The problem with Meteorlogicus.

The problem with Meteorlogicus.

in Crafting

Posted by: Hanako.1827


Come this update the trail effects have been added back. But here is where I still have problems with Arena Nets half kitten attempts and making legendaries more appealing by slapping whatever they want on it and calling it an update.

-Day time version looks really pretty and shines more.
-The scepter in general is more noticable
-Trail added back (shared with a con)
-Footsteps (shared with a con)
-Night time (… shared with a con)

-When sheathed this weapon is disgusting to look at in the day, I have no idea who at arena net woke up one morning and thought this was clever but it really does look awful which is why I make sure im always un-sheathed when I run.
-The trail they added back has been cut of by at least 2/3’s of it’s previous motion.
-The trail lost a bit of purple which synergized really well with the blue when moving it.
-Footsteps, People laugh at me when I run because they think the lightning worms that come off the ground when I walk on it look silly. The cloud effects afterwards are cool but really? The animation looks like a beta animation you had sitting in the files and left to gain dust until you decided to give it to us for screwing us over with footsteps.

Night time cons (Oh yes this lazy hunk of rubbish deserves it’s own category)
-The clouds are black but the crystallized cloud that emerges from the hilt isn’t? This is just flat out lazy design and the white and black mixing together makes it look ugly.
-As much as I hate the purple, you made the weapon glow purple but the hilt at the bottom glow blue still? This again is just flat out lazy. If you’re going to make a bad change to night time at least do it right.
-Purple (Seriously I cannot stress how much I and other really hate this)

(edited by Hanako.1827)

The problem with Meteorlogicus.

in Crafting

Posted by: Sauzo.6821


If you 2 really don’t like it THAT much, just reskin it with something else you like. Problem solved….

Crafted: Meteorlogicus, Incinerator, Juggernaut, Sunrise, Bifrost, The Dreamer, Kudzu
Am I legendary yet!?

The problem with Meteorlogicus.

in Crafting

Posted by: razn.7160


I didn’t farm months to simply transmute it O_O…

The problem with Meteorlogicus.

in Crafting

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


I would prefer a white or light yellow glow to the purple, and for the planets to rotate during the day. Otherwise, the weapon looks great!

The problem with Meteorlogicus.

in Crafting

Posted by: GoDaddy.5671


I demand more ringed planets, a few comets, and a black hole swallowing a binary star system. Kidding aside, I love meteorlogicus the way it is.

The problem with Meteorlogicus.

in Crafting

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

Why is this in crafting?

The problem with Meteorlogicus.

in Crafting

Posted by: Frozencore.5017


My problems with meteorlogicus are:

- Footfall effects (the lightning) is horrible
- Night time (way to much purple), a dark blue as the OP mentioned would be nice

Change the above, and imho people will stop “complaining”^

Edit : “Footsteps, People laugh at me when I run because they think the lightning worms that come off the ground when I walk on it look silly. The cloud effects afterwards are cool but really? The animation looks like a beta animation you had sitting in the files and left to gain dust until you decided to give it to us for screwing us over with footsteps.” – I Laughed ^

The problem with Meteorlogicus.

in Crafting

Posted by: razn.7160


The problem with Meteorlogicus.

in Crafting

Posted by: Caitlin.8465


I did not like the purple initially, but I have grown to accept it. I’m happy that they at least tried to add the trail back. It’s smaller, but whatever. At least it’s something. Before I crafted the scepter (I crafted post-updates), I thought the footfalls looked weird in all the videos I saw, but after seeing them on my own character, I fell in love. My only complaint now is the no glow while stowed in the day problem. That really needs a fix because the skin looks very boring and plastic without animation. If it glows in the night while stowed, how freaking hard is it to make it go back to glowing in the day like it always used to? With that issue fixed, I’ll be a happy camper, among many others, I assume. Who isn’t going to want it to go back to glowing while stowed in the day? If someone crafted it prior to the updates, then they will be happy since that’s the look it had before. If someone crafted it after the updates, they should be happy too since it glows in the night while stowed so they must have been okay with having it glow at all.

Everyone has their idea of the PERFECT look for their legendaries, but in reality, we know not everyone is going to be completely happy with anything that Anet does. I think asking them to change the footfalls and the night time color is asking too much, as it was already a bonus that they added them. I’m sorry for the people who crafted this scepter before the updates and hate it now, though. I personally prefer this version over that version because I really like the footfalls and the day/night cycle, even if they aren’t exactly the way I would have designed them myself. Having a weapon that leaves a stormy trail behind me when I walk and changes color from night to day is good enough for me. Just make it go back to glowing in the day, too, please.

The problem with Meteorlogicus.

in Crafting

Posted by: Dariwa.1590


I have meteo and its pretty ok but still miss something like aura (most 1h have aura).IMO foosteps could be alot better without this lightining.