Time Devotion for a Legendary?

Time Devotion for a Legendary?

in Crafting

Posted by: Grimno.6172


So i started playing GW2 again, relizing “Hey, i should have stuck with it… it’s fun” and I figure at one point or another i’m going to try for a Legendary weapon.
After browsing through the selection I came to the conclusion “… I want twilight, that’s all.”.
I looked over the materials, scratched my head at a few and muttered ’…and these are?" quite a few times.
I was curious… what would be a rough estimate, if say you started farming for say twilight, from scratch, what would be the timeframe it would generally take.

Not saying i’m one of those “I want my weapons nowwww!!!” just wondering what to expect. I know it’s not gonna be less then a week, heck probably not even less then a month, i’m just asking what I should expect on average for those who went for one.

As is right now, i’m not even starting yet.
My first step I figure would be to get all of the main map explored and opened for availability so I can access the required areas, then i’d focus on getting the pieces while on my off time raising my weapon and armor smithing skills to 400 as needed.

My second concern was “How much Karma and Gold will be needed”. This way i know how to farm up and keep myself focused on not making purchases I won’t need

Example -
Me- “Ah man! I totally want that cultural armor tier 3 look!”
My Mind – “Don’t.. DON’T! You’re going after the flame legion armor’s look… don’t spend the gold on that armor you fool!”

Grimno Lvl 80 WR
Lance Delgado Lvl 20 Thief

Time Devotion for a Legendary?

in Crafting

Posted by: docMed.7692


There are plenty of guides you can refer to;

the wiki has a nice section on all the base components + each legendary’s specific requirements:


This site will let you calc. legendary gold cost per weapon based on current TP BUY prices: https://bravevesperia.com/extra/weaponcalculator.php


It takes roughly 1200g to 1500g per legendary at current TP prices. The most efficient farm is cof p1 zerk war/mes farming, which means you will need about 2000 cof p1 runs at around 7 minutes a cycle (2000 x 7 = 233 hours played), which will also earn you all the karma you need from vials + using them when you have a karma booster/banner. From there you will need map completition, and tokens, skill points, etc.

TL; dr - Grind hardcore ~ 2 months. Casually grind, 6 months to a year.

Time Devotion for a Legendary?

in Crafting

Posted by: Grimno.6172


I have to ask.
What is… cof p1 zerk war/mes?
I’m guessing cof p1 is Citidal of Flames Part 1 dungeon… but zerk war/mes? Not sure what that part is.

So 2 months if a hardcore grind. Taking off time needed for work… so about 3 months.
Alright.. cracks knuckles Let’s do this!

Edit – Was looking through my inventory and relized… some of the materials i’ve already got a good chunk of. Some. Ascalonian tears, karma… and I need to explore the entire map which i’m about 60% done with that.
So far so good then! lol…

Grimno Lvl 80 WR
Lance Delgado Lvl 20 Thief

(edited by Grimno.6172)

Time Devotion for a Legendary?

in Crafting

Posted by: Solfan.7531


First of all you get the precursor, then you get the CLOVERS, keep the t6.
After you have precursor and t6 you are done

Time Devotion for a Legendary?

in Crafting

Posted by: Grimno.6172


First of all you get the precursor, then you get the CLOVERS, keep the t6.
After you have precursor and t6 you are done

I’m gonna do one thing at a time.
Right now focusing on accumulating skill points while I explore the maps and get that completed as well as making areas available to me.
Once i’ve hit the 100% map completion then i can start focusing on mat gathering/writing down what i’ve already gotten, and focus on getting 1 needed material at a time.
As for aquiring Dusk… that’ll be… not so easy.

Grimno Lvl 80 WR
Lance Delgado Lvl 20 Thief

Time Devotion for a Legendary?

in Crafting

Posted by: Apolyon.6937


For me it was half a year to craft Twilight, with the help of my wife and some guildies.

The most difficult/annoying tasks were the pre-cursor, the clovers, and the money, in that order. I was uber ultra super lucky with the pre-cursor… got Dawn from the mystic forge in less than 20 tries, and traded it for Dusk.

