Which Crafting skills for mesmer?

Which Crafting skills for mesmer?

in Crafting

Posted by: Matt.1938


I just got GW2 and have decided to play a Mesmer (mostly PvP if that has any affect on the answer to my question), but I am trying to decide which crafting skills would work “best” for me. This is my main of course so I want something I can use, but that can also bring in cash. I was thinking about Jeweler and Tailor, but wasn’t positive. Anyone have recommendation?

Which Crafting skills for mesmer?

in Crafting

Posted by: CelestialWyrm.8572


Tailor will save you more money come endgame when you are trying to get full exotic armor. Jeweler is actually a viable way to make money if you get the ores yourself, and you can get trinket upgrades easily. So I’d say that those two are good choice. Mesmers have a large variety of weapons they can use so choosing Huntsman/Weaponsmith/Artificer would not be as useful, not to mention they’d overlap with the fine crafting materials that are required for Tailor. Jeweler only takes gems and ore.

Imperial Coalition [ICoa]

Which Crafting skills for mesmer?

in Crafting

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


I have Jeweler and Tailor on my Mesmer and I found it very useful.
I pretty much crafted my armor and trinkets all the way to 80 and Jewelry is also a decent money source at 400.
As Celestial said you should get the mats yourself since gems can be expensive.
Crafting armor to your own specs is also a huge bonus

Gunnar’s Hold