The Predator - Why no footsteps?

The Predator - Why no footsteps?

in Crafting

Posted by: Gravity.2691


Curious why one of the largest and coolest legendaries doesn’t have footsteps? Is this an oversight or were they just not implemented with the weapon?

The Predator - Why no footsteps?

in Crafting

Posted by: Letifer.4360


a little smoke aura and some smoke/fog footprints would go well with it imo.

The Predator - Why no footsteps?

in Crafting

Posted by: Vergil Huragok.3967

Vergil Huragok.3967

Just made one, and kinda wish the same too. Granted I do like how it effects projectile tool belt skills and the small purple projectile but unlike the dreamer are projectile isn’t as noticeable our biggest boon in the legendary is the sound :l Wish it’d be a bit more visible to go in lines of people seeing the weapon they’d know as I’m sure some are like em and might not always have the sound on :P still love it though, personally some of the plasma it puts off after firing could make a good effect even if only a bit similar to incinerators footsteps :x

The Predator - Why no footsteps?

in Crafting

Posted by: Esrever.8613


because your prey would pick up on your foot prints when you are stalking them

sllaw eht no nettirw gnihtemos saw ecno ereht

The Predator - Why no footsteps?

in Crafting

Posted by: Gravity.2691


Almost every other legendary has some cool footstep effect (Bolt has one of the best IMO) but both the pistol and the rifle have none? I understand it has cool particle effects and sound effects, but in the middle of large AoE or big fights, you wont see or hear those.

Maybe im just sounding whiney and wish to stand out more (other than having a kitten sniper rifle) but i guess im curious why some got the footsteps and others didnt.

The Predator - Why no footsteps?

in Crafting

Posted by: Lorana.2468


most legendaries are unfinished.

even Eternity lacks any footsteps.

The Predator - Why no footsteps?

in Crafting

Posted by: bunn.4915


Unfinished or need updating and not just for the rifle … Other weapons need more effects to be on par with the legendary great sword and hammer effects. If 1 handed weapons cost less mats/materials then I could understand but when they cost the same it is a little u fair for the time invested in making them.

The Predator - Why no footsteps?

in Crafting

Posted by: reef.1597


ya i 100% agree with this, the predator is suppose to be legendary but lacks a lot compared to the gs and hammer and some other legendaries… Sucks because it takes the same amount of time to craft. Anyhow i do believe some of the other 1hander legendaries also need to be updated too, they lack just like the predator.

The Predator - Why no footsteps?

in Crafting

Posted by: Acidicore.3264


Several legendaries don’t have similar effects as other legendaries, that shouldn’t dissuade crafting them. I’m going after the scepter, it has a light blue aura on the weapon with a little trail to it, and it’s bigger than most scepters, unless you’re an asura and then it loses a decent chunk of the raw awesome it has.

Not making an excuse to why they don’t have the effects, every legendary should, I’m just waiting till they patch them in.

The Predator - Why no footsteps?

in Crafting

Posted by: Durian.5419


I love the footsteps in WvW, leads me right to someone who can afford the repair bill.

Takkek Twicechosen, bone-collecting ranger of Plague[SICK]

The Predator - Why no footsteps?

in Crafting

Posted by: KICKER.3874


I will someday get a Predator and I`m glad it doesn`t have footsteps. I know most of you want a big neon sign “awesome player here” but footsteps are annoying and I hope they don`t put it on Predator.

The Predator - Why no footsteps?

in Crafting

Posted by: xCrusadentx.2784


I think they said at some point legendary effects would be improved for those that don’t have as much appeal… Don’t quote me on that, can’t remember where I thought someone said it

Royal Blood Oath:
We are sworn together by our blood…

The Predator - Why no footsteps?

in Crafting

Posted by: Deathjester.9841


It breathes fire and shoots laserbeams (no other gun does this). What more do you want?

It also has BY FAR the best precursor animation in the game. There is something to be said for simplicity. Add to that? I absolutely HATE the legendary greatsword animations. They are annoying while playing. I don’t need my whole screen covered with over the top blade trails, so that I can’t even see what I am hitting.

If I had a engineer I would definitely upgrade to the predator and I think it is the best looking legendary in the game. It fits the class like a glove. For my warrior/sniper? I will stick with the precursor.

No one is FORCING you to use the legendary. You couldn’t pay me to use the legendary swords and they are the most sought after legendaries in the game. As others have stated in this thread, they LIKE the predator. I like it to. I just like the Precursor more for my class.


The Predator - Why no footsteps?

in Crafting

Posted by: Cloud.7613


The Dreamer is another example, absolutely no footsteps. But I don’t see why they’d edit it in the future but that’s just me.