Vial of liquid flame question

Vial of liquid flame question

in Crafting

Posted by: username.4932



I am on the way to gather required resources to craft a volcanus however i wonder if i would need to be Chef 400 to craft the Vial of Liquid Flame or if i could make it crafted by a guildy.

Is it mandatory to be Chef 400 to get this item or could i just gather the resources and send them to a guildy to get it crafted(with the 10g for the recipe) ?


Vial of liquid flame question

in Crafting

Posted by: LHound.8964


I believe it’s account bound!

You have to do it yourself.


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Charr’s need more Love. All is Vain
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Vial of liquid flame question

in Crafting

Posted by: marnick.4305


One of the parts of making a legendary is proving you mastered at least 2 crafting professions. As such, it is mandatory to do it yourself.

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Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto

Vial of liquid flame question

in Crafting

Posted by: Heylo.4938


One of the parts of making a legendary is proving you mastered at least 2 crafting professions. As such, it is mandatory to do it yourself.

Volcanus isn’t really a legendary, I don’t even think it’s one of the more difficult psuedolegendaries.

Your friend could craft it, but they’d have to craft the entire weapon for you. The Vial is accountbound on creation, so you’d have to send the rest of the items needed to make it to your friend and have them throw them all in the forge.

OR, you can level cooking for less than 5g and not have any of these worries.

Sickest Guild [NA] Blackgate

Vial of liquid flame question

in Crafting

Posted by: Highvoltage.7946


you can level cooking for about 2g mixed with stuff from the heart quest vendors for karma. Heres a link for the website I use

Vial of liquid flame question

in Crafting

Posted by: TheDeparted.8013


you can level cooking for about 2g mixed with stuff from the heart quest vendors for karma. Heres a link for the website I use

I just want to comment on this. I spent around 1.75-2.25g to level cooking from 0-400 in about 30 minutes using the above listed guide. Fantastic alternative to the other, more expensive, cooking guide that can be found on another very popular GW2 site.

5 stars.