The most enjoying tasks were the WvW part, I also got all the karma in WvW, love it; map completion (though I rushed it in the end, so I will try to complete it again but paying more attention to the little details); and mastering Ascalon and Twilight Arbour for those tokens and Onyx cores.

Time Devotion for a Legendary?

in Crafting

Posted by: Zumy.6318


7 weeks for Twilight. 5 weeks for Bolt. No farming and no real money involved.
And for sure no CoF.

Thief | Zumy [Buka]
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer

Time Devotion for a Legendary?

in Crafting

Posted by: Zanshin.5379


7 weeks for Twilight. 5 weeks for Bolt. No farming and no real money involved.
And for sure no CoF.

So… basically, you only played the market.

Time Devotion for a Legendary?

in Crafting

Posted by: gaborkaldy.3210


Not every get 3-4 precursors dropped like you Zumy. Basically i have killed dozens of thousands of risens, crubs, and other stuff on cursed shore in the past 1 week and didn’t get a single exotic drop in full mf + 50% mf booster + 40% food. Also for 2 weeks everyday i made every boss event for chest, finished up without a single exotic.

1. You got to be lucky, 2. you have to understand how the TP works, or 3. you have to work your kitten off for a legendary weapon. I am in the 3rd category as i am not lucky, and CBA to play with the TP. I’am buying Zap off from my friend today , i finished mastery gift, and the clovers, ectos + 50% of the Tier 6 mats. But Weapon gift postponed me for at leats an another month from my legendary. kitten charged Lodes.

It’s always Beer Time!
Desolation – [TEU]

Time Devotion for a Legendary?

in Crafting

Posted by: gaborkaldy.3210


7 weeks for Twilight. 5 weeks for Bolt. No farming and no real money involved.
And for sure no CoF.

So… basically, you only played the market.

Nah mate. As far as i remember Zumy gets a precursor dropped every time he steps out Lions Arch.

It’s always Beer Time!
Desolation – [TEU]

Time Devotion for a Legendary?

in Crafting

Posted by: Charming Rogue.8071

Charming Rogue.8071

Took me 2 months to get the 3 gifts. Basically playing the game, doing dungeons, getting titles, doing daily, more dungeons, and more dungeons. Getting some lucky drops. Also when I started gathering my materials stuff was waaaay cheaper (except for lodestones). I played a couple hours every day.

Precursor (Dusk) I farmed CoF madly for about 3 weeks.

Gold is your main concern, the rest is easy. Get Clovers first, they’ll give you a lot of other materials you need when the recipe fails.

Desolation – EU – [KING] – Immortal Kingdom

Time Devotion for a Legendary?

in Crafting

Posted by: ShadowMaster.5708


I have been farming for 4 months now for the dagger. Still need my precursor to 700 gold so most likely 4 months more

Time Devotion for a Legendary?

in Crafting

Posted by: Monstrowhale.9156


It depends on how you allocate the time that you spend ingame (and how much time you have overall to do mundane stuff in it daily) it took me like 3+ months to forge my Twilight, but then only 6 weeks to get my Incinerator (with good luck on getting precursor quick though), but I had to do some heavy farming routines towards the end (CoF1, Karka, Orr events), and farmed 30-40g a day over last days (no-lifer mode).

The bottleneck will be by and large the gold you need to complete the stuff. Starting on Incinerator I pretty much had all the non-gold stuff almost done (enough skill point for clovers, all badges of honor from WvW, dungeon badges etc, as well as startup gold), but farming money for lodestones and Gift of Fortune (T6 mats) is quite expensive.

All in all, expect 2-3 a months’ job.

And here’s the screenshot of excel spreadsheet I kept track of my progress with, with expected cost in buy-able ingredients (may deviate slightly on current market prices ofc)

Good luck!


Plantbearpig [PONY]

Time Devotion for a Legendary?

in Crafting

Posted by: lolynot.1928


My advice is to play the game the way you like, and save your gold. Once you have 1000G, you’re close to getting a legendary.