You tell me...

You tell me...

in Crafting

Posted by: Raging Bull.5048

Raging Bull.5048

…why I loved the crafting in WoW and I was ready to do whatever it took to max different professions on all my characters, but I absolutely hate crafting in GW2 and couldn’t bother leveling it past lvl147/151.

Because, honestly, I have no clue why that is. Probably PARTLY I feel that way because I believe crafting offers little variety in item looks and serves no purpose. But I’m completely clueless for the rest of the reasons why.

Any ideas?

Edit: oh, I remembered another thing – I detest shared nodes for trees/ore/plants. Yuck!

You tell me...

in Crafting

Posted by: Helterskelter.8490


…why I loved the crafting in WoW and I was ready to do whatever it took to max different professions on all my characters, but I absolutely hate crafting in GW2 and couldn’t bother leveling it past lvl147/151.

Because, honestly, I have no clue why that is. Probably PARTLY I feel that way because I believe crafting offers little variety in item looks and serves no purpose. But I’m completely clueless for the rest of the reasons why.

Any ideas?

Edit: oh, I remembered another thing – I detest shared nodes for trees/ore/plants. Yuck!

The nodes that actually matter (orichalcum, orrian sapling and omnomnom berries) or so scarce that sharing is pretty much essential. To be honest, the map isn’t big enough to have enough nodes to justify competitive-farming.

Perhaps if each type of gathering (Mining, Harvesting, Woodwork) were a crafting profession itself (such as Tailoring or Armorsmith), it might make the TP market more interesting.

You tell me...

in Crafting

Posted by: Raging Bull.5048

Raging Bull.5048

…why I loved the crafting in WoW and I was ready to do whatever it took to max different professions on all my characters, but I absolutely hate crafting in GW2 and couldn’t bother leveling it past lvl147/151.

Because, honestly, I have no clue why that is. Probably PARTLY I feel that way because I believe crafting offers little variety in item looks and serves no purpose. But I’m completely clueless for the rest of the reasons why.

Any ideas?

Edit: oh, I remembered another thing – I detest shared nodes for trees/ore/plants. Yuck!

The nodes that actually matter (orichalcum, orrian sapling and omnomnom berries) or so scarce that sharing is pretty much essential. To be honest, the map isn’t big enough to have enough nodes to justify competitive-farming.

Perhaps if each type of gathering (Mining, Harvesting, Woodwork) were a crafting profession itself (such as Tailoring or Armorsmith), it might make the TP market more interesting.

I agree with your post. But that’s still a problem – the fact that the nodes are shared, no matter what the reason behind it is. Maps are not large enough – that’s true. But the shared nodes create a feeling that there is no competition between players, trivializes gathering itself, and it further ruins my joy of gathering/crafting in a way I can’t seem to express in words.

Bottom line is – I really don’t like it at all.

You tell me...

in Crafting

Posted by: Puandro.3245


Too bad. Shared nodes are awesome.

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You tell me...

in Crafting

Posted by: LameFox.6349


Join a server that’s really bad at WvW and harvest nodes in enemy territory (i.e. all of it).

You tell me...

in Crafting

Posted by: omerk.2709


In WoW, if you’re a leatherworker, you don’t need any other mats, such as cloth.
If you’re a tailor, there are ways to farm efficiently for just about anything.
In GW2, the rare materials are really rare. making inscriptions and such can be painful, and if you tried farming wool, you know what I’m talking about.
Therefore, the shared nature of the gathering nodes don’t make it a walk in the park to level crafting, unless you do jewler only.
Any other crafting discipline requires some form of farming/TP purchase, which don’t come easy.

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in Crafting

Posted by: Aphix.9846


Best crafting ever here. Never bothered with crafting on other games cuz it usually takes ages and costs alot. Not fun either. Sit there clicking random mats for 4 hours. Yeee.

You tell me...

in Crafting

Posted by: Loltha.2390


I, too, am a dedicated crafter and love making things. I also have a WOW background and am a completionist when it comes to crafting. I also share some of your frustration with GW2 crafting.

