Transmuted legendaries not buffed?
Transmuted items loose their rarity, in this case they are not legendary anymore. Tough luck.
you transmuted it… you didn’t want the stats that it had to begin with.
Wow with the nasty replies.
[CERN] – Tarnished Coast
So now if I want a legendary for its skin, I have to make another one with the stats I actually want?
EDIT: weren’t skins like… the whole point of the legendaries?
you transmuted it… you didn’t want the stats that it had to begin with.
right, but he transmuted it to stats of equivalent quality. it seems unfair for them to sneak in this new level of item quality and then punish the people that wanted to switch out the stats on their legendary for ones of equal quality, especially considering they always want legendary items to be BiS. legendaries were never about the stats anyway, just the skin, so his item is still a legendary. i’d be very surprised if they don’t fix this.
Even if this is fixed, I wonder what it means for future weapons. If you use pink-tier for stats, will you only get a ‘special’ upgrade slot on your legendary? Or would it ‘promote’ exotics transmuted after a hypothetical fix, too?
I guess it’s lucky I don’t like many legendary skins.
They’ve said transmuting a legendary onto an exotic will remain legendary. They haven’t implemented the fix for it yet but they’re working on it.
This leads me to assume that transmuting your legendary onto an exotic will also ascend the stats of the exotic.