not by buying all of it off the Trading Post.)
First, let’s listen in to a 15-second definition of what a Legendary is by Isaiah:
Now let’s look at what is_really_involved:
1) Crafting a Legendary will require a huge amount of crafting materials (including T6 mats and ectoplasm).
Bear that in mind while you watch this 15-second snippet:
Now, please go and grind for your mats, dungeon tokens, and everything that will be needed for your legendary Oh, don’t forget karma, and spending 100g on those Icy Runestones!
2) Crafting a Legendary will require a huge amount of luck.
Bear this in mind while listening to Isaiah Cartwright for 15 seconds:
So, apparently getting extremely lucky while acquiring your precursor in the Mystic Forge is an “accomplishment now” …it definitely “symbolizes all we’ve been doing”, which is dumping items into the Forge, continually….as he said at the end, “we want you to continue playing”
Let’s add to that the 77 Mystic Clovers…
Izzy wrote on October 5th: “Legendary Weapons are the end result of an epic adventure in Guild Wars 2. You’ll travel all over, collecting items and amassing materials to build your Legendary Weapon.” Oh! This sounds like fun! He then added, however, how this epic adventure will begin: “It all starts with a base weapon—these are the extremely rare exotic weapons. Once you’ve obtained your base weapon, you’ll need to present gifts to Zommoros…” For many (likely most) this epic adventure will never begin Why, you say? Because they will be unable to obtain their extremely rare exotic base weapon. That sounds awesome…
He then adds: “They show off your accomplishments….and show everyone that you are a true master of Guild Wars 2”…I think he meant RNG.
(reference to Izzy’s post: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/my-legend-grows-forging-your-first-legendary-weapon/)
Why are we unhappy? It’s simple: we all want to feel Legendary, eventually…
We’re all heroes after all, aren’t we?
What? Legendaries are made for the elite-class players? True…as tons have mentioned, however, there’s nothing elite about farming mindlessly and lucking out.
I love ArenaNet. I played GW1. I waited for years in anticipation as GW2 was developed. I watched each video they released with great excitement, read every single blog post, read countless articles on the GW2 Wiki before it was released just to get a taste of the world which was coming our way. I believed in ArenaNet. I believed they’d craft one of the best MMO’s ever created, Legendary even (no pun intended). I’m starting to feel let down by their lack of loyalty to what they promised us…I don’t want this game to earn a reputation like some not-to-be-mentioned MMO’s out there…
Shouldn’t we be able to accomplish whatever it is we strive for in a video game?
Tell me I’m wrong?