Ultimate Money-Saving-Leveling Cheap Crafting Guide?!

Ultimate Money-Saving-Leveling Cheap Crafting Guide?!

in Crafting

Posted by: Burgz.3461


I know it’s a whole lot to ask for..but is there any great guides? :p

I’m one of them fickle guys who feels the need to create every single class mixed up with every different kind of Race, leveling to 15 and then getting bored, needless to say PvE is driving me insane, and my goal is to get 80 for WvW since it’s what I enjoy, unfortunately being a melee Warrior in WvW at level 13 is no walk in the park, and the EXP is horrendously slow

enough about my life story, sorry

I only have like 2 gold..wondering if there’s any guide that’s cheap, efficient / allowing me to sell on items to not make much of a loss, OK I know I’m not going to get many levels out of this since 2 gold isn’t much, but any amount of levels would be great

Ugh sorry for random text.

Ultimate Money-Saving-Leveling Cheap Crafting Guide?!

in Crafting

Posted by: Healerith.5921


The BEST “beginners” crafting guide:


The most complete crafting guide with shortest path to 400:


Somewhere on these forums people have posted how to hit 400 in a trade with 2 gold or less on some crafting skills.

Ultimate Money-Saving-Leveling Cheap Crafting Guide?!

in Crafting

Posted by: NoOneShotU.3479


The BEST “beginners” crafting guide:


The most complete crafting guide with shortest path to 400:


Somewhere on these forums people have posted how to hit 400 in a trade with 2 gold or less on some crafting skills.

Thier LW guide is ok but not the cheapest by far. Anytime I have to make things that I could buy for cheaper and sell the mats on the TP there is a fail.

I’m doing the math right now for LW and Huntsman in the 3rd tier to see if making some of the cheaper low level insignias would give me enough points to avoid the higher tier “green” insignias (the ones that take 8 of the fine crafting materials) but usually I’m only needing 4-5 points time I get to those so I can just buy the cheapest one on the TP and make an extra set of armor/weps with that one insignia and then I’m past it.

The most important thing seems to be when you hit the next tier to max out skillpoints on base mats. IE turning Iron into Ingots and turning Logs into Planks et.

I don’t know why nearly all of those refined materials sell for MORE on the TP than the base ones but I’m guessing its a supply issue. People aren’t really selling them because they can consume them. They are just selling extras for 1 over vendor

Ultimate Money-Saving-Leveling Cheap Crafting Guide?!

in Crafting

Posted by: Wazabi.1439


some of the step-by-step guides I’ve seen out there are a little out dated because the market condition has changed. Best is to read them, get an idea on how to minimize cost, then do your own research.