Worth It to Start Crafting?
Crafting in GW2 is primarily a way for players to be able to acquire gear, not a source of profit. So if you do start crafting, you could probably make sure you have solid gear for your level, but financially speaking it’s probably better to stay away.
Crafting is designed for gear accessibility, not profit.
Crafting can be a way to level your character a bit, too. Crafting a discipline from 1-400 gives you 7 levels. And leveling cooking is fairly cheap. But if you’re just looking to craft for the hell of it, I’d put it off until you’re either 80 or have some gold to spend on the crafting. Using whatever drops you get as your armor/weapons works just fine as you level.
As the others have said, it’s not really worth it to craft so you can use your own gear. If you have a bunch of gold, it’s great for leveling up an alt. It’s also required for Ascended gear but that’s more of an end-game goal. I’d recommend waiting on that until you have the cash to spare.
It is worth to have cooking and jewelry crafting on one character because those two are the easiest in terms of materials needed. You can get everything just by picking up mats as you go. You don’t have to salvage a thing.
Cooking is particularly cheap and you start by finding the vendor for Trail Mix.
The very top level gear can only be gotten by crafting but in the mean time you can get some pretty good stuff, cheaper, using karma, dungeon tokens or badges of honor from WvW.
I Used it to Lvl an Alt but not until my main had collected lots of gold and mats to help me do it. Now that the Alt has high level Crafting, he can make weapons and aromor for all my chars. I would not however, recommend crafting to a NEW player with little Gold and supplies in the bank.
As a new player, crafting was a lot of fun for me, and even now on my seventh character I am leveling him as an armorsmith and a weaponsmith. It can be expensive and getting all the materials you need to level your crafting could make it very difficult to keep your gear matched to your level.
If you play a number of different characters (obviously, NOT a new player), it’s an easy source of gear upgrade as you level (assuming your other higher level toons are gathering materials).
As mentioned above, Jewelry and Cooking are 2 crafts that do not have easy sources of their usable equipment while leveling (sans buying consumables and Trinkets from the Trading Post).
Some players enjoy crafting (me) and others despise it. In either case, you SHOULD gather materials as you play. If you want to craft, you have a stash of raw materials to use and if you chose not to craft, selling the raw materials on the Trading Post can give you some extra gold. Even if you do craft, you should clear out excess inventory of raw materials occasionally.
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
I’ve done crafting on all of my characters, even my very first one (ele, artificer). If you’re a new player, gathering what you need to do level specific gear and weapons might be a bit of a grind, but it depends on how much you gather, kill, and salvage as you go. I typically had plenty of what I needed to supply weapons for myself and my husband as we leveled together. Beyond that, taking a few minutes to craft can help break up chunks of play, which helps alleviate boredom at times (while still providing XP).
I agree with others that crafting isn’t necessarily intended to be a source of income, although I find it never hurts to sell anything extra that I make during the leveling of the craft.