To Buy Legendaries or Not to Buy
Either buy most of it like normal or buy all of it, no one is really going to care either way other than you.
The high price of a Legendary is it’s value, though it can be a bit overzealous depending on the buyer, but it’s a two way street. If they put up an item for what they believe it’s worth, and you purchase it based on the price, then it’s value as a Legendary is justified, as long as (personal opinion, I can be wrong) is above that of the materials required, as you’re also paying for the player’s time and effort to craft it. Though they could put it up for 30 copper, and that’s what they think it’s worth, then that’s their opinion, and you can do with it however you so choose.
If you can afford it, buy it. If not, then just farm the badges/karma, etc, and spent less gold.
It really depends on where you want to spend most of your time, or what you already have in the bank.
I think buying a legendary would be the equivalent of having someone log onto your account and complete the Clock Tower JP for you. I don’t think I would run around the room screaming in victory by simply purchasing something off the TP.
Feel free to buy it, just know you will gain no sense of accomplishment from doing so
We are sworn together by our blood…
Whatever, not even I care anymore. I’m going to embrace every despicable part of this game. Flip some items, sell some dungeon slots, then use all the gold to buy my legendary. This is an epic journey!
I think once you have the legendary, you only play to show it off in LA.
That’s my opinion, I mean after you have it, what’s left?
I think once you have the legendary, you only play to show it off in LA.
That’s my opinion, I mean after you have it, what’s left?
Mmm, World vs World, sPvP, playing with your friends/guildies?
If you have no friends to play with, and dislike PvP, you are right (but you picked the wrong game…).
Guardian of Moonlight Shadow [MLS]
I think once you have the legendary, you only play to show it off in LA.
That’s my opinion, I mean after you have it, what’s left?
Mmm, World vs World, sPvP, playing with your friends/guildies?
If you have no friends to play with, and dislike PvP, you are right (but you picked the wrong game…).
I like WvW, but like sPvP, it gets old fast… Surprisingly enough I do have some friends, and a ton of guildies, but again… SSDD ya’ know?
I like WvW, but like sPvP, it gets old fast… Surprisingly enough I do have some friends, and a ton of guildies, but again… SSDD ya’ know?
I don’t know what “SSDD” means, i am sorry, but “It gets old fast”, well this is a computer game, all gets “old fast”. For me, WvW is replayable enough, because i am not one of them zerglings that follows around mindless hitting “1” on everything that moves.
I really like entering WvW with my 4 guildies and:
- wreak havoc in supply camps
- hitting caravans
- intercepting stragglers who try and regroup with the main zerg
- stealthing my group away on key places, waiting for the main zerg to pass and retaking quickly (even an undefended small tower can be taken quickly with 2 flame rams and a bit of outside help)
- communicating to commanders what i am doing so they can focus on guiding the zerg elsewhere
That doesn’t get “old fast” to me.
That said, to remain in topic, having or not having a legendary won’t change that style even a bit. I am working on it, but that’s not my main goal. So, buying it is out of question for me.
Guardian of Moonlight Shadow [MLS]
think of it this way. you can buy the over priced product OR buy the materials needed and simple build it, no farming required because in my view NO ONE is gonna sell their legendary for the value of the materials used they want to profit from that painful experience. and if they think like me, they would simple use that profit to build a new 1 and still have money left over to smile about as they wait to repeat the process over and over again.
The most difficult parts of the Legendaries are the ones that you cannot get through normal playing: Precursor, Lodestones, Clovers.
If you have the money to buy a Legendary, then you have the money to buy the materiales, and that is quite cheaper.
The moment someone buys a legendary it will pave the road for the seller to make more legendaries – end result is the seller becomes richer and can control more of the market. ANet gets a fraction of the money, however, gives more power away to the seller.
Now do we really want this to happen?
Do not click this link!
I think once you have the legendary, you only play to show it off in LA.
That’s my opinion, I mean after you have it, what’s left?
I got my Bifrost in mid November and I continue to play. I made 500 G in a week and a half during the Christmas break, and Dusk dropped for me yesterday. Now I can afford Sunrise and will get it within the week.
