Well, I'm Out

Well, I'm Out

in Crafting

Posted by: Atreus.5429


It was fun while it lasted but every ride has to stop at some point. It’s hard to get back into the game after getting crushed by the mystic forge.

I started working on my legendary three and a half months ago. Around two weeks ago I was able to complete the gifts needed and all I needed was the precursor. At first I was going to save up for it and buy it from the tp but it occurred to me that I wasn’t up to playing the tp and farming COF for the requisite 450g I needed. So I decided to just chuck the gold I had to the mystic forge. 478 rare greatswords later, I got zilch. I know, RNG is RNG, but it’s still downright crushing. To make it even more crushing, a guildmate chucked in 4 random rares into the forge, not greatswords mind you, and got a Dawn while I was flushing money down the mystic toilet.

At any rate, I know others have gone through this as well. It’s another one of those stories I know but if you are reading it I hope you are prepared to lose a lot if you want to get a precursor now.

Have a good one guys.

Well, I'm Out

in Crafting

Posted by: Vol.5241


Well, what did you expect? You gambled and lost. Should have expected you had a minute chance of getting a precursor. And now you kitten yourself because you foolishly spent all your gold gambling when you should always leave enough gold on hand to prevent this ‘depressive’ state.

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Well, I'm Out

in Crafting

Posted by: Direngrey.8376


Vol, that is a bit too harsh. He spent his gold on his chance because the prices of precursors are going up. By the time he had enough gold, who knows Dusk or Dawn might be up in the 700s-800s. At that point you just need to take a stand and attempt your chance. Either way, farming your kitten off is “depressive”. It wasn’t foolish.

Well, I'm Out

in Crafting

Posted by: Ethics.4519


Eh, I’m with Vol. Not everybody is meant to have a legendary. You don’t need one, it’s nice to have.

Anyway, this should be locked soon as quitting/good bye posts aren’t allowed.

RIP in peace Robert

Well, I'm Out

in Crafting

Posted by: Puru.4217


Prepare mats for another legendary, wait for precursor hunt (unless your precursor is cheap). That’s what i’d do at this point.

It’s not my fault if S/P is not popular !!!

Well, I'm Out

in Crafting

Posted by: Atreus.5429


You misunderstand. Actually I still have half of my gold left. What’s depressing is the realization that the most efficient way to get to that point where I can actually afford a precursor on the TP is to grind COF mindlessly and/or play the TP instead of the game. That’s what’s depressing. The Sunrise (I’ve wvwvw’d, I’ve gotten Dungeon Master (before the nerf), and I’ve gotten what ascended items I could. ) was the (only) goal I was working towards and the Dawn was the only thing getting my way. It was either I gambled or painfully ground my way to the requisite amount of gold to afford one. The thought of going through COF for two to three hours whenever I can was just too much.

By the way, if anyone is wondering, /age is at 750.

Well, I'm Out

in Crafting

Posted by: Gregorius.1024


Eh, I’m with Vol. Not everybody is meant to have a legendary. You don’t need one, it’s nice to have.

Anyway, this should be locked soon as quitting/good bye posts aren’t allowed.

This is completely dumb and the reason why the elitists who say this just don’t get it. He has everything but the precursor, which is too reliant on RNG. He has every right to a legendary. I don’t think using the mystic forge is the smartest thing to do but that was the original way to get a precursor. Why should random chance stand in the way of him getting this item that supposedly shows off a mastery of the game?

Well, I'm Out

in Crafting

Posted by: Zogyark.4597


I think it’s good that you are not playing for a while probably the best thing to do is come back when the scavenger hunt is out and get it then.

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Well, I'm Out

in Crafting

Posted by: FangedTerror.3852


My suggestion is to do multiple dungeons and have fun. Get up tokens and use hem to by exotic greatswords. Its what I did and I got my precurosor for the juggernaut acter three tries in the mystic forge. (Buying sone exotics to fill in the gaps when i was impatient.)

Reason i say exotics is because of this. So many rares and exotics…. Why battle the rng gods on two fronts when you can cut your chances in prob at least half? I know I got lucky and prob used up all my good luck for the next year . In fact cause of a blizzard Lost power three days about 1 hr after I got it.

If you are not enjoying the game cause you cant get a shiney sword that apparently 50% of the people already have… You’re doing it worng.

EDIT: because i am bad at typing on an iphone

Well, I'm Out

in Crafting

Posted by: Imryn.2879


Eh, I’m with Vol. Not everybody is meant to have a legendary. You don’t need one, it’s nice to have.

I am sick and tired of people saying this. Everybody who wants a legendary can have one. There is no skill requirement involved, just money.

In fact the most efficient way to get a legendary is to never leave Lions Arch, to play the TP and to buy all of the components.

The devs who designed the “Legendary” aquisition process should be hanging their heads in shame because there is nothing legendary about it.

“I swung a sword. I swung a sword again. Hey, I swung it again. That’s great.”
- Colin Johanson on ArenaNets design philosophy for GW2

Well, I'm Out

in Crafting

Posted by: Proxcel.2596


i didn’t bother with MF…. and all i need is dusk…. to finish it…
but since eternity is what i’m after so i just start doing the gifts for sunrise.
looks like another 3-5months… but hopfully scavenger hunt is ready by then.

Well, I'm Out

in Crafting

Posted by: garraeth.3267


I agree with Vol…again.

A kitten is punched every time someone say the best (only?) way to make gold in-game is COF (dungeon/fractal speed runs) or playing the TP. There are plenty of ways to make [good] gold in-game — I’ll leave it up to you to figure it out.

I got my Twilight the first week in Jan (bought my precursor for 550) — without a guild and without any dungeon runs except the required AC ones. And no playing the TP.

Well, I'm Out

in Crafting

Posted by: garraeth.3267


Eh, I’m with Vol. Not everybody is meant to have a legendary. You don’t need one, it’s nice to have.

I am sick and tired of people saying this. Everybody who wants a legendary can have one. There is no skill requirement involved, just money.

In fact the most efficient way to get a legendary is to never leave Lions Arch, to play the TP and to buy all of the components.

The devs who designed the “Legendary” aquisition process should be hanging their heads in shame because there is nothing legendary about it.

I disagree — there is skill involved. Tons of it. Just not straight-foward direct gameplay skill. More of: think out of the box…how do I get the things I need?, skill.

