Ways to make efficient gold other than CoF??
TBH I have no idea now. Some time ago I would suggest some AoE class + Sigil of fire and go farming CS events for Heavy Moldy Bags but now it is pointless. During this event I just run around levelling alts and sell Coffers for some profit.
Clearly ANet does not want us to make a lot of gold by “playing hte game”.
Thief/Necro/Guardian/Mesmer/Elementalist of SFR EU
TBH I have no idea now. Some time ago I would suggest some AoE class + Sigil of fire and go farming CS events for Heavy Moldy Bags but now it is pointless. During this event I just run around levelling alts and sell Coffers for some profit.
Clearly ANet does not want us to make a lot of gold by “playing hte game”.
I still laugh a little every time I read this…
We just don’t want players to grind in Guild Wars 2. No one enjoys that. No one finds it fun. – Colin Johanson
They don’t WANT you to grind. That is why the nerf every good farm area. :P
They never said you didn’t NEED to grind. lol
life teach me : what u WANT isnt what you will GET.
They don’t WANT you to grind. That is why the nerf every good farm area. :P
They never said you didn’t NEED to grind. lol
That is so true. I never considered myself hardcore grinder but I did notice how my weekly gold income was cut more than in half recently.
Sufficient to say that in last 4 months of CASUAL play I managed to get 99% of mats and gold (including a precursor which I just bought) needed for my Legendary (Bolt) and now I seem to be stuck dead. All I miss are 18 Charged lodes and since last SC event (farming was awesome then BTW) I have problems with grinding gold for that.
Sure, I could do CoF (and I do sometimes) but I have a gut feeling that it will be nerfed soon.
Thief/Necro/Guardian/Mesmer/Elementalist of SFR EU
18 Charged Lodestones? Start farming COE. It is incredibly easy once you learn Subject Alpha (count to 2, dodge) and you will get those Lodestones pretty quickly. You will gain Charged cores and the occasional lodestones while gathering gold to purchase the rest!
I farm 9 paths CoE everyday and its a lot more fun than cof.
Because you have 3 different paths, and because CoE is the best dungeon ingame.
You get T6 mats from risen, the cores are the most expensive ones and sometimes you get corrupted or destroyer lodestones from the mobs.
→ lots of money. I don’t know if it’s as effective as CoF but its pretty kitten near.
life teach me : what u WANT isnt what you will GET.
TAKE what you WANT. Don’t wait for life’s handouts.
On topic: There is currently nothing ingamae as profitable as farming CoF Path 1. The favorite farming spots have been nerfed, as have the targets of most farms.
life teach me : what u WANT isnt what you will GET.TAKE what you WANT. Don’t wait for life’s handouts.
On topic: There is currently nothing ingamae as profitable as farming CoF Path 1. The favorite farming spots have been nerfed, as have the targets of most farms.
Sounds like advice from a convict. Or a silver spoon baby.
Hi, I was just wondering if there are any other alternatives to making efficient gold other than CoF, please don’t give me the whole ‘just play the game you’ll get gold’ thing because we all know that isn’t very true when compared to the amount you make from farming CoF.
I am a bit sick of farming CoF
There is nothing else in game that comes close to CoF in efficiency.
There are no events in game to farm, either. Every single farm spot I looked for after they nerfed union farming was nerfed.
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works. http://sinasdf.imgur.com/
Take that gold you made from farming cof and use it to flip items or craft items you can sell for profit. Usually I can make around 20g farming cof for a day then I invest it in safe markets and make about 30-50g back.
Farm Corrupted Lodestones in Frostgorge. It’s the only Gold farm i did while i made my Sunrise. 4-7g an hour depending on luck.
B L U R R Y. Thiefy Thief Thief
18 Charged Lodestones? Start farming COE. It is incredibly easy once you learn Subject Alpha (count to 2, dodge) and you will get those Lodestones pretty quickly. You will gain Charged cores and the occasional lodestones while gathering gold to purchase the rest!
I do that mate tho I don’t really enjoy it. ATM I just jump all chest events (with help of gw2stuff) and make easy gold that way.
Thief/Necro/Guardian/Mesmer/Elementalist of SFR EU
Farm Corrupted Lodestones in Frostgorge. It’s the only Gold farm i did while i made my Sunrise. 4-7g an hour depending on luck.
This is now NOT a viable option. Frostgorge has been nerfed BAD and you can’t even get many drops off of the Icebrood any more. T6 barely drop and T5 is pretty scarce also. Corrupted lodestones are almost non-existant.
I used to average 1 lodestone about every 20-30 minutes. Now I’ll be lucky to see one in 1.5 hours. And I used to get lots of T5 and a pretty decent amount of T6. I’m lucky to get 2 T6 in an hour now.
This did in fact used to be a good farming spot. Not any more.
In general all good spots/events were nerfed till now. Only places where I can still see A LOT of mobs are starter areas. This makes me wonder if it is a deliberate move on ANET side to not discourage fresh players.
Funny, not long ago we had kind of riot on forums just because ppl didn’t drop enough of anything in events/farming. It WAS fixed but some time later ANET decided to make spawned mobs not to drop anything and triple (if not more) respawn timer for most events in Orr. Back to square 1? IMO it is way worse, maybe not many noticed this because Living Story events and “easy” event stuff farming.
Thief/Necro/Guardian/Mesmer/Elementalist of SFR EU
Farm Corrupted Lodestones in Frostgorge. It’s the only Gold farm i did while i made my Sunrise. 4-7g an hour depending on luck.
It’s been nerfed, or at least it certainly seems that way.
Minimum wage job. Gem-gold. Faster and more efficient. It’s summer, maybe someone will pay you to mow lawns, or work as a lifeguard at the pool.
Hardly anyone seems to know here that there is comeing another way to get lodestones this summer, maybe something like with the crystalin dust.
Leader of Kalevala [Kale]
WvW guild of Far Shiverpeaks
Farm Corrupted Lodestones in Frostgorge. It’s the only Gold farm i did while i made my Sunrise. 4-7g an hour depending on luck.
This is now NOT a viable option. Frostgorge has been nerfed BAD and you can’t even get many drops off of the Icebrood any more. T6 barely drop and T5 is pretty scarce also. Corrupted lodestones are almost non-existant.
I used to average 1 lodestone about every 20-30 minutes. Now I’ll be lucky to see one in 1.5 hours. And I used to get lots of T5 and a pretty decent amount of T6. I’m lucky to get 2 T6 in an hour now.
This did in fact used to be a good farming spot. Not any more.
Worry not, soon every mats will be extinct.
Hardly anyone seems to know here that there is comeing another way to get lodestones this summer, maybe something like with the crystalin dust.
I’m aware of this.
But why introduce new ways of getting lodestones and T6 when there was old ways of acquiring them that were nerfed? Just undo the nerfs, reinstate the original methods of getting these materials, and problem solved. No need to reinvent the wheel and come up with a new source that will eventually be nerfed also.
Really, why kill the source of T6 materials then worry and spend time on creating a new source of it? Makes zero sense to me.