What I love about GW2 crafting:

  • I don’t have to fight over collecting my mats. In fact, I laugh in game when I come up on a tree/ore/plant and some guy 2 feet away rushes up trying to beat me to the ingrediant because he forgot everyone has their own resources. It makes gathering much more enjoyable to be relaxed and only have to worry about the bear/charr/vulture thats trying to gnaw off your foot while you do it.
  • Particularly loved doing cooking…the food is REAL food! The recipes are real recipes!

What I dislike about GW2 crafting ( and what I think also bothers you):

  • All recipes are bought from your trainer. The only exception is the mystic forge recipes or the Halloween ones that had an abysmal drop rate from bought chests. We lost the fun of scaling peaks, dungeon crawling, farming for recipes. What we are left with is RNG luck and that is atrocious. My advice to you, unless you KNOW the mystic forge recipe before hand, don’t even drop 1 precious resource into that swirling cesspool of a toilet.

*Anet, for some ungodly reason, took the ability of a crafters satisfaction in making alittle coin from their hard earned work and exchanged it for the ability to level your toon. What you do with your craft is neither rare nor needed. Like people needed another way to level in this game, what with having leveling from doing Wvw, dungeons, their Story and quests. People who HATE crafting do it as an easy path to 80.

  • Making any money from crafting requires you to monitor the TP like a real life stock exchange. For me, thats far too much work and NO FUN. Much better you sell the mats needed for crafting if you want any coin.
  • We have no ability to make any vanity items. No pets. The game has no mounts. There is not one thing you can make “just for fun”.

*RNG…we’re used to putting together X, Y and Z to get an item. Worked every time. Now we have to buy 17 bottles of expensive wine, throw in 50 coins . etc et to get ONE recipe to make a tray, pot or cauldron of something. If a recipes says RARE, we are used to it a.) BEING rare and b.) ALWAYS receiving it if we put in the mats. Not so here. Example: Dye recipes can be unlocked at 3 levels, and yes! one level says RARE! However, RNG comes into play and you can throw all that expensive coriander seed and omnomberries you want into the pot and if RNG is not in your favor ( and it rarely is) you will get COMMON dyes, just like the lesser expensive recipe gives you. NOT. WORTH. THE. EFFORT.

Bottom line, I used to idle hours away in crafting just for the joy of it. I never madr a ton of money as that was not my goal but I could make enough that I could save up for a high priced item and get it in a month or so. Not so in this game…since I’ve leveled ALL the crafting professions, I’ve rarely crafted unless it’s to make my own toons a hat or something.

You tell me...

in Crafting

Posted by: brokenserenity.4638


we need a better variety of outfit skins craftable and make those karma recipes worth the effort of buying instead of just using the same darned armour skin with rarer materials every 100 skill ranks or so! seriously theres a destinct lack of decent medium/heavy armour recipes of note yet tones of recipes for light!(just the other day myself and a fellow guildmate lamented the fact that tailor has 2 full sets of armour recipes availble via heart quest merchants and yet the other 2 armour types get squat), hopefully they add more stuff eventually but at the moment im stuck making cack gear that doesnt suit rangers or thieves(far to many eyepatches and not enough hoods for one thing) because somebody got abit lazy when it came to the designs for medium armour and just reskinned the same stuff 4 or 5 times.

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in Crafting

Posted by: Moonrabbit.1543


In GW2, I have leveled three crafts to 400 and several others to the 100-200 range. I was very into crafting in WoW. Had all but 3 engineering recipes in the game. Learned the value of NOT being a completionist.

The problem with crafting in GW2 is that it serves no purpose. There is little value in trying to craft gear for my charatacters. Most gear can be purchased for less than the mats from the TP. There are times when I may want a piece of gear that is not available on the TP. However, this is rare and usually occurs when the item is a forge recipe that involves a hard-to-obtain mat. If one is leveling, then spending time trying to get the recipe and mat(s) is arguably not worth it. In my opinion, GW2 crafting needs to provide small but noticeable perks as is the case in WoW. Leveling a crafting profession just for skins is not a good investment of time or money.

Also, shared nodes are awesome.

You tell me...

in Crafting

Posted by: Ireniicus.2167


Sadly bar getting some experience and it being necessary for Legendaries it is sadly pointless to craft. everything is cheaper via the TP. It is better to just sell your base materials and purchase what you want with that money made. Sad panda