Well, I'm Out

in Crafting

Posted by: Ivanov.8914


Eh, I’m with Vol. Not everybody is meant to have a legendary. You don’t need one, it’s nice to have.

I am sick and tired of people saying this. Everybody who wants a legendary can have one. There is no skill requirement involved, just money.

In fact the most efficient way to get a legendary is to never leave Lions Arch, to play the TP and to buy all of the components.

The devs who designed the “Legendary” aquisition process should be hanging their heads in shame because there is nothing legendary about it.

I disagree — there is skill involved. Tons of it. Just not straight-foward direct gameplay skill. More of: think out of the box…how do I get the things I need?, skill.

Just saying there is skill involved doesn’t cut it when you want to make a point.Make an example how much and where exactly does skill take place? You farm your butt off of the most profitable places in the game (before it was events in Orr, now its CoF speed runs).The skill you say is merely finding which mindless grind is the least brain damaging….which isn’t much of a skill really.

Legendaries aren’t legendary.Don’t make them into something they are not.They are exotics with one of the best visuals in the game and a purple name tag so you might feel special somehow.

Well, I'm Out

in Crafting

Posted by: Abriel.4103


I disagree — there is skill involved. Tons of it. Just not straight-foward direct gameplay skill. More of: think out of the box…how do I get the things I need?, skill.

Just saying there is skill involved doesn’t cut it when you want to make a point.Make an example how much and where exactly does skill take place? You farm your butt off of the most profitable places in the game (before it was events in Orr, now its CoF speed runs).The skill you say is merely finding which mindless grind is the least brain damaging….which isn’t much of a skill really.

Legendaries aren’t legendary.Don’t make them into something they are not.They are exotics with one of the best visuals in the game and a purple name tag so you might feel special somehow.

I crafted Sunrise about 3-4 months into the game, never got lucky with drop. CoF speed run wasn’t available then (heck, most people still treat dungeon as bogeyman around launch), there were no easy Karma source, no fractal for easy skill points. The only bit of farming involves that I can remember was the last 3 days I farm Southshore for the last 50 Powerful Blood I need. The first Karma monthly gave me the last bit of Karma that I need. In those 4 months I also got 4 toons to lvl 80, explore the world, playing the game as it’s meant to be …etc… I crafted it in 4 months, I was happy with it. I remember I could afford the precursor because I made the Anomaly and sold it as well as clear out every bit of my bank. I remember the only thing I felt sad after making Sunrise was how empty my bank was … both the mats and the gold.

Now I’m trying to craft Prophecy, and yes I’m farming CoF like mat. My projection indicate I probably can make it in 3-4 weeks. Boring? Yes. But 4 weeks surely a lot faster than 4 months. You can play the game normally and get it, you can grind to get it, the choice is “up to you”. All these complain are nothing more then the “instant gratification” mentality, you want it now, yet you don’t want to work for it. The grind wasn’t forced upon you, you grind because you want to, and because you want it “now”. You complain about grinding CoF now, well guess what, at least you have it as an option. BEtween karma jug, speed run, frequent mes portal …etc.. you have way more avenue to work on your legendary comparing to people who crafted it last year

As for skill, there were many, although there is nothing about “madz” skill. Being a focused player help. I was the first person in my guild who tried to organize dungeon run at a time most people want to keep away from it with a ten feet pole. Manage your time effectively. And more importantly, patiently working toward it and enjoy the process instead of whinning about it …. I think that itself qualify as a skill given the amount of instant gratification of this thread. You work toward it and you will get there, complain about how it is a distant impossibility and you might as well just give up before wasting your time and money.

(edited by Abriel.4103)

Well, I'm Out

in Crafting

Posted by: Ivanov.8914


I disagree — there is skill involved. Tons of it. Just not straight-foward direct gameplay skill. More of: think out of the box…how do I get the things I need?, skill.

Just saying there is skill involved doesn’t cut it when you want to make a point.Make an example how much and where exactly does skill take place? You farm your butt off of the most profitable places in the game (before it was events in Orr, now its CoF speed runs).The skill you say is merely finding which mindless grind is the least brain damaging….which isn’t much of a skill really.

Legendaries aren’t legendary.Don’t make them into something they are not.They are exotics with one of the best visuals in the game and a purple name tag so you might feel special somehow.

I crafted Sunrise about 3-4 months into the game, never got lucky with drop. CoF speed run wasn’t available then (heck, most people still treat dungeon as bogeyman around launch), there were no easy Karma source, no fractal for easy skill points. The only bit of farming involves that I can remember was the last 3 days I farm Southshore for the last 50 Powerful Blood I need. The first Karma monthly gave me the last bit of Karma that I need. In those 4 months I also got 4 toons to lvl 80, explore the world, playing the game as it’s meant to be …etc… I crafted it in 4 months, I was happy with it. I remember I could afford the precursor because I made the Anomaly and sold it as well as clear out every bit of my bank.

Now I’m trying to craft Prophecy, and yes I’m farming CoF like mat. My projection indicate I probably can make it in 3-4 weeks. Boring? Yes. But 4 weeks surely a lot faster than 4 months. You can play the game normally and get it, you can grind to get it, the choice is “up to you”. All these complain are nothing more then the “instant gratification” mentality, you want it now, yet you don’t want to work for it. The grind wasn’t forced upon you, you grind because you want to, and because you want it “now”.

As for skill, there were many, although there is nothing about “madz” skill. Being a focused player help. I was the first person in my guild who tried to organize dungeon run at a time most people want to keep away from it with a ten feet pole. Manage your time effectively. And more importantly, patiently working toward it and enjoy the process instead of whinning about it …. I think that itself qualify as a skill given the amount of instant gratification of this thread. You work toward it and you will get there, complain about how it is a distant impossibility and you might as well just give up before wasting your time and money.

Ummm…you quote me as a response to what I say, and you mention instant gratification? Did you bother reading what I wrote? My problem lies not in the desire to have it now with almost no effort(which only a few people want, none on this thread as far as I’ve read), but with the mentality of “Legendaries are special and are for special people.So you must not have it so it may remain special and the people who do have em can feel even more special than the rest.” That is bonkers.Honestly. The gosh darn weapon is nothing more than a huge skill-less grind and thats as far as it goes now.
And, if you count it as a skill to follow your goal when you have one ,then…eff it, I won’t go there..

