Weapons made from Gift of ____

Weapons made from Gift of ____

in Crafting

Posted by: Vincent Durheim.1947

Vincent Durheim.1947


Wasnt able to find a previous post on this.

I noticed there are several exotic weapons that can be crafted that require legendary gifts (Gift of Ice can be used to craft Wintersbark, Gift of Light can make Foefire’s Power), while other gifts are strictly for the legendary weapons that require them (Gift of Color, Gift of Darkness, Gift of Stealth).

So here is my question in regards to the above, what types of exotic weapons (aka NOT legendary) do you want to see that would require these legendary gifts ?

Personally i would love a Stealth dagger, a lightning trident, or even an old weapon from GW1 that requires Gift of history.

Current Legendary Gifts in existence:
Gift of Metal
Gift of Wood
Gift of Ice
Gift of Lightning
Gift of Water
Gift of Energy
Gift of Nature
Gift of History
Gift of Music
Gift of Darkness
Gift of Light
Gift of Entertainment
Gift of Stealth
Gift of Color
probably several more but these are what i could find.

Weapons made from Gift of ____

in Crafting

Posted by: fey.5438


Weapons made from Gift of ____

in Crafting

Posted by: Vick.6805


Gift of Metal – a shield that throws sparks when you are attacked
Gift of Wood – an axe that transform’s the character’s arm into a tangle of branches (possible name: Ent’s Revenge)
Gift of Ice – a spear that freezes the water around you as you swim (I would love if this was an upgrade recipe for Al’ir’aska)
Gift of Lightning – a longbow that replaces arrow animations with lightning bolts
Gift of Water – a trident that surrounds the player with a whirlpool animation
Gift of Energy – a laser speargun
Gift of Nature – a mace that rotates through elemental auras, similar to the 4 Ele attunements
Gift of History – GW’s Bone Dragon Staff with footsteps of grasping necrotic arms (like necro scepter #2’s animation)
Gift of Music – a scepter that looks like a flute and can be played while ooc
Gift of Darkness – dagger with a black aura (like Liadri’s)
Gift of Light – a white version of the Anomaly
Gift of Stealth – shortbow with a camo effect that covers the player
Gift of Color – a torch that allows you to select the color of the flames
Gift of Souls – a necro-themed warhorn that trails spirits
Gift of the Moon – a yin-yang themed sword that is half bright white and half black aura
Gift of Spiders – a greatsword that leaves a trail of spiderwebs when it swings
Gift of Weather – a pistol that fires randomized elemental projectiles

I think that’s one of each weapon type.

And, as a more lighthearted one:
Gift of Entertainment – a Triforce focus that glows red, green, and blue