Too much Silk

Too much Silk

in Crafting

Posted by: Coldin.2840


Can we please get the material costs reduced on silk. It’s by far the most crazy expensive ingredient now.

Reduce Silk Bolts back to 2 scraps per bolt, and reduce the Ascended Spools down to 50.

Coldin – Thief – Sanctum of Rall

Too much Silk

in Crafting

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

Too late for this imo. The majority of people who were going to make ascended armor have already done so and already paid for or used up their stocks of silk and damask. If they decrease it now, all those people will be unhappy about it and consider it very unfair that latecomers get a great price break and reduced costs that they didn’t get.

Too much Silk

in Crafting

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Too late for this imo. The majority of people who were going to make ascended armor have already done so and already paid for or used up their stocks of silk and damask. If they decrease it now, all those people will be unhappy about it and consider it very unfair that latecomers get a great price break and reduced costs that they didn’t get.

Of course this means that all new players will again have it much worse (remember, lot of those that made their ascended already pre-stocked on silk while it was still cheap).

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

Too much Silk

in Crafting

Posted by: Blude.6812


Too late for this imo. The majority of people who were going to make ascended armor have already done so and already paid for or used up their stocks of silk and damask. If they decrease it now, all those people will be unhappy about it and consider it very unfair that latecomers get a great price break and reduced costs that they didn’t get.

Anet makes lots of people unhappy every update—they generally just say suck it up.

Too much Silk

in Crafting

Posted by: cranked.3812


Too late for this imo. The majority of people who were going to make ascended armor have already done so and already paid for or used up their stocks of silk and damask. If they decrease it now, all those people will be unhappy about it and consider it very unfair that latecomers get a great price break and reduced costs that they didn’t get.

People will be mad if anet makes it cheaper? The horror….. It’s not like every other thread on the forums isn’t already a complaint thread of one kind or another.

I would say keep it at 3 scraps per bolt but make it 50 bolts per spool. They screwed up initially, time to correct it along with other things like soft wood that could use a change.

Too much Silk

in Crafting

Posted by: smithkt.8062


Too late for this imo. The majority of people who were going to make ascended armor have already done so and already paid for or used up their stocks of silk and damask. If they decrease it now, all those people will be unhappy about it and consider it very unfair that latecomers get a great price break and reduced costs that they didn’t get.

Yes it would upset a lot of people. Honestly, I don’t care. I get a little tired of seeing this as an argument for not fixing something. I have already crafted 5 of 6 ascended pieces for one toon. I have others I would like to craft for.

Silk is a major stumbling block. It is out of proportion with other Ascended crafting materials. It should be fixed. Leaving it 3 scraps per bolt and reducing the requirement to 50 bolts would put it in line with the other materials.

Too much Silk

in Crafting

Posted by: Lankybrit.4598


I don’t understand. Isn’t Gossamer the thing needed for Ascended? I have no personal knowledge, just looking at the wiki. What am I missing?

My Life in Tyria:
Updated every Monday

Too much Silk

in Crafting

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

Well it wouldn’t hurt my feelings if they did reduce it to 2 scraps per bolt. I refused to make any ascended armor after looking at the costs and the tiny benefits. It’s just from reading the forum and how everyone responds when something they have spent gold on is made cheaper. Immediately there are numerous posts asking for refunds either ingame or actual real money refunds and general upset among the people who are finished buying the whatever is the current topic.

I said it was probably too late because ANet probably won’t want to rock the boat after the nerfs to costumes, etc.

Too much Silk

in Crafting

Posted by: Khal Drogo.9631

Khal Drogo.9631

Can we please get the material costs reduced on silk. It’s by far the most crazy expensive ingredient now.

Reduce Silk Bolts back to 2 scraps per bolt, and reduce the Ascended Spools down to 50.

Why did they even do this in the first place?

Apologies to those who may find my posts on GW2 forums offensive and hateful.