Well, I'm Out

in Crafting

Posted by: Abriel.4103


the fact that 80% of my post meant to counter your claim of it’s a super grind-fest, I think it’s pretty precisely the point. A lot of people choose to grind for it, doesn’t mean it’s the only way to get it.

And I don’t care about how special it is. When I craft Sunrise one of the few guildies keep nagging me about how it will be so popular so I won’t be unique. And I told them that it doesn’t matter to me if every single person in the game running around with Sunrise, it won’t change the fact that I love that skin, and that’s why I was making it.

And thus the worth of the weapon is only determined by the person who wielding it, not the person who’re looking at it. And you know … this is game … and correct me if I wrong, you play the game to enjoy it, so seeing how people not enjoying playing their game … I think “enjoying your game” is an important skill to learn (/sarcasm).

My Sunrise is a symbol of 4 months playing the game I like the way I enjoyed. Quite a bit out of character for you to claim it’s a symbol of grinding, maybe your Sunrise is, but not mine. And that’s pretty much the whole point I’m trying to make :P

(edited by Abriel.4103)

Well, I'm Out

in Crafting

Posted by: IamDuddits.1692



Pretty sure most of the think out of the box…. how do I get the things I need skill has been described as exploits. Legendary progression at the moment is just a mindless gold grind combined with stupid luck. Finding the most efficient farming locations isn’t skill. You could barely know how to play your class effectively and still farm areas with the utmost ease.

If they just wanted to make it a grind they could’ve done extended quest lines that require you to get moderately rare dungeon drops, gather components, talk to NPCs etc. that could potentially span over months of in game time by requiring fixed cooldowns between each step of the quest chain. Even this would show little skill or mastery of the game, but it’d be better than making nearly every component of the legendary be translatable to a TP gold value. Really the only aspect that is remotely skill related would be the Gift of Mastery simply because the player has to commit time to getting each of those components himself. Gift of Fortune is aptly named and I’m fine with one requiring lots of gold or farming to acquire.

The Legendary Gift is only half bad. Gift of Wood/Energy/Metal from an immersion stand point make sense and aren’t that hard to obtain from farming/TP. Dungeon Gifts show a mastery of dungeons. Sigil once again is easy to obtain by TP but also shows a mastery of a craft. However, the greater Gifts are just unimaginative, for the most part. Gift of Color has some flavor to it, along with Gift of Entertainment. However, most of the Gifts are some combination of a refined Tier 6 and Tier 5 Lodestones (mega gold sink).

Instead of using using the same Tier 6 Common/Fine and Tier 5 Rare materials they could’ve done something more interesting like using those Gray/White trophies that mobs drop (vendor trash) for crafting/giving to an NPC to make a special crafting component. Make these junk items account bound. There now you’ve just taken the TP out of the equation while still making it a grind. You don’t even need to limit it to this. Make things achievement oriented too. Instead of Gift of Color being Unidentified Dyes that you have to buy/find make it simply Dyes on a character. Only a character that has X number of unlocked dyes (which are on a per character basis) can buy the Gift and the gift is soulbound on acquire. Gift of Music could’ve had a requirement of acquire instruments/songs from vendors/random NPCs that you had to explore the world to find. Gift of History could’ve required you to read those random texts and tomes that are scattered all over Tyria that I’m sure most people completely ignore. Gift of Water… Diving Goggles? Things like this add so much more to the Legendary acquisition that feels less like a grind and more like exploration. Even Jump Puzzles could’ve been incorporated into the Legendary search.

Precursors are just a gold grind or pure RNG. Either way it’s a very dumb mechanic because, once again, we have the Gift of Fortune to show that you are rich and Mystic Clovers are RNG enough. Precursors should be Account Bound. I don’t have any great ideas for how to improve on Precursor acquisition, but I think RNG for the legendary is just an awful mechanic. There is so much more they could do with this. Achievements, quests, scavenger hunt (as has been suggested), or area specific drops. Maybe even have the Precursor drop in pieces at a moderately higher rate and then you can forge pieces you have duplicates of to get the remaining ones. This would remove some of the gold sink aspect of it while still keeping the RNG aspect.

The current design of this system just feeds the out of control increase of market prices for Precursors and specific high tier mats to the point where the only way to acquire these are grinding gold endlessly or playing the TP like a second job. There are ways of making an item difficult to obtain without making it into a 1-dimensional gold grind. It just requires some imagination and creativity using the mechanics and the world that has been created. Getting the legendary should incorporate more than a simple gold value price tag. It should show that you’ve mastered all the different nooks of the game play. It should show that you’ve invested a lot of time in exploring, contributing to different areas, and different modes of play rather than simply gold farming one zone for weeks and weeks.

I just find it very sad that for all the innovative changes that they’ve made to the genre that they’ve stuck to the very linear gold grind aspect of Legendary acquisition.

(edited by IamDuddits.1692)

Well, I'm Out

in Crafting

Posted by: somsom.5201


Just forget about the pre for awhile? Enjoy another game? If you’re that close, just do something else until the scavenger hunt arrives and the cost of pre’s tanks(or you are able to get one for free).

I could have told you that the MF is kitten, but hardly anyone listens anymore when there are stories out there of people who dropped 4 random lowest rares and got out a ~600g pre.

Well, I'm Out

in Crafting

Posted by: Malediktus.9250


sorry but 478 yellows is nothing. come back when you used 4k.

1st person worldwide to reach 35,000 achievement points.

Well, I'm Out

in Crafting

Posted by: Ethics.4519


Eh, I’m with Vol. Not everybody is meant to have a legendary. You don’t need one, it’s nice to have.

Anyway, this should be locked soon as quitting/good bye posts aren’t allowed.

This is completely dumb and the reason why the elitists who say this just don’t get it. He has everything but the precursor, which is too reliant on RNG. He has every right to a legendary. I don’t think using the mystic forge is the smartest thing to do but that was the original way to get a precursor. Why should random chance stand in the way of him getting this item that supposedly shows off a mastery of the game?

Hahahahahaha, you pretty much called me an elitist. That’s cute.

RIP in peace Robert

Well, I'm Out

in Crafting

Posted by: Ethics.4519


Eh, I’m with Vol. Not everybody is meant to have a legendary. You don’t need one, it’s nice to have.

