annoyance: orichalcum ore vs ancient logs
Yeah so what. Orichalcum costs ~ 3 silver 50 copper while ancient wood logs cost ~ 65 copper.
Live life to express, not to impress.
Don’t strive to make your presence noticed, just make your absence felt. ~ unknown
Not everyone turns to the Trading Post for the materials they need. For those of us who farm our mats, the discrepancy in nodes adds up.
I would imagine the main reason for it is that Orichalcum is used for more things, and thus needs to be (slightly) more common. Wood only gets used for certain weapons and potions, where metals get used for most weapons, heavy armor, and all jewelry.
(edited by Electro.4173)
Not everyone turns to the Trading Post for the materials they need. For those of us who farm our mats, the discrepancy in nodes adds up.
While you’re farming the wood, farm the orichalcum, sell it and buy more wood.
Where’s the problem?
While you’re farming the wood, farm the orichalcum, sell it and buy more wood.
Where’s the problem?
I need a Gift of Metal in addition to a Gift of Wood. That’s the problem. Well, that and the hundreds and hundreds of each T6 mat I still need…
As Electro said, the reason is because there are far more things requiring Orichalcum than there are requiring Ancient Wood. The former is used for Weaponsmithing, Armorsmithing, Huntsman and Jeweler. The latter is used for Weaponsmithing, Huntsman and Artificer, and of the three, only Artificer uses it in any great amount.
As Electro said, the reason is because there are far more things requiring Orichalcum than there are requiring Ancient Wood. The former is used for Weaponsmithing, Armorsmithing, Huntsman and Jeweler. The latter is used for Weaponsmithing, Huntsman and Artificer, and of the three, only Artificer uses it in any great amount.
Heh … maybe they can add some recipes with extra “fiber”. Bowl of soup + ancient plank … mmm does that sound delicious?
I actually have a stack of ancient planks sitting around in storage that I don’t really know what to do with. They don’t seem to be worth selling.