Too much Silk

in Crafting

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

I do get why people would be upset by making the recipes require less silk, but at the same time, it would be a relief for them that they can craft more pieces at that reduced cost.

When Arachnophobia came out, I spent all my coin on the recipe and mats to craft it in the forge, I think it was about 250g worth at the time, which was a large amount. Then two days later, ANet added it to the drop tables of the Mad Kings Chest and it was 25g on the TP! Now, that was a large price drop!

I agree that it needs to stay at 3 scraps per bolt, but should only be 50 bolts to refine to ascended.

Too much Silk

in Crafting

Posted by: Ulion.5476


Can we please get the material costs reduced on silk. It’s by far the most crazy expensive ingredient now.

Reduce Silk Bolts back to 2 scraps per bolt, and reduce the Ascended Spools down to 50.

Why did they even do this in the first place?

Because for over a year silk has been selling for below the vendor price. Until that ascended armor update silk was always the most abundant item on TP. Now silk has some value.

Ele – Tarnished Coast
“Quoth the raven nevermore”
Platinum Scout: 300% MF

Too much Silk

in Crafting

Posted by: Malganis.7468


I will support any petition that changes the silk required for a bolt of damask from 100 down to 50 like the other materials.

Legion of Honour [XIII]:
Tarnished Coast

Too much Silk

in Crafting

Posted by: storiessave.3807


I don’t understand. Isn’t Gossamer the thing needed for Ascended? I have no personal knowledge, just looking at the wiki. What am I missing?

You need 100 bolts of silk (i.e. 300 silk overall) per Spool of Weaving Thread for a Bolt of Damask. On the other hand, Armorsmithing’s Lump of Mithrillium only requires 50 mithril ingots. In other words, Tailors need twice as much of their main ascended component’s material than other crafts, and silk is harder to farm than ore or leather.

@thread – I think it should be changed. Yes, it would suck for the players that already got their ascended stuff crafted, but just because some went through it with a higher cost doesn’t mean that new players should struggle through the same thing. That’s a pretty lame argument not to get something that’s obviously unbalanced changed.

Tarnished Coast

Catorii | Lustre Delacroix | Catorii Desmarais | Synalie

Too much Silk

in Crafting

Posted by: Mortifer.2946


wait. I didn’t realise that we need only 50 Mithrillium, but 100 damasks.
Anet, what the heck?!

Too much Silk

in Crafting

Posted by: Erukk.1408


I hope they change this as well, because I cant even look at tailoring at the moment. I was thinking of making a set of ascended for my mesmer, but that thought quickly died after I looked up the recipes, since (minus the insignias) tailors need about 3x the amount of damask as everyone else.

I can understand them trying to make ascended armor lengthy and/or expensive to get, but one profession shouldn’t feel the brunt of that more than the others.

Too much Silk

in Crafting

Posted by: Ulion.5476


Yep that extra 5% armor will cost you a arm and a leg. It is not worth it for condition build or people that can not save up 400-600g to craft a set. After the update it will be a accound bound set so it is more worthwhile.

Ele – Tarnished Coast
“Quoth the raven nevermore”
Platinum Scout: 300% MF

Too much Silk

in Crafting

Posted by: Rils.7368


Something to consider though is that silk is also relatively easy to get. 15 min on the QD champ train will get you a good dozen+ from salvaging. Even if it’s not your preferred play style, consider that an hour a night for a week will easily get you a stack of silk, plus mithril and all sorts of other sellable mats. If you need silk, it’s way easier to farm the material than to farm gold to buy the material, IMO.

Personally, I don’t need silk, and I’ve been making some great coin selling my salvages on the TP…

Too much Silk

in Crafting

Posted by: Erukk.1408


Something to consider though is that silk is also relatively easy to get. 15 min on the QD champ train will get you a good dozen+ from salvaging. Even if it’s not your preferred play style, consider that an hour a night for a week will easily get you a stack of silk, plus mithril and all sorts of other sellable mats.