I am sick and tired of people saying this. Everybody who wants a legendary can have one. There is no skill requirement involved, just money.

In fact the most efficient way to get a legendary is to never leave Lions Arch, to play the TP and to buy all of the components.

The devs who designed the “Legendary” aquisition process should be hanging their heads in shame because there is nothing legendary about it.

“Everybody who wants a legendary can have one”

Yes, that is absolutely true and I never said the opposite. In the real world, everybody can have a Ferrari too. However this requires either getting lucky or hard work. You can win the lottery, or you can put in a lot of hard work and hours to get this. Not everybody is meant to have a Ferrari.

The precursor is a super low drop rate because its… well… “legendary” and they don’t want everybody to be running around one. The issue is that there is very very very little supply but everybody and their mother wants a legendary.

@the guy who called me elitist. I don’t want a legendary. I don’t care about them. I just like to play with friends in WvW and dungeons. I only have around 100-200gold across all characters (big range because I have some mats stored up and I have 4 80s). My max level in FoTM is 12… so yeah, I’m super elite.

RIP in peace Robert

Well, I'm Out

in Crafting

Posted by: garraeth.3267


Ya this is why I don’t tell anyone how to “think out of the box”. There’s no exploits or hacks. It’s just taking what you’ve got and carrying it down a path to a bigger profit than the parts you started with. Those “parts” could be time, mats, places on the map, people you happen to be with, a combo of some or all these things, etc.

But it seems like people who are replying are more anxious to defend their position of: “it’s all grind”, than coming at it from a different angle. (It’s actually kind of interesting to watch.)

Well, I'm Out

in Crafting

Posted by: Abriel.4103


It seems despite I had repeatably said that my first legendary was craft with almost zero grinding, people just refuse to believe that ~_~

Btw, in term of luck, the best drop I ever got during that time period was a Chazzooka in AC path2 last boss chest which I sold for about 24g.

Well, I'm Out

in Crafting

Posted by: Fiontar.4695


Well, what did you expect? You gambled and lost. Should have expected you had a minute chance of getting a precursor. And now you kitten yourself because you foolishly spent all your gold gambling when you should always leave enough gold on hand to prevent this ‘depressive’ state.

The way I look at it, Arenanet has gambled on this system of RNG as part of the Legendary process and every customer it drives from the game is a loss for them and all the remaining fans of the game.

It’s horrid game design to put “soul crushing” gambles into the game that are guaranteed to drive players from the game. Who would ever think that was a good idea?

Well, I'm Out

in Crafting

Posted by: Fiontar.4695


What I would suggest would be that every time you put four level 80 rares into the MF, you get the RNG result AND a precursor token. Every time you put 4 level 80 exotics into the MF, you get 10 tokens. 500 tokens + two additional ingredients get’s you a precursor. Relatively inexpensive ingredients for the two additional slots = random precursor. Relatively rare/expensive ingredients for the two added slots for recipes that grant a particular precursor.

No more throwing tons of stuff into the MF forge with the perspective of getting nothing. Precursor prices come down to more reasonable levels, rares go up in price a little. Some people still get lucky and get a precursor by luck, but no one loses everything in the pursuit.

Well, I'm Out

in Crafting

Posted by: Zeldain.5710


Well, what did you expect? You gambled and lost. Should have expected you had a minute chance of getting a precursor. And now you kitten yourself because you foolishly spent all your gold gambling when you should always leave enough gold on hand to prevent this ‘depressive’ state.

The keyword there is gambled. There should not be a gamble in a game with a cash shop. It’s borderline negligent for them to do it like that.

Here’s a hint for you: the problem isn’t with the player, its with the game.

Well, I'm Out

in Crafting

Posted by: Ivanov.8914


Ya this is why I don’t tell anyone how to “think out of the box”. There’s no exploits or hacks. It’s just taking what you’ve got and carrying it down a path to a bigger profit than the parts you started with. Those “parts” could be time, mats, places on the map, people you happen to be with, a combo of some or all these things, etc.

But it seems like people who are replying are more anxious to defend their position of: “it’s all grind”, than coming at it from a different angle. (It’s actually kind of interesting to watch.)

And if we reply not to defend our point, what do we reply for? To make some nonsense gibberish like your post?Maybe ,I guess……

First off, nobody mentioned hacks and exploits in the thread, so don’t go there and derail it.
“carrying it down a path to a bigger profit” , as I said , you go to the best farm spot, and you start farming, cuz this one is better than the rest.

I do applause your interest in watching this debate, but I wonder what your point was? Why did you make the post, or you made it just because?

Well, I'm Out

in Crafting

Posted by: IamDuddits.1692


Ya this is why I don’t tell anyone how to “think out of the box”. There’s no exploits or hacks. It’s just taking what you’ve got and carrying it down a path to a bigger profit than the parts you started with. Those “parts” could be time, mats, places on the map, people you happen to be with, a combo of some or all these things, etc.

But it seems like people who are replying are more anxious to defend their position of: “it’s all grind”, than coming at it from a different angle. (It’s actually kind of interesting to watch.)

And if we reply not to defend our point, what do we reply for? To make some nonsense gibberish like your post?Maybe ,I guess……

First off, nobody mentioned hacks and exploits in the thread, so don’t go there and derail it.
“carrying it down a path to a bigger profit” , as I said , you go to the best farm spot, and you start farming, cuz this one is better than the rest.

I do applause your interest in watching this debate, but I wonder what your point was? Why did you make the post, or you made it just because?

In his defense I did mention exploits as one way that people gotten Precursors, though they’ve been fixed since. Regardless, his post as well as the others here saying that they didn’t have to grind and didn’t get their precursor on a drop just smells of troll. IF they are telling the truth then they must’ve gotten their precursors back when they were <100 g. I fail to see how you can get a precursor without excessive luck, excessive gold farming, or playing the TP all day.

Well, I'm Out

in Crafting

Posted by: Chaneday.9316


If only we could make energy out of the grinders in these MMOs we would be able to solve the world energy crisis. You grinders will not admit that you are addicted to the carrot on a stick concept of shiny and glittery objects. What really gets me though is the complainers complain that the work is not justified in getting their shinny and glittery object. Obviously you value your time at way under minimum wage. You realize you could just buy the item with real money. And if you think that is cheating then stop complaining about your grinding. and there a lot of you out there. Perhaps one day business men will discover how to exploit your addictions. (wait they already have roflmao).

