What chests can Precursors drop from?
It is safe to say that all big event chests in Cursed Shore can drop it. Also, frostgorge and WvW chests (this has been proven too, someone got dusk).
Not sure if teq can drop it.
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works. http://sinasdf.imgur.com/
I dont think teq can drop it as the zone is not an “end game” zone. though i could be wrong. Claw of jormag does for sure though.
Maybe check the wiki
dungeon chests can also drop them, just a very low chance.
tequatl should be able to drop it, since the rework of drops you can get "on lvl " drops as low as lvl 55 areas
“They are obtained randomly at a very low rate from large chests rewarded for defeating Claw of Jormag,Tequatl the Sunless, and The Shatterer and for capturing Temples in Orr or from explorer mode dungeon chests. They can also be obtained randomly when placing four level 75 or higher rare or exotic weapons into the Mystic Forge”
I got Dusk from that crappy little “chest” (that’s what it’s called) at Hope falls at Malchor’s leap.
And randomly I get an exotic here and there from the very same world map chests.
Just today I got Maw of the kitten (axe), Shiro’s gloves and Rampager’s scepter of something. All exotic.
I’m at work right now, but can add a screenshot later as proof if will be requested.
“They are obtained randomly at a very low rate from large chests rewarded for defeating Claw of Jormag,Tequatl the Sunless, and The Shatterer and for capturing Temples in Orr or from explorer mode dungeon chests. They can also be obtained randomly when placing four level 75 or higher rare or exotic weapons into the Mystic Forge”
So why my buddy got one farming plinx. Didn’t see any chest
It’s just a jackpot, playing a badly programmed RNG game
“They are obtained randomly at a very low rate from large chests rewarded for defeating Claw of Jormag,Tequatl the Sunless, and The Shatterer and for capturing Temples in Orr or from explorer mode dungeon chests. They can also be obtained randomly when placing four level 75 or higher rare or exotic weapons into the Mystic Forge”
So why my buddy got one farming plinx. Didn’t see any chest
It’s just a jackpot, playing a badly programmed RNG game
They can be obtain from mob loot but at a very very low rate. Also, how long ago is that?
hm, maybe a month ago, i really don’t remember, my brain was on off-state repeating plinx 200 times lol.
I saw one guy linking precursor during Plinx event and claiming he got it from random mob drop. Is it true I cannot say for sure. However I did get some various Exotics (even “named” ones like Moonfang dagger) during doing various events in Orr so if Precursors are on the same loot tables as everything else but with like 0.000001% drop chance it is possible that you can get one from regular farming.
Now, it probably depends on MF stat to increase the chance of drop to the level that you will have a chance of dropping one in your lifetime
Thief/Necro/Guardian/Mesmer/Elementalist of SFR EU
I got a crystalline blade farming in CS. A friend got the prec for harpoon/spear, so it’s def possible for a prec to drop from normal CS mobs
Funny how when someone gets a precursor it’s always dusk, and not any other one. This leads me to think that those people lie, since most are going for twilight, a lot of people are running around with dusk till they make it, and they probably want to troll.
If it’s true though, then they might be worth doing the JP
“WvW chests (this has been proven too, someone got dusk).”
Jumping puzzle chests?
Yes, the screenshot I saw showed EB puzzle. Can’t remember if it was from here or reddit.
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works. http://sinasdf.imgur.com/
“WvW chests (this has been proven too, someone got dusk).”
Jumping puzzle chests?Yes, the screenshot I saw showed EB puzzle. Can’t remember if it was from here or reddit.
I would probably have a massive coronary if I ever saw something besides a blue item from a WvW jumping puzzle chest LOL
Playing a various Stormspire alt – if it’s Stormspire, it’s probably me
Guilds: Elder Prophets [EP], Principality of New Katulus (PiNK)
for WvW, i heard / read it was also on the EB chest (which is a big one?) whereas the ones in the Borderlands not confirmed. though i’m leaning to believe that they don’t.
my wife got a precursor drop from Bjarl in CoE. i swear she always gets good loot. ; ))
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
am I the only person who’s been playing since day one and never gotten a precursor drop?
@Slim: No, I have only had one exotic drop from a regular chest/mob ever and it was off a player in wvw (have gotten others via mystic forge and fractals chests).
In regards to precursor’s from mobs, someone that was in the same guild as me linked me a dusk he got while we were in cursed shore. He was farming plinx at the time, though he wasn’t certain at what point he got it, as he was just grabbing the loot during the events and didn’t see it until later.
As far as I know they can drop from chests and random mobs. I got a Dusk 3 days ago from the 4th phase of plinx. Was about 2 hours after I got my zap from the forge
I think you can get them from anything which drops lvl 80 equip. Got a named exotic from a opponent around lvl 30 before.
I honestly believe that RNG just hates some people. I’ve never gotten a precursor, and the only exotic item i’ve ever looted from a chest(besides lost shores and 1 i got from fractals) was a deer in frostgorge sound. (It was a kitten bad scepter though.
EB jumping puzzle can drop one. Haven’t seen any drops from EB grub chest despite it being a large one.
There’s a very small chance to get a precursor from wvw player kills.