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Your Thoughts on Celestial and Divinity?
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Depends on your profession/build and your role in group.
right now, those stats is more for casual player whom doesnt want to change much.
in pvp u go either huge damage or huge survival, so those stats wont be any good.
the only time i can see those stats be useful is when anet make more use of condition damage. when they balance condition damage then those stats give you both raw and cond damage.
right now cond damage abit unbalance when limited to only 25 stack,
You could also look at using the revised Traveler runes.
I like to tell people that celestial stats are pretty good for almost all builds. probably not the best, no where near the worst. all builds will likely have a stat type that works better than celestial, but celestial is not bad. I have yet to meet a build where celestial is in the bottom 70% worst stat choices you could use.
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Depends on your profession/build and your role in group.
More or less this ^
With that being said, I main a Guardian and for most of the builds with it, you’d really be doing yourself a disfavor by going straight Celestial stats.
I think you’ll find mixing your gear sets will yield a better stat results. I actually use 2 pieces of Celestial stats myself, but that’s it.
I don’t believe you either go huge dam or huge survival in PVP. Balanced build + player style exists. Celestial gives you the most total number of stats, you can mix it with a target stats gear to give you better result. For example, use few Celestials in a zerker set will give you more survivability than the damage sacrificed. However, I won’t recommend using full Celestials, while you may have the most total number of stats, but you end up not able to do well in anything.
celestial isnt viable for anyone, but can slightly work for eles
I won’t recommend using full Celestials, while you may have the most total number of stats, but you end up not able to do well in anything.
What about full celestial gear and, for example, switching to Berserker’s trinkets when you want to spec into greater damage, or Sentinel’s trinkets for survivability?
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Celestial is pretty bad across the board because the stats you get in Condition Damage and Healing Power will do very little for improving those respective skills, while the stats you lose in Power will severely hurt your DPS
I went celestial jewelery on my warrior and guardian because ascended jewelery was such an investment laurelwise. I then specialise via armor and weapons depending on what I want focus on. I carry several different suits of armor and weapons on each one.
Kreen – Warrior L80, Mono Lith – Guardian L80
Higgsbosun – Thief L80, Silvron – Ranger L80.
Celestial is pretty bad across the board because the stats you get in Condition Damage and Healing Power will do very little for improving those respective skills, while the stats you lose in Power will severely hurt your DPS
It all depends on how effectively you can use all the stats provided. DD ele for instance is forced to use condition and power damage, so makes use of all the stats in that respect, as well as the healing power in most builds from the water tree. Hybrid guardian could work as well, but they make even less use of the condition stats.
My hope is that next patch for necro will buff up siphon scaling enough to make it viable for that class, which it current isn’t at all.
It all depends on how effectively you can use all the stats provided. DD ele for instance is forced to use condition and power damage, so makes use of all the stats in that respect, as well as the healing power in most builds from the water tree. Hybrid guardian could work as well, but they make even less use of the condition stats.
My hope is that next patch for necro will buff up siphon scaling enough to make it viable for that class, which it current isn’t at all.
AMEN brother! I main a necro that wears celestial and divinity runes, and with a full out power/trinkets build I can DS for fairly high (crit) numbers. My only problem with this armor is the inability to utilize the healing element; something I hope we see changed on the 15th.
The only other reason I use this armor is due to the fact that I like to try new builds. Not like we have much of a choice the way we keep being re-assigned into what the necro is (condi fire YUK), so for me it is a win/win with just having to switch out trinkets in order to get the build the way I like it. Needless to say I gave up on alts as they would cost me a years time in laurels just to equip them for a few builds.
It’s best for some eles and eng’s… otherwise I wouldn’t. The runes are on a different level than the armor though just because of the crit damage you get with them Vs. most other runes.
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If you find a build that takes advantage of all the stats on them, they are great, especially in wvw because you are balanced across the board and enemies are not used to fight those builds. I went full ascended celestial (6 trinkets, 3 weapons) and exotic armor on my warrior, just to try it out. I didnt use Divinity Runes or Revelry Star Cake though becasue i wanted to use my Runes/Sigils/Traits/Nourishments to tweak my build a little bit more into stats that i was lacking.
With 3,200 armor and attack and 26k health i had pretty good dps and sustain, while still being able to utilize healing and condi damage
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
Celestial stats work well for Guard, Ele, and in some cases Engie.
Heavens Rage
In PvE, complete trash.
Morrï (Mesmer) | Serah Mahariel (Guardian) | Morrï Mahariel (Warrior)
“colesy’s on rampage today. Slaying casuals left, right and centre” – spoj
In PvE, complete trash.
This is true, since PvE rewards damage over anything else. Biggest problem with Celestial is the amount of power you give up. Which is why I never go full Celestial.
Heavens Rage
Yeah, the Power loss is an issue since Power is by far the best DPS stat in the game.
If all stats were equally potent then it might be more viable but as such only Eles and Guardians really benefits at all from Celestial and it’s suboptimal afaik.
I won’t recommend using full Celestials, while you may have the most total number of stats, but you end up not able to do well in anything.
What about full celestial gear and, for example, switching to Berserker’s trinkets when you want to spec into greater damage, or Sentinel’s trinkets for survivability?
IMO that’s probably the best setup you can have. If you want more damage, you can also switch glove, shoulder, and boots to Zerker together with the trinkets. As for survivability, I prefer Cleric, but that depends on build.
The only down side is that 6 armor plus all the weapons might take a long time to craft.
Just switched my Soldier/PVT ranger with Lyssa Runes to a full set of Celestial with ranger runes. Kept 3 Soldier trinkets and 2 Celestial trinkers. Crafted a wupwup longbow as well. Also changed my build at the same time to something most WvW/PvP people would probably think is nuts (20-20-10-10-10) but I only do PvE for the most part. The DPS increase is significant and I haven’t noticed a drop in survivability. Another poster noted that the runes are a different issue and they are, if you’re running a character with a strong crit chance they are the best runes you can have as far as I’m concerned. Been using them on critical striker thief with Rampager armor for about 9+ months.
Acrobatics trait line. Then sell it back
to them for $50. Brilliant! – ghost of P.T. Barnum
The only other reason I use this armor is due to the fact that I like to try new builds. Not like we have much of a choice the way we keep being re-assigned into what the necro is (condi fire YUK), so for me it is a win/win with just having to switch out trinkets in order to get the build the way I like it. Needless to say I gave up on alts as they would cost me a years time in laurels just to equip them for a few builds.
With Ascended gear, this is becoming a real problem and will seriously hurt the longevity of the game.
The only other reason I use this armor is due to the fact that I like to try new builds. Not like we have much of a choice the way we keep being re-assigned into what the necro is (condi fire YUK), so for me it is a win/win with just having to switch out trinkets in order to get the build the way I like it. Needless to say I gave up on alts as they would cost me a years time in laurels just to equip them for a few builds.
With Ascended gear, this is becoming a real problem and will seriously hurt the longevity of the game.
Sadly I have to agree with this. It takes so long to grind for the ascended gear that I know I’ll only able to gear up for one character. This deprived a lot of fun for me, as I enjoy leveling and gearing up alts. However, since I know that these alts will never get to their full potential, I have been spending less time, and generally less enjoyment out of them.
While I think it’s good to make ascended gears available, they really shouldn’t take that much grinding to obtain.