Well, I'm Out

in Crafting

Posted by: Imryn.2879


Eh, I’m with Vol. Not everybody is meant to have a legendary. You don’t need one, it’s nice to have.

I am sick and tired of people saying this. Everybody who wants a legendary can have one. There is no skill requirement involved, just money.

In fact the most efficient way to get a legendary is to never leave Lions Arch, to play the TP and to buy all of the components.

The devs who designed the “Legendary” aquisition process should be hanging their heads in shame because there is nothing legendary about it.

“Everybody who wants a legendary can have one”

Yes, that is absolutely true and I never said the opposite. In the real world, everybody can have a Ferrari too. However this requires either getting lucky or hard work. You can win the lottery, or you can put in a lot of hard work and hours to get this. Not everybody is meant to have a Ferrari.

The precursor is a super low drop rate because its… well… “legendary” and they don’t want everybody to be running around one. The issue is that there is very very very little supply but everybody and their mother wants a legendary.

@the guy who called me elitist. I don’t want a legendary. I don’t care about them. I just like to play with friends in WvW and dungeons. I only have around 100-200gold across all characters (big range because I have some mats stored up and I have 4 80s). My max level in FoTM is 12… so yeah, I’m super elite.

I don’t understand the way you are using the word “meant” here but oh well.

I wouldn’t have a problem if pre-cursor drop rates were the same for everyone but they aren’t. Thanks to ANet incompetence a huge number of pre-cursor ‘s were introduced to the game via a bugged MF recipie that gave a MASSIVELY inflated return rate. Use of the recipie was deemed an exploit and the recipie was fixed but the exploiters weren’t banned and got to keep all their ill gotten gains.

Those exploiters now get to control the pre-cursor market and push the prices sky high and ANet does nothing because high prices means more gem sales.

As a business decision its one of the more repulsive i’ve seen.

“I swung a sword. I swung a sword again. Hey, I swung it again. That’s great.”
- Colin Johanson on ArenaNets design philosophy for GW2

Well, I'm Out

in Crafting

Posted by: Sinanju.8456


Idk why you got impatient. It took me four months and you knew your best bet was save for the precursor so Idk why you tested your luck.

(Engineer) Sayonara Memory

Well, I'm Out

in Crafting

Posted by: Death Reincarnated.3570

Death Reincarnated.3570

I’m actually on the brink of moving on as well and I’ve never attempted, nor will I, get a legendary.

I enjoy doing events and helping out other players but I feel that I am not being rewarded proportionally due to the constant DR/RNG.

The game, IMO, is quickly becoming tiresome for me.

Maybe because I’m an oldskool FPSer and like to get rewarded consistently and frequently, however, the reward should reflect the effort – and I feel that I, like OP, have put in much more effort than gotten rewarded.

Proud member of Legion of Honour XIII

Do not click this link!

Well, I'm Out

in Crafting

Posted by: TheAngryLuddite.1834


Sympathy to the OP. Zommorros is a heartless kitten.

Dumping hundreds of gold into the mystic pooper and coming up with nothing is a broken mechanic.

After a few attempts of my own, I gave up, saved up, and bought my precursor on the TP finally (as it was cheaper than dusk/dawn). It was decidedly un-epic.

Well, I'm Out

in Crafting

Posted by: Gregorius.1024


Eh, I’m with Vol. Not everybody is meant to have a legendary. You don’t need one, it’s nice to have.

Anyway, this should be locked soon as quitting/good bye posts aren’t allowed.

This is completely dumb and the reason why the elitists who say this just don’t get it. He has everything but the precursor, which is too reliant on RNG. He has every right to a legendary. I don’t think using the mystic forge is the smartest thing to do but that was the original way to get a precursor. Why should random chance stand in the way of him getting this item that supposedly shows off a mastery of the game?

Hahahahahaha, you pretty much called me an elitist. That’s cute.

Hahahahahaha, you caught me. That’s cute that you figured it out

Well, I'm Out

in Crafting

Posted by: Gregorius.1024


Eh, I’m with Vol. Not everybody is meant to have a legendary. You don’t need one, it’s nice to have.

I am sick and tired of people saying this. Everybody who wants a legendary can have one. There is no skill requirement involved, just money.

In fact the most efficient way to get a legendary is to never leave Lions Arch, to play the TP and to buy all of the components.

The devs who designed the “Legendary” aquisition process should be hanging their heads in shame because there is nothing legendary about it.

“Everybody who wants a legendary can have one”

Yes, that is absolutely true and I never said the opposite. In the real world, everybody can have a Ferrari too. However this requires either getting lucky or hard work. You can win the lottery, or you can put in a lot of hard work and hours to get this. Not everybody is meant to have a Ferrari.

The precursor is a super low drop rate because its… well… “legendary” and they don’t want everybody to be running around one. The issue is that there is very very very little supply but everybody and their mother wants a legendary.

@the guy who called me elitist. I don’t want a legendary. I don’t care about them. I just like to play with friends in WvW and dungeons. I only have around 100-200gold across all characters (big range because I have some mats stored up and I have 4 80s). My max level in FoTM is 12… so yeah, I’m super elite.

It’s your mindset that’s elitist, not your wallet. As far as the real world reference: Awesome! But this is a game.

Well, I'm Out

in Crafting

Posted by: Burn.5401


Eh, I’m with Vol. Not everybody is meant to have a legendary. You don’t need one, it’s nice to have.

I am sick and tired of people saying this. Everybody who wants a legendary can have one. There is no skill requirement involved, just money.

In fact the most efficient way to get a legendary is to never leave Lions Arch, to play the TP and to buy all of the components.

The devs who designed the “Legendary” aquisition process should be hanging their heads in shame because there is nothing legendary about it.

Thread should’ve ended with this post. Everyone that thinks otherwise either got lucky with a precursor or he bought it for a reasonable price on the TP when prices were somewhat normal. Everything involving RNG is terrible design by default so deal with it.

Well, I'm Out

in Crafting

Posted by: IamDuddits.1692


Eh, I’m with Vol. Not everybody is meant to have a legendary. You don’t need one, it’s nice to have.