It’s not the obtainability that makes the crafting difficult. It’s the sheer amount needed. Crafters of all armor professions require 300 silk scraps per day to do the daily refinement. Compare this to the wood and leather refinement, which only requires 150, and the metal one, which requires a lowly 100, you get a huge disparity.

Not to mention, mithril and elder wood can be easily harvest in a short amount of time, and leather, being the red headed stepchild of gw2 crafting, is always in large stock on the tp. Silk, on the other hand, is always going to be in huge demand by all armor professions. Either it be crafting towards 400 or towards ascended.

Too much Silk

in Crafting

Posted by: Charming Rogue.8071

Charming Rogue.8071

Too late for this imo. The majority of people who were going to make ascended armor have already done so and already paid for or used up their stocks of silk and damask. If they decrease it now, all those people will be unhappy about it and consider it very unfair that latecomers get a great price break and reduced costs that they didn’t get.

If this was true, then the price of silk would go down. But it’s not, meaning that people are still crafting their ascended armor pieces.

Desolation – EU – [KING] – Immortal Kingdom

Too much Silk

in Crafting

Posted by: Tom Gore.4035

Tom Gore.4035

You need 100 bolts of silk (i.e. 300 silk overall) per Spool of Weaving Thread for a Bolt of Damask. On the other hand, Armorsmithing’s Lump of Mithrillium only requires 50 mithril ingots. In other words, Tailors need twice as much of their main ascended component’s material than other crafts, and silk is harder to farm than ore or leather.

Three times. Mithril Ingot requires only 2 ore.

One – Piken Square

Too much Silk

in Crafting

Posted by: Phobia.9651


The inconsistency never made any sense to me, if it was Anet’s way of controlling the ingame economy it was a poor move to begin with.

Spool of Silk Weaving Thread:
100 Bolt of Silk (300 Scraps)
1 Glob of Ectoplasm
25 Spool of Gossamer Thread

Lump of Mithrillium:
50 Mithril Ingot (100 Ore)
1 Glob of Ectoplasm
10 Thermocatalytic Reagent

Glob of Elder Spirit Residue:
50 Elder Wood Plank (150 Logs)
1 Glob of Ectoplasm
10 Thermocatalytic Reagent

Spool of Thick Elonian Cord:
50 Cured Thick Leather Square (150 Sections)
1 Glob of Ectoplasm
10 Thermocatalytic Reagent

Makes sense, no?

On another note, please merge the sections Ectoplasm Refinement, Obsidian Refinement, the Vision Crystals and the ascended items in Refinement into Ascended Refinement.

Too much Silk

in Crafting

Posted by: Elric Of Melnibone.4781

Elric Of Melnibone.4781

They over-corrected with the silk adjustment they made so I think that it should go back to 50 for refining silk. They could gift all owners of ascended armor with extra silk if they really feared upsetting people, but I for one would be glad just to not have to come up with 300 silk EVERY day to do my daily crafting.

Too much Silk

in Crafting

Posted by: Lobo Dela Noche.5127

Lobo Dela Noche.5127

Can we please get the material costs reduced on silk. It’s by far the most crazy expensive ingredient now.

Reduce Silk Bolts back to 2 scraps per bolt, and reduce the Ascended Spools down to 50.

Yes this needs to happen so that it will make the cost of light armor closer to medium and heavy. You should not be punished based on the class you chose and it should not be so out of whack that it becomes a choice for choosing your class at character creation.

Too much Silk

in Crafting

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


I agree that Silk was overcorrected. It should probably be dropped back to 50 AND the amount of cloth scraps from salvaging increased by 50%. This should help ease the scarcity of cloth scraps which are needed by all 3 armor crafting disciplines, and the one that is hardest to farm.

Technically leather is in the same spot, but the prices are kept in check by its much lower demand.

Too much Silk

in Crafting

Posted by: Brother Grimm.5176

Brother Grimm.5176

Should change your title….sounds as if you are complaining that there is too much silk available (not that you want silk required for Damask reduced).

The Damask required for light armor should be brought in line with other Ascended armor material requirements.

