Why isnt crafting as innovative?

Why isnt crafting as innovative?

in Crafting

Posted by: Slither Shade.4782

Slither Shade.4782

Why is crafting reduced to a single click of a mouse button? Why isnt the best gear only craftable by four elite crafters while chanting secret rituals under the light of a full moon? Why does crafting require no personal investment from the crafter? Dungeon token gear requires a personal investment of time and effort from the player. Crafted gear doea not which makes crafted items worth not one copper more than their required materials. Less even as before the materials were used at least they still had many possible uses. That was my rant resulting from crafting 40 useless items foe the monthly. Anet I already knew from beta that I thought that crafting sucked. There was no need to remind me of it. Unless you had changed it or improved it in some way? No you did not. Thank you

Why isnt crafting as innovative?

in Crafting

Posted by: LiveTwo Let Die.6832

LiveTwo Let Die.6832

Just picking this out of your statement, dungeon recipes require dungeon tokens that make some sweet exotics and a really nice profit. And it also depends on what “gear” you are crafting. Like I’m going for aether so crafting is just a cheaper route but still takes a crap load of time. Not saying crafting is well made just saying there a certain aspects you have to do, like a ridic goal or find that item that makes money, to have any fun at it. Look into the weapons and gear that are not legendaries but are the best exotics to craft.