I am sick and tired of people saying this. Everybody who wants a legendary can have one. There is no skill requirement involved, just money.

In fact the most efficient way to get a legendary is to never leave Lions Arch, to play the TP and to buy all of the components.

The devs who designed the “Legendary” aquisition process should be hanging their heads in shame because there is nothing legendary about it.

Thread should’ve ended with this post. Everyone that thinks otherwise either got lucky with a precursor or he bought it for a reasonable price on the TP when prices were somewhat normal. Everything involving RNG is terrible design by default so deal with it.

Pretty much this. The irony of the legendary, as was pointed out, is that there is nothing legendary about it’s acquisition. Purchasing 90% of the components of the legendary from the TP feels about as epic as acing an exam that you paid someone else to take for you.

A legendary should actually have some legendary aspect to acquiring it. As of right now I don’t really seem impressed when I see a legendary, as it’s all luck and gold.

Well, I'm Out

in Crafting

Posted by: Sifu.6527


You misunderstand. Actually I still have half of my gold left. What’s depressing is the realization that the most efficient way to get to that point where I can actually afford a precursor on the TP is to grind COF mindlessly and/or play the TP instead of the game. That’s what’s depressing. The Sunrise (I’ve wvwvw’d, I’ve gotten Dungeon Master (before the nerf), and I’ve gotten what ascended items I could. ) was the (only) goal I was working towards and the Dawn was the only thing getting my way. It was either I gambled or painfully ground my way to the requisite amount of gold to afford one. The thought of going through COF for two to three hours whenever I can was just too much.

By the way, if anyone is wondering, /age is at 750.

I’m going to call your buff here.

You have all of your gifts right? That means 100 charged lodestone and 250 each of every crafting material right?

Lets see what you can get if you add everything together. (These are rough numbers)

250 Ecto – 100G
100 Charged Lodestones – 300-350G
250 each lvl 400 crafting mats – 200-300G
Icy Runestones – 100g
Money you saved up – 450g

Rough Estimate is -
1300G including the gold you saved up.
850G not including the gold you saved up.

Price of Dawn – 500 to 600G

You had plenty of gold. I don’t understand your QQ!

The question is, why didn’t you build the precusor first?

Well, I'm Out

in Crafting

Posted by: IamDuddits.1692


You misunderstand. Actually I still have half of my gold left. What’s depressing is the realization that the most efficient way to get to that point where I can actually afford a precursor on the TP is to grind COF mindlessly and/or play the TP instead of the game. That’s what’s depressing. The Sunrise (I’ve wvwvw’d, I’ve gotten Dungeon Master (before the nerf), and I’ve gotten what ascended items I could. ) was the (only) goal I was working towards and the Dawn was the only thing getting my way. It was either I gambled or painfully ground my way to the requisite amount of gold to afford one. The thought of going through COF for two to three hours whenever I can was just too much.

By the way, if anyone is wondering, /age is at 750.

I’m going to call your buff here.

You have all of your gifts right? That means 100 charged lodestone and 250 each of every crafting material right?

Lets see what you can get if you add everything together. (These are rough numbers)

250 Ecto – 100G
100 Charged Lodestones – 300-350G
250 each lvl 400 crafting mats – 200-300G
Icy Runestones – 100g
Money you saved up – 450g

Rough Estimate is -
1300G including the gold you saved up.
850G not including the gold you saved up.

Price of Dawn – 500 to 600G

You had plenty of gold. I don’t understand your QQ!

The question is, why didn’t you build the precusor first?

Where does he say he saved up 450 g? From doing the numbers on the rare great swords he bought I get he had less than 200 gold: 478 GS at ~35 s each is about 168 g, at 40 s each he’d have roughly 191 g.

I myself have sunk 15 g into the forge and am done experimenting with that. I was lucky enough to get Emberglow which sold for ~15 g on my second try (using rares that I crafted while maxing Weaponsmithing no less) and decided to use the 15 g to see what I could get out of the forge. I’d rather save up and buy mats than believe in some dream that the forge will make me rich.

For the record, I don’t think that obtaining a legendary should be easier rather I think it should be more than a gold grind. I feel like there are just better ways of making the legendary item seem like more of a skill-based accomplishment than devotion to farming CoF or other zones for gold.

Another large problem is that the low drop rates and expensive transmutation costs make the TP the most cost efficient source of nearly every Tier 6 mat Fine and every Lodestone.

(edited by IamDuddits.1692)

Well, I'm Out

in Crafting

Posted by: Sifu.6527


You misunderstand. Actually I still have half of my gold left. What’s depressing is the realization that the most efficient way to get to that point where I can actually afford a precursor on the TP is to grind COF mindlessly and/or play the TP instead of the game. That’s what’s depressing. The Sunrise (I’ve wvwvw’d, I’ve gotten Dungeon Master (before the nerf), and I’ve gotten what ascended items I could. ) was the (only) goal I was working towards and the Dawn was the only thing getting my way. It was either I gambled or painfully ground my way to the requisite amount of gold to afford one. The thought of going through COF for two to three hours whenever I can was just too much.

By the way, if anyone is wondering, /age is at 750.

I’m going to call your buff here.

You have all of your gifts right? That means 100 charged lodestone and 250 each of every crafting material right?

Lets see what you can get if you add everything together. (These are rough numbers)

250 Ecto – 100G
100 Charged Lodestones – 300-350G
250 each lvl 400 crafting mats – 200-300G
Icy Runestones – 100g
Money you saved up – 450g

Rough Estimate is -
1300G including the gold you saved up.
850G not including the gold you saved up.

Price of Dawn – 500 to 600G

You had plenty of gold. I don’t understand your QQ!

The question is, why didn’t you build the precusor first?

Where does he say he saved up 450 g? From doing the numbers on the rare great swords he bought I get he had less than 200 gold: 478 GS at ~35 s each is about 168 g, at 40 s each he’d have roughly 191 g.

I myself have sunk 15 g into the forge and am done experimenting with that. I was lucky enough to get Emberglow which sold for ~15 g on my second try (using rares that I crafted while maxing Weaponsmithing no less) and decided to use the 15 g to see what I could get out of the forge. I’d rather save up and buy mats than believe in some dream that the forge will make me rich.

