Unsalvageable Gear

Unsalvageable Gear

in Crafting

Posted by: nearlight.3064


Warning: This is purely a QQ type thread

Last summer when perplexity runes first came out, I got a set for my thief. To gear said thief with condition gear, I used the WvW merchants exotics. Little did I know nearly a year later, that this gear cannot ever be salvaged. I have no intention of seriously playing condition thief ever again, and now I am stuck with 60 gold trapped in a character, just rotting away for all time. It wouldn’t be an issue if the upgrade extractor didn’t remove all the profit salvaging in the first place.
Now for the depression. If I had sold all of those runes, and the 120is gold worth of stuff I had on the TP sold in the next few days, I’d be able to complete my legendary, provided the precursor doesn’t double in price over night.

Honestly, why can’t ANET put a warning label for stuff like that? I mean it makes perfect sense so you can’t get free melandru runes from karma armor, but WvW badge armor? That doesn’t come with a rune to begin with, so I can’t think of any reason why this absurd bullkitten is inplace.
Oh well. I guess its time to rot in the catacombs of ascalon and the embrace of sorrow for just a few days more.. a few days that could’ve been avoided if you could salvage WvW badge armor….

Necromancer Main
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
Nintendo games..

(edited by nearlight.3064)

Unsalvageable Gear

in Crafting

Posted by: Brother Grimm.5176

Brother Grimm.5176

Badges are easy to earn in EotM (no problem earning 250 -500 / hr or more if the commander has that goal in mind) and exotics earn T5/T6 materials, Ectos and Dark Matter…..it DOES make sense that you cannot use conventional Salvaging on them.

That being said, we DO need some method to obtain upgrades off these items without spending 250 gems / pop.

We go out in the world and take our chances
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances

Unsalvageable Gear

in Crafting

Posted by: nearlight.3064


Yeah essentially, the point is that in this instance I don’t care about getting ectoplasm and whatnot from these exotics. I want flexibility with what I choose to do with my expensive gear up grades. Now they’re literally stuck on a mule character, when I could sell them for a lot of money, or just put them on a class I actually do use, in which case the upgrade extractor would still be too expensive. The extractor would only be worth it if the runes costed more than 18 gold or so.

I don’t understand why Anet can’t put a warning on upgrading the gear for something that shouldn’t be as permanent.

I’m just honestly depressed about this situation. I’m so close to finishing Howler, and I only need 50-80 more gold to finish it off, depending on how my buy order for howl goes.. Oh well, back to destroying the spider queen with RAGE.

Necromancer Main
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
Nintendo games..

Unsalvageable Gear

in Crafting

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


Badges are easy to earn in EotM (no problem earning 250 -500 / hr or more if the commander has that goal in mind) and exotics earn T5/T6 materials, Ectos and Dark Matter…..it DOES make sense that you cannot use conventional Salvaging on them.

That being said, we DO need some method to obtain upgrades off these items without spending 250 gems / pop.

Unless I’m mistaken (haven’t checked the vendors in a while), the level 80 Exotics offered by the WvW vendors also cost gold in addition to the Badges. That actually makes them a poor choice to salvage for Ectos and Dark Matter, since there are actually cheaper Exotics available in the game (some of which also have valuable upgrades that can be resold to help recoup costs).

Unsalvageable Gear

in Crafting

Posted by: Brother Grimm.5176

Brother Grimm.5176

Point taken. However they chose to address this issue, I think most players can agree it does NEED to be addressed. I’d be happy with a Dev simply acknowledging they consider it a unfortunate side effect of the wardrobe system that they have no plans of changing….ok, not happy but less confused.

We go out in the world and take our chances
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances

Unsalvageable Gear

in Crafting

Posted by: Eroiqua.5891


That being said, we DO need some method to obtain upgrades off these items without spending 250 gems / pop.

I think the most straightforward thing would be to turn the extractors into an unlimited, account-bound version for 1000 gems, like the gathering tools.

Unsalvageable Gear

in Crafting

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


While I’d love such an item, it would also crash the upgrade/rune/sigil market since players can now just recycle their upgrades.

However, maybe an account bound upgrade extractor could be crafted using expensive materials…

- Mystic Salvage Kit
- Lesser Vision Crystal
- 10 Mystic Coins
- 5 Bottles of Elonian Wine

This gives you a 5-use Upgrade Extractor. It’s pricey, but it might still be worth it, AND it would serve as a sink for excess Ascended crafting mats.