Getting another legendary was one of my goals and now that I’m going to get it I’ll move on to my next goals – get Flameseeker Prophecies
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works.
I think once you have the legendary, you only play to show it off in LA.
That’s my opinion, I mean after you have it, what’s left?
I got my Bifrost in mid November and I continue to play. I made 500 G in a week and a half during the Christmas break, and Dusk dropped for me yesterday. Now I can afford Sunrise and will get it within the week.
Getting another legendary was one of my goals and now that I’m going to get it I’ll move on to my next goals – get Flameseeker Prophecies
I am happy for you, unfortunately for me, I am not one of the few chosen ones who is blessed by the RNG gods. A lot of what the game has to offer, that I enjoy I have done it.
“I have done it, I done it again! Hey! I done it again.”
I wasn’t a huge GW1 fan, I don’t know squat about the lore, it’s “meh” at best imo. I skip most of the story in game, to me it’s pointless because the world/home doesn’t change (like they said it would) GW2 is great for people who are happy to pay 60 bux and play for years, I came from the time of pay to play and that still remains to be the superior model to me. This game is dictated by the gem store, no one is on equal footing, and the goals in this game can simply be bought outright.
Buying items to me is like cheating. Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, A, B, select, start, = legendary.
What are we playing for? What is the goal? Fun right?
Why does anet ban exploiters? For getting something the easy way? For not grinding? For not buying gems? I am pretty sure that last one hits the nail on the head… The more money I spend, the less I like to play.
…I came from the time of pay to play and that still remains to be the superior model to me. …The more money I spend, the less I like to play.
Your logic doesn’t make too much sense to me there.
Back on topic, I think that buying a legendary is a little ridiculous, but to each their own. If you have been playing and have that much gold, then good on you. Go ahead and buy your legendary. Unfortunately, people assume everyone who has that much gold made it through the gem store or gold sellers. Some might have, but I know a lot of people who play the TP and somehow end up with a kitten ton of gold. I’m pretty jealous of them.
That said, I probably wont buy a legendary ever unless I magically win a non existant lottery in GW and am given 3k gold. I think it would cheapen it for me.
In the end it is ultimately up to you. In the end it is the responsibility of other folks not to worry about how or why you received your legendary. In the end you will be left with the stigma that all legendary owners have, that they are grinders/farmers, and that the legendary weapon is not legendary at all because of the mechanics involved.
In the end it is soley your choice to pursue something that was a bad idea from inception to execution.
…I came from the time of pay to play and that still remains to be the superior model to me. …The more money I spend, the less I like to play.
Your logic doesn’t make too much sense to me there.
Back on topic, I think that buying a legendary is a little ridiculous, but to each their own. If you have been playing and have that much gold, then good on you. Go ahead and buy your legendary. Unfortunately, people assume everyone who has that much gold made it through the gem store or gold sellers. Some might have, but I know a lot of people who play the TP and somehow end up with a kitten ton of gold. I’m pretty jealous of them.
That said, I probably wont buy a legendary ever unless I magically win a non existant lottery in GW and am given 3k gold. I think it would cheapen it for me.
Gathering tools and salvage kits. Not a time saver, they are clearly an advantage. These items have cost me more a month than a sub. So yeah, I rather pay 15 a month rather than 20/40.
People that have legendary’s started early off, you know before DR’s and this annoying loot bug, or whatever it is. Materials were never this scarce and don’t go blaming bots because when I did master crafter I farmed all but some ancient/seasoned wood on my first toon. Since then I have 2 more 80’s, a 46, 45, 31, 18 and and I am struggling to get these mats for just 1 crafting discipline on 1 character. No I don’t skip them, I look for nodes, after all its even more xp plus daily xp/karma.
I don’t care if the legendary took 2 years of BS tasks, jumping puzzles, badges of jumping, world completion, 10k achievement points, dungeon master, commander title, but kitten give me something to work towards, not against.
Can you imagine saving 100g, then when you go to buy the Commander title it takes your gold and gives you 50 locked mystic chests instead? I mean that pretty much sums up how you get a legendary.