For the record, I don’t think that obtaining a legendary should be easier rather I think it should be more than a gold grind. I feel like there are just better ways of making the legendary item seem like more of a skill-based accomplishment than devotion to farming CoF or other zones for gold.

Another large problem is that the low drop rates and expensive transmutation costs make the TP the most cost efficient source of nearly every Tier 6 mat Fine and every Lodestone.

OP said “So I decided to just chuck the gold I had to the mystic forge. 478 rare greatswords later, I got zilch.”

478* .50 silver per = 239

Later, the OP said I only used 1/2 of my gold. So he had roughly 450 total…

Look at my calculation without the 450G. He would still have 850G enough for a Dawn. Again, I don’t understand the OP’s QQ…

(edited by Sifu.6527)

Well, I'm Out

in Crafting

Posted by: IamDuddits.1692


You misunderstand. Actually I still have half of my gold left. What’s depressing is the realization that the most efficient way to get to that point where I can actually afford a precursor on the TP is to grind COF mindlessly and/or play the TP instead of the game. That’s what’s depressing. The Sunrise (I’ve wvwvw’d, I’ve gotten Dungeon Master (before the nerf), and I’ve gotten what ascended items I could. ) was the (only) goal I was working towards and the Dawn was the only thing getting my way. It was either I gambled or painfully ground my way to the requisite amount of gold to afford one. The thought of going through COF for two to three hours whenever I can was just too much.

By the way, if anyone is wondering, /age is at 750.

I’m going to call your buff here.

You have all of your gifts right? That means 100 charged lodestone and 250 each of every crafting material right?

Lets see what you can get if you add everything together. (These are rough numbers)

250 Ecto – 100G
100 Charged Lodestones – 300-350G
250 each lvl 400 crafting mats – 200-300G
Icy Runestones – 100g
Money you saved up – 450g

Rough Estimate is -
1300G including the gold you saved up.
850G not including the gold you saved up.

Price of Dawn – 500 to 600G

You had plenty of gold. I don’t understand your QQ!

The question is, why didn’t you build the precusor first?

Where does he say he saved up 450 g? From doing the numbers on the rare great swords he bought I get he had less than 200 gold: 478 GS at ~35 s each is about 168 g, at 40 s each he’d have roughly 191 g.

I myself have sunk 15 g into the forge and am done experimenting with that. I was lucky enough to get Emberglow which sold for ~15 g on my second try (using rares that I crafted while maxing Weaponsmithing no less) and decided to use the 15 g to see what I could get out of the forge. I’d rather save up and buy mats than believe in some dream that the forge will make me rich.

For the record, I don’t think that obtaining a legendary should be easier rather I think it should be more than a gold grind. I feel like there are just better ways of making the legendary item seem like more of a skill-based accomplishment than devotion to farming CoF or other zones for gold.

Another large problem is that the low drop rates and expensive transmutation costs make the TP the most cost efficient source of nearly every Tier 6 mat Fine and every Lodestone.

Look at my calculation without the 450G. He would still have 850G enough for a Dawn. Again, I don’t understand the OP’s QQ…

Is it so unreasonable to assume that he probably acquired much of those resources over time, bit by bit? Do you mean to imply that he had 850 G he was sitting on and just mass purchased all the gifts in one run?

If that is your assumption, then yes he should’ve just bought the precursor before prices went up. However, my guess is that most people figure they will get Gift of Fortune and Gift of Mastery first (because they are universal) and then hope they get a lucky drop while farming up the basic mats.

(edited by IamDuddits.1692)

Well, I'm Out

in Crafting

Posted by: Sifu.6527


You misunderstand. Actually I still have half of my gold left. What’s depressing is the realization that the most efficient way to get to that point where I can actually afford a precursor on the TP is to grind COF mindlessly and/or play the TP instead of the game. That’s what’s depressing. The Sunrise (I’ve wvwvw’d, I’ve gotten Dungeon Master (before the nerf), and I’ve gotten what ascended items I could. ) was the (only) goal I was working towards and the Dawn was the only thing getting my way. It was either I gambled or painfully ground my way to the requisite amount of gold to afford one. The thought of going through COF for two to three hours whenever I can was just too much.

By the way, if anyone is wondering, /age is at 750.

I’m going to call your buff here.

You have all of your gifts right? That means 100 charged lodestone and 250 each of every crafting material right?

Lets see what you can get if you add everything together. (These are rough numbers)

250 Ecto – 100G
100 Charged Lodestones – 300-350G
250 each lvl 400 crafting mats – 200-300G
Icy Runestones – 100g
Money you saved up – 450g

Rough Estimate is -
1300G including the gold you saved up.
850G not including the gold you saved up.

Price of Dawn – 500 to 600G

You had plenty of gold. I don’t understand your QQ!

The question is, why didn’t you build the precusor first?

Where does he say he saved up 450 g? From doing the numbers on the rare great swords he bought I get he had less than 200 gold: 478 GS at ~35 s each is about 168 g, at 40 s each he’d have roughly 191 g.

I myself have sunk 15 g into the forge and am done experimenting with that. I was lucky enough to get Emberglow which sold for ~15 g on my second try (using rares that I crafted while maxing Weaponsmithing no less) and decided to use the 15 g to see what I could get out of the forge. I’d rather save up and buy mats than believe in some dream that the forge will make me rich.

For the record, I don’t think that obtaining a legendary should be easier rather I think it should be more than a gold grind. I feel like there are just better ways of making the legendary item seem like more of a skill-based accomplishment than devotion to farming CoF or other zones for gold.

Another large problem is that the low drop rates and expensive transmutation costs make the TP the most cost efficient source of nearly every Tier 6 mat Fine and every Lodestone.

Look at my calculation without the 450G. He would still have 850G enough for a Dawn. Again, I don’t understand the OP’s QQ…

Is it so unreasonable to assume that he probably acquired much of those resources over time, bit by bit? Do you mean to imply that he had 850 G he was sitting on and just mass purchased all the gifts in one run?

If that is your assumption, then yes he should’ve just bought the precursor before prices went up. However, my guess is that most people figure they will get Gift of Fortune and Gift of Mastery first (because they are universal) and then hope they get a lucky drop while farming up the basic mats.

Ok, I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt that he crafted the Gift of Fortune and Gift of Mastery first as those are universal. That leaves us with the precursor “dawn” and Gift of Sunrise.

