Weapon " Kevin " ! :)
its on guildhead.com but not gw2db.com
so now i know who is update their items base
its on guildhead.com but not gw2db.com
so now i know who is update their items base
This is the gw2db page for kevin.
No I dont know why it says berserkers mace of restoration. But the ID link thing is kevin when you use it ingame.
thanks, you are right, it’s Kevin btw same bug to me with berserkers mace of restoration
Is that a femur (or some king of leg bone)? Is this supposed to be something akin to Wirt’s Leg in Diablo. I’m trying to wrack my brain for anything GW1 related but I’m coming up short.
Maybe the guy who designed it is named Kevin. ANet members named some servers after themselves, so I wouldn’t be surprised if this were some inside joke weapon.
“Is that a femur (or some king of leg bone)? Is this supposed to be something akin to Wirt’s Leg in Diablo. I’m trying to wrack my brain for anything GW1 related but I’m coming up short.”
The weapon IIRC should have +10% vs grawl. I believe its just a reference to grawl fascination with naming things.
I got the same thing, and thought it’s some insider ‘kitten’ joke on a developer.
The first thing that came to mind when I saw the bone, and “Kevin” was the colorful bird in the movie “Up!”. The kid gave the bird that name, and there is another bird of the same species, of which the bones are mounted onboard the bad guy’s blimp.
Maybe it’d make more sense if you found the rest of him.
why am I suddenly thinking of Home Alone?