What am I doing wrong in Crafting Infusion?

What am I doing wrong in Crafting Infusion?

in Crafting

Posted by: Nyspar.6103



I want to make the Vital Infusion
1 Eldritch Scroll
20 Mystic Coin
250 Karka Shells
100 Ancient Bones

This is what I have

The karka shells are not lighting up, and manually adding them does let me craft the infusion.

[DnT] TargNyspar
Targaryen / Nymaria / Dwagonfire / Dwagonhunter

What am I doing wrong in Crafting Infusion?

in Crafting

Posted by: Icid.4520



They changed the recipe. From the patch notes, “The Mystic Forge recipes for offensive and defensive infusions now take five skill points instead of 50, and omni infusions now take ten skill points instead of 100.”

Should be 50 Philosopher Stones instead of an Eldritch Scroll.