We go out in the world and take our chances
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances

Too much Silk

in Crafting

Posted by: Wombatt.2546


Should change your title….sounds as if you are complaining that there is too much silk available (not that you want silk required for Damask reduced).

The Damask required for light armor should be brought in line with other Ascended armor material requirements.

I think it’s a perfect title. After all, didn’t we all come here to hate on the guy who was saying he had too dang much silk?

Too much Silk

in Crafting

Posted by: ValeN.3129


Imo they are trying to encourage people to run classes other than light, the most popular atm.

Too much Silk

in Crafting

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Imo they are trying to encourage people to run classes other than light, the most popular atm.

Yeah, people should rather run the less popular and weaker classes, like Warrior and Guardian.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

Too much Silk

in Crafting

Posted by: pdavis.8031


Yeah, it does require alot of silk for crafting. I’ve finished a whole ascended armor set, and it took forever because of the silk. But it was at 2 scrapes per bolt BEFORE the introducting of ascended. They increased the amount because silk is too easy to get. It SEEMS difficult because you need so much. On an average day JUST farming silk I could get 25-30 bolts a day.

Increasing the amount of silk need, increased the price dramatically, before silk was super cheap, almost the price of mithril ore now on the TP. Because there was no demand for it. I think the idea was to help use up some of the silk in the game that wasn’t doing anything, help get rid of useless items by salvaging greens and blues for silk, similiar to luck from salvaging.

“You know what the chain of command is?
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”

Too much Silk

in Crafting

Posted by: Bawzdawg.2839


omg guys chill.. its not hard to farm silk is it? Go farm events in cursed shore for one day and get like a full stack of silk scraps… next to lots of rares and tier 6 mats.

I mean U COMPLAIN ABOUT SILK???? There are far worse things to be looked at like
Silver Doubloons, Lodestones, Eyes and Precursors ofc, i havent had a drop since i was playing the beta… dig dat.

now stop crying about silk its like the most common crafting material to come bx after mithril ore and dem silly elder wood logs.

Too much Silk

in Crafting

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


omg guys chill.. its not hard to farm silk is it? Go farm events in cursed shore for one day and get like a full stack of silk scraps… next to lots of rares and tier 6 mats.

And you happen to need two full stacks for a daily crafting of damask. And you overestimate amount of silk gained, by the way.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

Too much Silk

in Crafting

Posted by: Coldin.2840


omg guys chill.. its not hard to farm silk is it? Go farm events in cursed shore for one day and get like a full stack of silk scraps… next to lots of rares and tier 6 mats.

And you happen to need two full stacks for a daily crafting of damask. And you overestimate amount of silk gained, by the way.

Basically this.

Silk drops are plentiful, but not so when you consider the sheer amount needed to craft just one Bolt of Damask. It’s kind of absurd actually that you need more than one full stack of silk scraps just to make one bolt of damask. All the other materials I can farm enough to fill my collection and then have enough to make 2 ascended materials at least.

It would be nice if they at least started by reducing the amount of Silk Bolts required to 50 to match mithril and thick leather.

Coldin – Thief – Sanctum of Rall

Too much Silk

in Crafting

Posted by: Gorani.7205


I think it is worth getting this thread to attention on the first page again, to get an answer to the insanity that is the problem with silk for light armour classes right now.
I can not understand the opposition of some of the posters here against a drop in amounts of silk you need.
If I take a look at the TP right now silk goes for around 1.90 silver while leather is still at 0.08 silver. That is about 24x times the price. If you do not want to farm and just buy you get the mats for the time gated (daily) ascended crafting mat for 12 silver for leather and for 5.7 gold for the silk based one (not counting other ingredients).
Anybody that does not see a need for a fix must be blind on both eyes.

Member of The Guildwars Online Guild [GWO]
Still keeps a volume of Kurzick poems ;)

(edited by Gorani.7205)

Too much Silk

in Crafting

Posted by: Tom Gore.4035

Tom Gore.4035

Also voting that the amount of silk bolts for the weaving thread should be dropped to 50.