This game is all of 4 months old, and the economy is garbage.
In the end it is ultimately up to you. In the end it is the responsibility of other folks not to worry about how or why you received your legendary. In the end you will be left with the stigma that all legendary owners have, that they are grinders/farmers, and that the legendary weapon is not legendary at all because of the mechanics involved.
In the end it is soley your choice to pursue something that was a bad idea from inception to execution.
Oh stop it. It is your imagination. There is no stigma.
Back on topic, if you have the coin, buy it off TP.
Honesly the prices ive seen so far are a complete joke.
I just finished The Predator. Looking back on it, i spend a total of ~600g. Say the precursor dusk is more expensive, you’re looking at 800? 900? I think 1k is stretching it.
Is paying 500g worth it for 200 skillpoints and karma? If you have that much gold to spend, just buy some karmaboosters and play the game. Do dailies, monthlies, those jugs with boosters and guildboost are worth 7.6k a pop.
So its really only worth it if you have a ton of gold, and absolutely no skillpoints (and already did all skillchallenges) or karma and are willing to spend so much more just to get it now. Personally i’d just play the game for a month and by then id have enough karma and skillpoints.
It’s just a skin as far as I can see, what is the issue?
It’s just a skin as far as I can see, what is the issue?
All this issues for a skin, if you have the money, buy it.
No, i won’t acknowledge you’re a better player because “you have a legendary”. Show me your skill in the battle, instead.
Same thing for all commanders i meet. I always gauge them during WvW and i have in my friend list the “good” ones.
You can have the legendary and be a commander, all dressed in Abyss Black and Pure White, but let me see how you fare in World vs World… no advantage, we are not in Wow.
Guardian of Moonlight Shadow [MLS]
I have been told since my lst post that legendaries are somehow going to be re-statted. But I have seen nothing concrete for this.
So until that is confirmed, people are stressing about something that is just a freaking skin!
And if it is confirmed we may be talking 3 points! You may not pick up a single percent crit chance!
Good heavens people, if you want the price to go down then treat them like the silliness they are. Anet is having a great joke on you because you are borderline insane with your OCD, craft a legendary and be done OMG!
Feel free to buy it, just know you will gain no sense of accomplishment from doing so
How not? I believe anyone with the amount of coin in this game to drop on something like that could feel accomplished in his or her own right.
if you have the money just buy it. no difference than grinding anyways. accomplishment for endless grinding? no thx…
If i had an xtra $2800 bucks to burn, i sure in hell wouldn’t spend it on some pixels in a game……especially when the only part to a legendary that takes anyone other than yourself to make is the 500 dungeon tokens. But that’s just me. Of course if you are talking ingame gold, then by all means buy one if you have 2800g laying around.
Am I legendary yet!?
Imo, the longer it takes for you to get it, the sweeter the feeling of getting it becomes. Compare the feeling of getting your first exotic set, versus, say, getting your first ascended backpiece.
Feel free to buy it, just know you will gain no sense of accomplishment from doing so
How not? I believe anyone with the amount of coin in this game to drop on something like that could feel accomplished in his or her own right.
Legendaries were designed to be earned, not bought despite the fact they’re in the TP). I mean, look at the effort it takes to craft one; after all that, someone should feel extremely accomplished for going through the struggle of crafting each piece, gathering and buying the materials for it… It’s supposed to be an experience. Simply buying it when someone else does all the work takes away the whole experience you should get by making it. That’s why anyone who buys it should not feel accomplished. In my opinion, they wouldn’t have earned it.
We are sworn together by our blood…
Buy it or craft it, it just depends if you will be satisfied with your decision or not in the long run.
To give a proper answer to the OP: no. Craft it, will be way cheaper. The actual price is a scam. Screw the work done by the seller. Mats count.
But if rich enough, well, why the hassle to waste weeks grinding like an idiot. After all those weapons has nothing legendary at all more than the grind and gamble you spent on them. And just 4 are worthy about skin. Buy it, fake yourself and others around you you worked so hard on it, hehe
(edited by Lucas Ashrock.8675)