Vial of Condensed Mist Essence
I don’t do fractals very often, but I got one off a regular dredge just the other day.
YES, you can farm any level above 20+ and get a shard drop!
Best to just hop into a 5 man 20+ FOTM group though as you will tag enemies and still get the loot when someone else kill’s them.. don’t worry about shards.. they will drop eventually and are completely useless after you have your +5 AR on the rings i have over 60 of them.
I got one from killing Dredge about a month ago with only about 30% MF (not sure if that matters, don’t do much fractals.)
soloQing my way through leagues…
Is it still possible to solo farm low level trash in FoTM and get it to drop? Seems like nothing drops in swamp and the grawl one doesn’t drop it in the few times I’ve done it..
Swamp was patched to give no drops long ago, but the other fractals should be okay. Best choice would likely be the charr one – tag mobs and let npc’s do the killing.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
YES, you can farm any level above 20+ and get a shard drop!
But what about at something as low as level 1? Can we solo farm the grawl (for example) and get it? I’ve seen conflicting reports on the wiki and around the internet. Some say it can drop at any level, some say at level 10, etc. Thanks.
YES, you can farm any level above 20+ and get a shard drop!
But what about at something as low as level 1? Can we solo farm the grawl (for example) and get it? I’ve seen conflicting reports on the wiki and around the internet. Some say it can drop at any level, some say at level 10, etc. Thanks.
For Vial of Condensed Mists Essence then yes unless ANet went out of their way to write code just to make things not drop when soloing.
Edit: Solo farming vials doesn’t look very efficient. 1 shard gets you 9 vials but it takes 25 vials to make one shard.
(edited by Khisanth.2948)
Well presumably the OP is looking to get a vial solely for an Ascended cloak (probably WvW purposes, we have no equivalent way to obtain them at the moment) in which case trying to minimize fractal time/grouping as much as possible. I would say under such circumstances its still probably fine.
Is it still possible to solo farm low level trash in FoTM and get it to drop? Seems like nothing drops in swamp and the grawl one doesn’t drop it in the few times I’ve done it..
Swamp – no drops, infinite spawn of enemies.
Grawl – everything at the first area except the shamans you see in the cinematic are considered infinite spawn and give nothing.