Gift of Sunrise requires 100 Charge Lodestone and 100 Icy Runestones. Why in the world would you craft those first? Thats 500G right there! 500G + 450G saved = 950gold! Almost enough for 2 Dawn precursors. For kittening sake…

He probably wanted to play the RNG game and when he got kittened, he blamed it on RNG for his downfall instead of his crappy planning.

(edited by Sifu.6527)

Well, I'm Out

in Crafting

Posted by: IamDuddits.1692


You misunderstand. Actually I still have half of my gold left. What’s depressing is the realization that the most efficient way to get to that point where I can actually afford a precursor on the TP is to grind COF mindlessly and/or play the TP instead of the game. That’s what’s depressing. The Sunrise (I’ve wvwvw’d, I’ve gotten Dungeon Master (before the nerf), and I’ve gotten what ascended items I could. ) was the (only) goal I was working towards and the Dawn was the only thing getting my way. It was either I gambled or painfully ground my way to the requisite amount of gold to afford one. The thought of going through COF for two to three hours whenever I can was just too much.

By the way, if anyone is wondering, /age is at 750.

I’m going to call your buff here.

You have all of your gifts right? That means 100 charged lodestone and 250 each of every crafting material right?

Lets see what you can get if you add everything together. (These are rough numbers)

250 Ecto – 100G
100 Charged Lodestones – 300-350G
250 each lvl 400 crafting mats – 200-300G
Icy Runestones – 100g
Money you saved up – 450g

Rough Estimate is -
1300G including the gold you saved up.
850G not including the gold you saved up.

Price of Dawn – 500 to 600G

You had plenty of gold. I don’t understand your QQ!

The question is, why didn’t you build the precusor first?

Where does he say he saved up 450 g? From doing the numbers on the rare great swords he bought I get he had less than 200 gold: 478 GS at ~35 s each is about 168 g, at 40 s each he’d have roughly 191 g.

I myself have sunk 15 g into the forge and am done experimenting with that. I was lucky enough to get Emberglow which sold for ~15 g on my second try (using rares that I crafted while maxing Weaponsmithing no less) and decided to use the 15 g to see what I could get out of the forge. I’d rather save up and buy mats than believe in some dream that the forge will make me rich.

For the record, I don’t think that obtaining a legendary should be easier rather I think it should be more than a gold grind. I feel like there are just better ways of making the legendary item seem like more of a skill-based accomplishment than devotion to farming CoF or other zones for gold.

Another large problem is that the low drop rates and expensive transmutation costs make the TP the most cost efficient source of nearly every Tier 6 mat Fine and every Lodestone.

Look at my calculation without the 450G. He would still have 850G enough for a Dawn. Again, I don’t understand the OP’s QQ…

Is it so unreasonable to assume that he probably acquired much of those resources over time, bit by bit? Do you mean to imply that he had 850 G he was sitting on and just mass purchased all the gifts in one run?

If that is your assumption, then yes he should’ve just bought the precursor before prices went up. However, my guess is that most people figure they will get Gift of Fortune and Gift of Mastery first (because they are universal) and then hope they get a lucky drop while farming up the basic mats.

Ok, I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt that he crafted the Gift of Fortune and Gift of Mastery first as those are universal. That leaves us with the precursor “dawn” and Gift of Sunrise.

Gift of Sunrise requires 100 Charge Lodestone and 100 Icy Runestones. Why in the world would you craft those first? Thats 500G right there! 500G + 450G saved = 950gold! Almost enough for 2 Dawn precursors. For kittening sake…

He probably wanted to play the RNG game and when he got kittened, he blamed it on RNG for his downfall instead of his crappy planning.

Where are you getting this 450 g saved from? Did you not read his post carefully? He said he didn’t want to play the TP and do CoF runs to obtain the 450 g for the Precursor, not that he had 450 g and didn’t feel like running CoF for the remainder…

Are you just making up BS evidence that is easier to argue a case against? Maybe he did want to gamble all his gold away. Clearly he doesn’t know how to save up gold as evidenced by his ability to acquire every component besides the Precursor. Oh wait…

Near as I can tell, from what he’s told us he had maybe 200 g on him from the GS he flushed down the toilet. It’s also possible that he was just sick of farming considering that all those components (which you already did the math for) is upwards of 1500 gold.

Well, I'm Out

in Crafting

Posted by: Sifu.6527



Can you not read?

Line by line.

“So I decided to just chuck the gold I had to the mystic forge. 478 rare greatswords later, I got zilch. "

200 gold to buy all 478

“You misunderstand. Actually I still have half of my gold left”

This statement makes me believe he spent only half of his gold to buy 478 rare greatswords therefore he really had anywhere from 400-450g.

Could he saved up 478 greatsword? Yes, but then why didnt he sell them for 200g + 300-400g from charged lodestone to buy his dawn?

(edited by Sifu.6527)

Well, I'm Out

in Crafting

Posted by: Atreus.5429


I started with 180g. I spent 130g on that ill-fated series of attempts at getting a dawn. I got back around 20g after that. (I also pitched 25g to my girlfriend who wanted Final Rest). I didn’t need 200 gold to buy all 478 because:

1. I have maxed out weaponsmith (gift of metal)
2. I had a several stacks of mats in my tab.

When the prices of T5 mats fell I was able to get the requisite 15 mats per attempt for 15s so each attempt was no more than 25s including the mithril and wood. A rough estimate of each MF attempt would be at 1g. That’s approximately 130 attempts which coheres with the 478 greatswords that i created.

It’s way cheaper to make your own greatswords.

Also, I think I spent less than 400g on my lodestones. I converted cores and farmed COE. I went for those gifts first in the off chance that I might get a precursor from a chest. My original plan was to save for another two to three weeks and buy the precursor outright. I realized I didn’t relish going for another three weeks of hardcore COF farming so I tried my luck. Was it a bad idea? On hindsight it is but that’s -on hindsight-. Had things turned out differently it would have been a brilliant idea.

At any rate, I’ve decided to work on another character and focus on other goals aside from grabbing a precursor. At a leisurely pace, I’m now back to 50g. I’ve learned my lesson and that is to just stop grinding and do what is most fun.

(edited by Atreus.5429)

Well, I'm Out

in Crafting

Posted by: Ivanov.8914


.. just stop grinding and do what is most fun.

Amen to that brotha.