The thief genie?
It’s seeming like a good number of people are or already have given up gambling for a precursor via forge. And the chances of getting one from a random drop looks just as slim, only you likely won’t have to spend as much.
I’m still waiting/ hoping they’ll release crafting recipes for each precursor because the options to attain ‘em are pretty ridiculous and if you don’t already have a legendary chances are you won’t be rich enough to pour your life’s savings or that much resources just to get one.
It’s all RNG/luck for now, and the odds are still stacked. Btw, I too am going for twilight, but I’m taking my time on making each gift. I won’t hold my breath for the precursor anytime in the near future though, unless someone’s feeling super generous to mail me one
I’ve only gotten them from the forge… and I’ve been playing since the early release. Don’t hold your breath on getting one as a drop.
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide –
I got my precursor from TP. I also farm A LOT in loads of places and do drop loads of rares, exotics and stuff bet never ever got precursor drop. I also put ALL rare weapons I get into MF which, sometimes, gives me highly priced exotics but never a precursor of any kind.
If you do farm a lot just grind the gold and buy what you need from TP. Saves a lot of frustration.
Thief/Necro/Guardian/Mesmer/Elementalist of SFR EU
After I threw tons of rares and exotics into the forge, I just gave up and held on to the gold for few months, and bought it with my hard earned gold… It was worth it. I should’ve never gambled to begin with…
Here’s the deal with the free market:
In a market in which all participants are both selfish and rational, the market adjusts so that all options are basically the same price.
But all people are not both selfish and rational- gambling makes people do irrational things; therefore, the gambling option is usually, on average, slightly more expensive.
There’s another factor in play though- items have diminished return when sold on the tp, due to listing price.
Therefore, there’s a line to be drawn- my strategy was this:
When you get rare or exotic drops, check the price to sell on the tp. If the sell price is over a certain amount (I went with 25s for rares, 1g for exotics), sell it. Otherwise, hold onto it, keep 10 bank slots reserved:
3 for rares of the weapon type you want
3 for exotics of the weapon type you want
2 for exotics of other weapon types
2 for rares of other weapon types
1 for mystic forge stones- the huge amount you got from achievement chests
When you get a 4th rare/exotic of the type you want, take them out and forge the- then either sell it you get a high-priced result or put result in the bank.
Do the same when you get a 3rd of the non-goal type, combining the 3 with a stone- don’t use the stones with the weapons of the same type you want as the stone removes type-persistence.
DO NOT dump gold into the tp to get mystic forge fuel- any gold you get should be held onto- if you reach the tp price of the precursor, just buy it.
This strategy got me the hunter- got it with 4 rares from the forge, but pretty sure it was a lucky forge- fewer than average total attempts.
And this runs concurrent to other processes – even if you have enough for a precursor, don’t spend any coin on it until you have every other piece. The order of acquisition, barring an extremely lucky forge or drop, should be:
77 clovers→everything else→ precursor
Because there’s always a chance they’ll make it easier to get in a future update.
Main: Asuran Engineer — Alt 80’s Ra-T-M-G-El-N-W-En-En-Re-Ra
Doctorate in Applied Jumping
well, there’s 450 gold wasted. enjoy!
Mystic’s Gold Profiting Guide
Forge & more JSON recipes
He’s not a thief….he’s a casino operator.
For every 1 high roller he pays, he smiles at a 1000 suckers….
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
Mine was a drop during an invasion… Sometimes ya just get lucky…
Here’s the deal with the free market:
In a market in which all participants are both selfish and rational, the market adjusts so that all options are basically the same price.
But all people are not both selfish and rational- gambling makes people do irrational things; therefore, the gambling option is usually, on average, slightly more expensive.
There’s another factor in play though- items have diminished return when sold on the tp, due to listing price.
Therefore, there’s a line to be drawn- my strategy was this:
When you get rare or exotic drops, check the price to sell on the tp. If the sell price is over a certain amount (I went with 25s for rares, 1g for exotics), sell it. Otherwise, hold onto it, keep 10 bank slots reserved:
3 for rares of the weapon type you want
3 for exotics of the weapon type you want
2 for exotics of other weapon types
2 for rares of other weapon types
1 for mystic forge stones- the huge amount you got from achievement chestsWhen you get a 4th rare/exotic of the type you want, take them out and forge the- then either sell it you get a high-priced result or put result in the bank.
Do the same when you get a 3rd of the non-goal type, combining the 3 with a stone- don’t use the stones with the weapons of the same type you want as the stone removes type-persistence.
DO NOT dump gold into the tp to get mystic forge fuel- any gold you get should be held onto- if you reach the tp price of the precursor, just buy it.
This strategy got me the hunter- got it with 4 rares from the forge, but pretty sure it was a lucky forge- fewer than average total attempts.
And this runs concurrent to other processes – even if you have enough for a precursor, don’t spend any coin on it until you have every other piece. The order of acquisition, barring an extremely lucky forge or drop, should be:
77 clovers->everything else-> precursor
Because there’s always a chance they’ll make it easier to get in a future update.
^ A very similar process has helped me finish 7 legendaries.