Zommoros & Soulbound on Acquire

Zommoros & Soulbound on Acquire

in Crafting

Posted by: Doctor Orderly MD PhD DDS.7625

Doctor Orderly MD PhD DDS.7625

This is a pretty straightforward complaint.

Apparently when using the mystic forge you can get items that are soulbound on acquire. That’s probably because they look like a typical karma reward (with the additional text under the stats), and karma rewards are generally soulbound. But….
it’s pretty dumb to get this kind of items through the forge. My warrior got a soulbound on acquire light armor piece and the only thing I can do with it is destroy it >.>
So this is a suggestion too I guess: remuuuuve that thaing.

Zommoros & Soulbound on Acquire

in Crafting

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


They are not much different other possible “crappy result” from the forge. You can throw them back into the forge.