That would probably rise the price on the other cloth even further, though.

One – Piken Square

Too much Silk

in Crafting

Posted by: Morsus.5106


Can we please get the material costs reduced on silk. It’s by far the most crazy expensive ingredient now.

Reduce Silk Bolts back to 2 scraps per bolt, and reduce the Ascended Spools down to 50.

Why did they even do this in the first place?

Because for over a year silk has been selling for below the vendor price. Until that ascended armor update silk was always the most abundant item on TP. Now silk has some value.

And leather still doesn’t have a single buy order, and there is what, 7.8 million of them on the TP?

Too much Silk

in Crafting

Posted by: Lobo Dela Noche.5127

Lobo Dela Noche.5127

The original problem with silk was that there wasn’t enough wanted item recipes for it. So that made it really cheap. The fix to that was to add more crafting recipes for items that people want, one way to do this is add new items like ascended. There was never a reason to mess with the recipes and it should have never been done. Especially since they changed it about the same time as ascended was release so the value of it would have changed on its own. When you add in the fact that silk is included in every crafting ascended armor recipe it is more than obvious that it would go up on its own.

Arenanet are smart folks though so they knew what they are doing which is why they did what they did and why they don’t respond about this issue. They want certain items to kittenedly out of whack compared to other similar items and why not have it be something that is used in all the ascended armor recipes.

Too much Silk

in Crafting

Posted by: DarkSpirit.7046


Can we please get the material costs reduced on silk. It’s by far the most crazy expensive ingredient now.

Reduce Silk Bolts back to 2 scraps per bolt, and reduce the Ascended Spools down to 50.

From the title, I thought that there is “too much silk” in the TP and you complaining that Silk is too cheap and need to be more expensive! But actually you are complaining the opposite.

Too much Silk

in Crafting

Posted by: Lankybrit.4598


Can we please get the material costs reduced on silk. It’s by far the most crazy expensive ingredient now.

Reduce Silk Bolts back to 2 scraps per bolt, and reduce the Ascended Spools down to 50.

From the title, I thought that there is “too much silk” in the TP and you complaining that Silk is too cheap and need to be more expensive! But actually you are complaining the opposite.

If the OP would just change the title to “Too much Silk Required”, then we’d all know what this thread was about.

My Life in Tyria:
Updated every Monday

Too much Silk

in Crafting

Posted by: Gorani.7205


The “silk problem” is not only a problem for ascended crafting but with two other issues as well:
1. New players to crafting
Players that are relatively new to the game will experience crafting as a horrible and expensive thing. In the early days of GW2 the fine mats like “blood” were the limiting factors for creating new armour, now it is easier to get those because t2 to t4 mats are up in price already and once you get to lvl 60+, when you require silk you probably can’t craft your own personal armour as you progress in levels, because you can’t afford both basic mats or completed pieces on the TP. I can remember buying a set of lvl 65 winged armour for about 16-20 silver. Now a Knight’s variant was roughly about 3 gold on the TP.

2. Equality rifts
As you can farm nodes for metals and wood + salvaging weapons, you get get more of those mats than by getting leather and fabric from salvaging armour only. That is OK. The rift starts when all armour crafting professions need fabric for their “padding” as a secondary material. Do loot bags drop more fabric than leather? Do light armour pieces drop more frequently? I don’t think so.
As explained a couple of times on this thread already, the refinement process does not help at being an equalizer: You need only 2/3 of mithril ore for an ingot than you need scraps for a bold of silk. In the next phase you need 50 of the ingots compared to 100 bolds for the ascended step.
In the end, a light armour class player (or better, a player who likes his profession so much that he wants to have his main character go to ascended level) will ask the question why he has to pay so much more than other professions or why he has to work/grind the game so much more than other professions. This creates discontent among the player base.

Member of The Guildwars Online Guild [GWO]
Still keeps a volume of Kurzick poems ;)

Too much Silk

in Crafting

Posted by: Allisa Wonderland.8192

Allisa Wonderland.8192

I have more silk than I know what to do with.. It accumulates as a result of my salvaging almost as much as everyone’s favourite leather bits!

The price is also a fair bit lower than when ascended armor first arrived on the scene.

Too much Silk

in Crafting

Posted by: Varonth.5830


I think it is worth getting this thread to attention on the first page again, to get an answer to the insanity that is the problem with silk for light armour classes right now.

Wrong forum for this.
ANet doesn’t even know this forum exists anymore.

Last dev post in Crafting:

“about a year ago”

Too much Silk

in Crafting

Posted by: Tom Gore.4035

Tom Gore.4035

I actually though about this again and I think the amount of silk required for Ascended crafting is about right.

How so, you ask?

Because at the moment all the other cloth required for the Damask is much more expensive than silk, meaning there still is a lot, lot more silk coming into the market than the other required components.

So just lowering the amount of silk required for Damask is not a solution. It would just shoot up the prices of the other cloth materials through the roof.

Real solution would be to make cloth easier to farm and/or reduce the total amount of Damask needed for Ascended crafting. Good start would be to change the amount needed for the insignia from 3 to 2.

One – Piken Square

Too much Silk

in Crafting

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


That’s why I proposed a two-step correction in my post above.

“I agree that Silk was overcorrected. It should probably be dropped back to 50 AND the amount of cloth scraps from salvaging increased by 50%. This should help ease the scarcity of cloth scraps which are needed by all 3 armor crafting disciplines, and the one that is hardest to farm.”

Too much Silk

in Crafting

Posted by: Aberrant.6749


Nah, just increase the supply of all cloth (it’s not just silk that’s the problem). That way people that have already made it don’t feel as bad about it.

Tarnished Coast
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide –

Too much Silk

in Crafting

Posted by: Rauderi.8706


Nah, just increase the supply of all cloth (it’s not just silk that’s the problem). That way people that have already made it don’t feel as bad about it.

I wouldn’t mind this as a solution, either. Though, really, it’s still massively irritating that the 100-silk demand is far too blatant and affects every armor crafter. It’s even more punitive for Tailors.

ANet really should suck it up and apologize for the overcorrection and bring silk in line with the other ascended crafts.

Many alts; handle it!
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632

Too much Silk

in Crafting

Posted by: DeWolfe.2174


They need to upgrade the amount of cloth drops in game. Thank God I went and farmed linen right before the Mega Server hit. The Mega Server ruined any chance of farming events for cloth mats. Which was a large supply chain of them that’s now been removed from the game.

[AwM] of Jade Quarry.

Too much Silk

in Crafting

Posted by: Axialbloom.8109


They need to upgrade the amount of cloth drops in game. Thank God I went and farmed linen right before the Mega Server hit. The Mega Server ruined any chance of farming events for cloth mats. Which was a large supply chain of them that’s now been removed from the game.

I am curious about the story behind your signature. Jed?

Too much Silk

in Crafting

Posted by: Darkhayle.2473


Imo they are trying to encourage people to run classes other than light, the most popular atm.

I would just like to clarify that warrior is the most played class based off of statistics anet released last year. 35% of players were on warrior so.. I don’t think your statement is correct.

Too much Silk

in Crafting

Posted by: Ian.6938


If you were to use trading post to offer buy X silk for Y price you can get your silk very quickly.

Prices of silk stay 1.9 silver plus/minus.

What this shows is that even though there is ample supply, the crazy demand is outstripping supply.

So the problem lies with Anet over correction of silk prices by pushing demand need for crafting ascended way too high.

Either provide a stable way of farming silk and other cloth or lower their numbers needed for crafting.

Too much Silk

in Crafting

Posted by: DeWolfe.2174


I am curious about the story behind your signature. Jed?

Thank you for asking! My signature references some folks I’ve run with on Jade Quarry

[AwM] of Jade Quarry.